
Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

author:Happiness follows the wind

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After the Spring Festival, Zhao Jiaban's popularity on the Internet continued unabated. On the one hand, this is thanks to the hit of the longevity drama "Country Love 14", which complements the celebratory atmosphere during the Spring Festival and sketches a festive picture in laughter. However, on the other hand, the focus of Zhao's class also began to turn to a figure who attracted much attention, that is, Zhao Daniu, the son of Zhao Benshan's teacher. He began to practice his father's classic sketches hard, and every eye contact and gesture revealed his father's unique style.

Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

Teacher Zhao Benshan has gradually faded out of the public eye in recent years, and has rarely participated in public activities except for occasional guest appearances in film and television dramas under the media. This long retirement seems to have made him unable to manage the media of Benshan, especially the door rules he once established that forbade apprentices to divorce, but now he has seen many apprentices' marriages break down.

One of the recent high-profile incidents has been that Zhao Benshan's apprentice, Sun Jiaojiao, came forward to expose Zhao Benshan's misconduct towards her husband in business dealings. It is puzzling that so far Zhao Benshan and Benshan Media have not made any response, which is in stark contrast to his past public image, which seems to indicate that time has passed, and Zhao Benshan is no longer the former Zhao Benshan.

Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

It is worth noting that among the many people who left Benshan Media, few openly opposed Zhao Benshan, and Jiao Jiao became the first of them. She worked in Benshan Media for 14 years, during which she participated in variety shows, Liaotv Spring Festival Gala, and even appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and her reputation grew day by day. Jiaojiao's revelation has aroused widespread attention, and it is still uncertain what unknown things she will reveal.

For this incident, people generally have expectations for Zhao Benshan, and whether Jiaojiao's remarks are true or not, he should respond or fight back. However, it is incomprehensible that Benshan Media is silent about this.

Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

At the same time, in the hit "Country Love 14", there is an unexpected coincidence. The role of Zhao Si was suddenly arranged to study abroad, which aroused the audience's doubts. Is there a relationship between Zhao Si and Jiaojiao? The answer is yes. However, Jiao Jiao is not Zhao Benshan's apprentice, and there have been rumors that she is Xie Guangkun's apprentice, but this is not accurate. In fact, Zhang Yujiao is the apprentice of "Zhao Si" Liu Xiaoguang. In this case, Jiaojiao's "betrayal" made Zhao Si inevitably accused of being a "believer without a way".

Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

Over the years, Zhao Benshan's way of punishing apprentices was well known. In the early years, Wang Xiaobao, the actor of "Changgui" in "Country Love", caused public controversy for beating a taxi driver, and soon after, Changgui in the play was arranged to die. Although Wang Xiaobao later returned as the role of "Huang Shiyou", his status in the play is no longer the same, and he almost became a supporting role in Part 14.

Similarly, in "Country Love 13", Pi Changshan's actor Meng Lingyu was accused by his ex-wife Shang Yuanyuan, and was also arranged to study abroad. After the matter was resolved, he returned smoothly in "Country Love 14". However, this time Zhao Si was sent out again, which aroused the doubts of the audience. It is worth mentioning that Zhao Si was exposed to have an improper relationship with female fans in 2017, and she was also sent to the south to study in "Country Love 8" that year. However, this trip five years later, which happened to coincide with the incident in which Jiao Jiao exposed Zhao Benshan, is indeed a coincidence and difficult to explain.

Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

In general, the dynamics of the Zhao family class have always attracted much attention from society. From Zhao Benshan's retreat to Jiaojiao's revelations, to the transfer of characters in "Country Love 14", this series of events seems to tell a story, suggesting changes and changes within Benshan Media. In the future, people are looking forward to seeing more truths emerge and how Zhao Benshan and Benshan Media will respond to this challenge. Anyway, all this makes the Zhao family

The future of Ben is full of uncertainty and uncertainty.

Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

Perhaps, the occurrence of this series of events is a sign that Benshan Media is in urgent need of reform and adjustment. Although Mr. Zhao Benshan used to be the soul of the company, time has changed and the ability of the management team is facing a test. His rules, once a family style of management, may no longer seem to be adapted to the times, so the coquettish bravery may be part of the internal reform.

The former glory of the entertainment giants represented by Zhao Benshan has gradually faded, and whether he can adapt to the new pattern of the entertainment industry will be a focus of attention. After all, the emerging new generation of actors and entertainment companies is constantly impacting the traditional entertainment landscape, which means that Zhao Jiaban must find new directions to maintain its competitiveness in the industry.

Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

At the same time, the audience also became interested in the plot mobilization in "Country Love 14". The whereabouts of Zhao Si's role are doubtful, whether it will bring a new climax to the plot, or there is another hidden plot, which has aroused the curiosity of the audience. This may be intentional by the producers to attract more attention and discussion and push the plot to a climax.

To sum up, the story of Zhao Jiaban continues, and the future development is full of unknowns. Teacher Zhao Benshan, Benshan Media, Jiaojiao and the plot trend of "Country Love 14" will all become the focus of public opinion. The ever-changing situation in the entertainment industry constantly challenges tradition, and only by constantly adapting and innovating can we maintain our advantage in the fierce competition. Perhaps, it is in this competition that Zhao Jiaban can find new opportunities and continue to lead the entertainment industry.

Jiao Jiao broke the news that Zhao Benshan was fermented, and her master "Zhao Si" was arranged to study abroad

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