
Following "Dark Calculation" and "Kite", Liu Yunlong wants to shoot "Life and Death Superposition"

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Following "Dark Calculation" and "Kite", Liu Yunlong's team is about to create and shoot "Life and Death Superposition" to complete the creation of its trilogy of espionage dramas.

A few days ago, Liu Yunlong's team signed a contract for the licensing of the film and television adaptation rights of writer Yu Zhiyan's long-form password warfare novel "Life and Death Superposition". The novel "Superposition of Life and Death" was first published by People's Literature magazine and published by Writers Publishing House. As soon as the novel came out, it attracted the attention of readers and the literary community, and was called a "strange book". Some commentators have commented that it is "a three-dimensional maze with a sense of time and a sense of space at the same time".

In the first half of the year, shortly after the publication of the novel's one-shot edition, Liu Yunlong, a classic producer, famous director and actor of the spy drama, invited the writer Yu Zhiyan to discuss the film and television adaptation of the novel "Life and Death Superposition". The novel's good literary quality, strong secret war feelings, complicated narrative style and strange character shaping have been highly recognized by Liu Yunlong's team.

Over the years, Liu Yunlong's team has been committed to the production of film and television dramas with revolutionary spy war themes, and has successively created phenomenal classic spy war dramas "Dark Calculation" and "Kite". In the years after "Kite", Liu Yunlong's team has been struggling to find a good novel. This time, they will use Yu Zhiyan's code warfare novel "Life and Death Superposition" as the model to complete the trilogy of the peak of their spy drama.

"Superposition of Life and Death" tells the story of a pair of coders and codebreakers in the war years, focusing on a high-level traditional military code that implies the secrets of life, territorial secrets, and labyrinth secrets of several generations, and in decades of intellectual duels and war confrontations, the story of cracking and anti-cracking, secret seduction and anti-secret seduction is unfolded; it three-dimensionally shows the three different fate endings of the same pair of cryptographers, interpreting a special relationship between enemy and self and entangled life that is both opposed and coexisting.

Yu Zhiyan, the author of "Superposition of Life and Death", a native of The Ancient City of Hebei Province, engaged in literary creation in 1988 and a member of the Chinese Writers Association. Previously, he has published novels such as "Sword Walking Sideways", "Shadow Warrior", "The Ballad of Wangshui", "Deciphering the Golden Mandarin Duck", "A Woman's War", "War Gallery", etc., and some works have been put on the screen. (Reporter Zhang Enjie)

Source: Beijing Youth Daily

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