
Liu Yunlong's team signed the film and television adaptation rights of writer Yu Zhiyan's novel "Superposition of Life and Death"

author:Shang Mi Jun

Following "Dark Calculation" and "Kite", Liu Yunlong's team is about to create and shoot "Life and Death Superposition" to complete the creation of its trilogy of espionage dramas. A few days ago, Liu Yunlong's team signed a contract for the licensing of the film and television adaptation rights of writer Yu Zhiyan's long-form password warfare novel "Life and Death Superposition". The novel "Superposition of Life and Death" was first published by People's Literature magazine and published by Writers Publishing House. In the first half of the year, shortly after the publication of the novel's one-shot edition, Liu Yunlong, a famous director and actor who is a classic producer of spy dramas, invited writer Yu Zhiyan to discuss the film and television adaptation of the novel "Life and Death Superposition". The novel's good literary quality, strong secret war feelings, complicated narrative style and strange character shaping have been highly recognized by Liu Yunlong's team.

Liu Yunlong's team signed the film and television adaptation rights of writer Yu Zhiyan's novel "Superposition of Life and Death"

Over the years, Liu Yunlong's team has been committed to the production of film and television dramas on the theme of revolutionary spy wars, and has successively created phenomenal classic spy dramas "Dark Calculations" and "Kites", set a precedent for creating Chinese spy war dramas, pushed spy wars into the ranks of common themes of popular dramas in one fell swoop, and continuously supported the highlight moments of domestic spy war dramas; Liu Yunlong is even more exquisite and profound artistic literacy, integrating director and starring in one, creating a landmark peak work, known as "the godfather of Chinese spy war dramas". "Kite" is also considered by the industry to be an insurmountable spy drama god-sealing work, and even Liu Yunlong himself is difficult to surpass again. In fact, in the years after "Kite", Liu Yunlong's team has been painstakingly seeking a good novel book in order to surpass themselves and create brilliance again. The appearance of Yu Zhiyan's code warfare novel "Superposition of Life and Death" made Liu Yunlong's team shine, and they saw the novel's extraordinary story characteristics, strong faith power and profound humanistic feelings. They should take this as a blueprint, follow up with "Dark Calculation" and "Kite", and then climb to a new height of spy war dramas, so as to complete the "trilogy" of their spy war dramas, and dedicate a higher quality and better password spy war drama to the vast audience who love them deeply.

Liu Yunlong's team signed the film and television adaptation rights of writer Yu Zhiyan's novel "Superposition of Life and Death"

The novel "Superposition of Life and Death" is a strange masterpiece that uses the heart of a soldier, riding on the literary imagination, and using the artistic creation techniques of Gao Miaozheng to warn the century-old spies, narrate the secret intention of the hundred years, call for the mission of the hundred years, and reflect the hundred years of resistance. The novel tells the story of a pair of coders and codebreakers in the war years, around a high-level traditional military code that implies the secrets of life, territorial secrets, and labyrinth secrets of several generations, and unfolds the story of cracking and anti-cracking, secret seduction and anti-secret seduction in decades of intellectual confrontation and war confrontation; it three-dimensionally shows the three different fate endings of the same pair of cryptographers, interprets a special relationship between enemy and self and entangled life that is both opposing and coexisting; shapes the invisible front, A number of rare and unique unsung heroes, sincere warriors and hostile characters on the crypto battlefield have given coders and decipherers a strange literary image from a new perspective, especially the professional behavior, mission characteristics and literary description of codebreaking have reached a deep integration, and at the same time, the belief of heroic predecessors in the background of World War I and World War II to fight against foreign invasion and protect their homeland has formed a mutual mapping and historical comparison with the spirit of struggle in the mentality of modern people in the century-old espionage mentality, adding a rich allegorical significance and awakening warning effect to the work. Added a new page to Chinese war literature.

The novel "Superposition of Life and Death" has the following characteristics: First, the background of the novel story is far-reaching. The story runs through historical periods and historical events such as World War I, World War II, Qingdao-German War, War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Central Plains Breakthrough Battle, Huaihai Campaign, and Peacetime Anti-Special Forces.

Second, the stage on which the story takes place is vast. The eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the giant sea carp has skillfully dug up a mountain and sea labyrinth project to resist foreign aggression, the topographical model of the nine pearl blue coral reef hidden by the family for a hundred years and its detailed secret book, the Peng family's ancestors secretly built the world's rare Jinling labyrinth complex, several gifted cryptographers and compiled and broken but constantly reproduced and spawned a military code, this series of great worlds, providing a fertile ground and stage for the three generations of protagonists to interpret strange lives. It gave birth to the flourishing drama and miscellaneous life of the War and Peace Period in Taiwan, and naturally gave birth to the novel "The Book of Ran" by the descendants of German descent, the novel "Schrödinger's Cat" by Zhen Xiaomin of the Secret Bureau, and the novel "Superposition of Life and Death" by Yu Zhiyan, which was divided into two corners.

