
The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

author:Caixia 8o2S

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Throughout human history, male rulers have been dominant, and female leaders have been relatively rare. In feudal China, this is especially true when only Wu Zetian, a woman, ascended the throne of emperor, making her a unique historical memory.

However, there are also some outstanding women in history whose intelligence surpassed many men and eventually gained the right to rule the country, leaving immortal memories.

In the history of ancient Egypt, there was a high-profile female ruler who was known as "Cleopatra" by later generations, and her name was Cleopatra. However, this title does not fully summarize her life, and her life is full of mysteries that make people puzzled.

The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

One, two-sided image

In 58 BC, an ancient Egyptian king passed the throne to his eldest daughter and son on his deathbed, asking them to rule together. This eldest daughter was none other than Cleopatra. Why didn't the king pass the throne directly to his son, but chose his daughter?

The reason is that Cleopatra showed great political talent from an early age. Although she has outstanding appearance, she is by no means the kind of woman who lives by beauty. She aspires to ascend to the throne of ruler and take power of the country herself.

The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

After becoming a female pharaoh, she confronted the mighty Roman Empire and skillfully maintained peace in ancient Egypt for decades. These achievements also made her known as the "patron saint of Egypt" and enjoyed a high reputation.

In Rome's eyes, however, her image was very different. The Romans considered her to be a bohemian and a "red face" who seduced men. This also explains why the Roman Empire failed to conquer Egypt on several occasions, as Cleopatra cleverly exploited her charms.

The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

She seduced Julius Caesar, the supreme ruler of Rome, and is even said to have influenced the Roman military scientist Antony. These rumors gave people a negative impression of her, and the Romans called her "the flower snake on the banks of the Nile".

2. "Cleopatra"

These gossip earned her the nickname "Cleopatra." Until she was thirty-eight years old, after Anthony's suicide, her "charming" image seemed to be deeply imprinted in people's hearts. Writers and artists have used her image as a subject, such as Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

However, according to Egyptian historical records, Cleopatra was a wise female ruler who made outstanding contributions to Egypt. Two very different accounts have led to controversy over her historical image.

It wasn't until archaeologists stumbled upon a female statue during an expedition in Egypt that the mystery began to be solved. Upon in-depth research, they determined that it was a statue of Cleopatra, the "Cleopatra."

Shockingly, Cleopatra on the statue does not seem to match the name of "Queen of Beauty". Her appearance is not outstanding, it can even be said to be ordinary, on the statue she has a wide face, a flat nose, which does not meet traditional aesthetic standards, and her figure is only about one meter and five meters.

The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

3. Solve the mystery

Why is an ordinary-looking, tall woman called "Cleopatra"? How did Cleopatra attract so many great men? The mystery has piqued the curiosity of archaeologists.

Studies have shown that Cleopatra attracted many excellent men with her intelligence and talent. She received a high-quality education from a young age, was proficient in five Chinese languages, loved reading, had high literary accomplishment, and had quick thinking. This gave her a better chance at the debate table and even convinced Julius Caesar. This intelligence was extremely rare among the women of the time, attracting people such as Julius Caesar and Antony.

The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

IV. Conclusion

A "vase" with only appearance can only be regarded as a tool of entertainment for the rulers, and only superior intelligence can win their respect and equal treatment. Cleopatra's story teaches us that talent trumps all appearances. Her intelligence and critical thinking skills have made her the object of love for all outstanding men.

Imagine that rulers are always surrounded by beautiful women, but they long for partners who can communicate with them on the same level of thought, and Cleopatra fills this gap.

The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

However, there is an old saying that goes: "You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep." The Romans believed that Cleopatra was trading peace through immoral means such as "seduction of beauty," and they failed to recognize her brilliant intelligence.

History, though belated, is never absent. The rumors of Cleopatra's "enchantment" have finally been clarified, however, her name as "Cleopatra" has become deeply ingrained and difficult to change.

In short, Cleopatra's story shows us how a woman rose to prominence in a male-dominated political world with her wisdom and talent. Her life was full of mysteries, but in the end, her wisdom earned her a place of preeminence in history. The story also reminds us not to value a person only at face value, that true value is often hidden in inner talents and qualities.

The discovery of the Cleopatra statue confirmed that she conquered the world by talent rather than beauty

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