
The "dirtiest person in the world" died after bathing, eating only rotten food and having a strong immune system

author:Sirloin grapefruit Jay

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According to the content of the provided article, we can delve into the life of Uncle Haji, Iran's "dirtiest man in the world", as well as his unusual hygiene habits. At the same time, we can combine our own views and analysis to discuss this event more.

The original text mentions that Uncle Haji was forced by villagers to take a bath only recently, which caused him to fall ill and die. The incident sparked a discussion of his long-standing hygiene habits of not bathing and eating rotten food. However, we can further consider the health effects of his lifestyle, as well as the doctor's conclusion that the reason why his immune system is exceptionally strong may be related to living in harsh conditions for a long time.

The "dirtiest person in the world" died after bathing, eating only rotten food and having a strong immune system

When analyzing this event, we can adjust the structure and grammar of the article to highlight these points and add some of our own opinions and information to enrich the content of the article. At the same time, we can rearrange paragraphs, improve paragraph structure logic, and make the article more coherent.

Here is the rewritten article:

Uncle Haji, a legendary figure in Iran, is known worldwide for his unique hygiene practices. According to Iranian state media citing Fox News, Haji died on October 23 at the age of 94. He has been called "the dirtiest man in the world" for 67 years without bathing and a preference for rotten food.

The "dirtiest person in the world" died after bathing, eating only rotten food and having a strong immune system

Haji's hygiene habits reportedly attracted great attention among the villagers, eventually leading to his fate of bathing. Months ago, the villagers first succeeded in convincing him to go to the bath, but unfortunately, shortly after, he fell ill and eventually died on Sunday. The incident sparked widespread discussion, with people beginning to think about the health effects of not bathing and eating rotten food for a long time.

Haji has been worried for the past 60 years that bathing will make him sick, so he never uses soap and water. He has been informally dubbed "the dirtiest man in the world" and his life was chronicled in detail in a 2013 documentary. In addition to his resistance to bathing, he also dislikes fresh food and water, preferring rotten foods such as porcupines and animals killed by cars. His drinking water usually came from a nearby puddle, using a cup or even a rusty oil can. He lived in an open brick house, and he preferred to smoke animal waste from an old pipe instead of tobacco.

The "dirtiest person in the world" died after bathing, eating only rotten food and having a strong immune system

However, although Haji's hygiene habits are different from ordinary people, he remains quite healthy. Earlier this year, a team of doctors at Tehran's School of Public Health performed a series of tests on him, and the results showed that he had no bacterial or parasitic infections other than trichinosis. Paradoxically, despite his long absences and stale food, he did not show any symptoms.

The doctors concluded that Haji's ability to stay healthy may be related to the poor conditions he lived in for a long time. This lifestyle has made his immune system exceptionally strong and able to fight off various diseases. The discovery has led to thinking about the complex relationship between lifestyle and the immune system.

In summary, Uncle Haji's unique lifestyle and hygiene habits have sparked widespread interest and research. Although he has been called "the dirtiest man in the world", his health is surprising, which has prompted reflections on the relationship between health and the living environment. This story reminds us that the strength of the immune system may be related to living conditions, and that we still need to delve into this complex topic to better understand the mysteries of the human body.

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