Third, the theme of the story is grand and permanent. The detailed narration of the legend of the "War of the Horseshoe", the fictitious writing of the "Tale of Peace and Strategy", the dreamlike "unicorn" wish for peace, and the Sino-German War, World War I, World War II, and the Japanese invasion of China on Jiuzhu Island have all revealed the irremediable nature of the wounds of the war, the extreme anti-human nature of the war of aggression, and the latent nature of the poison left over the years of the war of aggression. Under this theme, the novel makes multiple lives entangled with each other, mixed with war, death, despair, rebirth, mission, and responsibility, constructing a parallel world context that repeats itself. The birth and demise of strange codes, mysterious spiritual numbers, and family secrets have mixed together the disorderly fate and heterogeneous life of the past hundred years, and issued a cry of blood to the happy world. About family love and the pursuit of faith; about espionage and war crimes; about saving lives and protecting homes; about the code of eternal life and the duel of immortality; about the exploration of human nature in the superposition of life and death. Both what is seen and what is not seen are suspicious: is it fact, or is it fiction? Is it authenticity, or imagination? The lonely story of deconstructing war, deciphering codes, telling heroes, and calling for peace is born at the intersection of history, reality, memory and dreams, playing a song of life where the soul does not die, the battle does not stop, the bow travels are cut down, and the life that guards the land is responsible.

Fourth, the novel creation technique is canonical and exquisite. Some critics have said that the complexity of the structure of the novel "Superposition of Life and Death", the strangeness of the narrative technique, the subtlety of the language style, and the complexity of the text level are extremely rare in modern Chinese novels. The novel uses nested methods to design three books, such as "The Book of The Book", "Superposition of Life and Death", and "Schrödinger's Cat", which structures at least four complementary but conflicting text levels, which are almost no longer like a "book", but like a three-dimensional labyrinth with multiple temporal and spatial dimensions at the same time. The core image of the novel is several codes that cannot be presented in words and plots, such as secrets, secrets, and embarrassments, and the enmity, life and death, political position contradictions, and differences in life beliefs that appear around these codes are the real backbone of the novel. The true face of the novel's trunk is scattered in four levels of text, corresponding to a large number of "interference items". If the spy war novel is inherently tense and exciting, and deciphering codes, fighting wits and courage, and camouflage lurking are fascinating, then this "Superposition of Life and Death" applies the writing method of military secret warfare novels to the extreme. With the different perspectives of different people, we constantly deduce a complete story. Whenever the reader thinks he understands the whole picture of a story, but finds that everything is not the final ending, but falls into a trap, a cave of a new story is waiting for you to climb into. It is often a password cracking, not the end of the event, on the contrary, it is just a beginning, and the intricate relationships that come with it will last for decades. The process of reading is also the process of decryption, and it is very enjoyable to have twists and turns.

Fifth, the material of the novel theme is rare. Over the past few decades, there have been countless works on war literature and espionage literature, and through the hands of several generations of writers, they have been turned over and fried in the past, and it is difficult to have new breakthroughs in the subject matter materials. And this "Superposition of Life and Death" is written about the cryptographic war in the Chinese revolutionary war, which is the only virgin land in war literature and espionage literature that has not yet been reclaimed. "Superposition of Life and Death" extends the literary tentacles into this mysterious and unfamiliar field, and has the significance of making up for the gap in war literature and espionage literature in terms of themes. In particular, the novelist's research on this subject area is unfathomable. The author has studied the history of this mysterious team hidden behind the war for decades. At the same time, the author has also studied the history of the party and the military in the military academy system, and can accurately grasp the status and role of each cryptographic war in the process of revolutionary war. The author has also studied literature in his spare time for more than 30 years, studied a large number of Chinese and foreign masterpieces, and published more than three million words of military novels. Therefore, he has possessed the three necessary conditions for writing works of this kind of subject matter: mastering the basic techniques of traditional cryptography, detailed combat examples, and the history of cryptographic warfare for decades; systematically understanding the history of the party and the military and the history of revolutionary warfare; and having profound literary experience and profound literary creation skills.

About the Author

Yu Zhiyan, a native of Gucheng, Hebei, is a member of the Chinese Writers Association. He graduated from the Radio Department of the PLA Engineering and Technology College and the Department of Military Political Work of Nanjing University of Political Science, and graduated from the National Defense University of China with a master's degree in military political work. He has published novels such as "Shadow Warrior", "Deciphering the Golden Mandarin Duck", "A Woman's War", "The Ballad of Wangshui", "War Gallery", "Codebreaker", "Superposition of Life and Death", etc., and some works have been put on the screen. The novel "Codebreaker", published by the People's Literature Publishing House, has won the "Chinese Edition Good Book" in the 5th issue of the Chinese Edition Good Book List in 2018, the "China Good Book" in July 2018 by the China Book Critics Association, and the "Good Book of Literature" in July 2018 by the China Publishing Association; it was shortlisted for the 2018 "China Good Book" by the Central Propaganda Department, CCTV and the China Book Critics Association. The English version of the novel was translated and published by Charles Publishing Company Limited. The novel radio series has been broadcast by Beijing People's Radio. The film and television drama adapted from the novel is being jointly produced by the Jindun Film and Television Center of the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission, the Film and Television Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Dasheng International Media Co., Ltd., and China Film Co., Ltd. The novel "Superposition of Life and Death", first published by People's Literature magazine and published by Writers Publishing House in February 2021.

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