
Tang Zhenye returned to Hong Kong with his wife and daughter to visit relatives, and had a party with his ex-wife and daughter, and the two sets of twin children were rarely in the same frame

author:The latest breaking news JKK

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Tang Zhenye took his wife and daughter back to Hong Kong to visit relatives and held a party with his ex-wife and daughter. Two sets of twins are rarely in the same frame. In fact, Tang Zhenye and his two wives, a confidante, have a total of 6 children, which is actually too much for artists. Although the children were born to different women than him, Tang Zhenye did not let the other party go, and he covered the entire living expenses of all the children. He once revealed that his annual expenses are as high as 5 million, so he will continue to wander in the entertainment industry for many years. Work hard in the circle. Of course, the most difficult time has passed, and now the burden on him should be much lighter. At least the three children born to his ex-wife have their own careers, and he has fewer worries.

Tang Zhenye returned to Hong Kong with his wife and daughter to visit relatives, and had a party with his ex-wife and daughter, and the two sets of twin children were rarely in the same frame

The daughter of Tang Zhenye and his first wife Jiang Kun, twin sons live in Hong Kong, and Tang Zhenye lives in mainland China with his current wife and twin daughters. Due to the epidemic, Tong Zhenye has not had the opportunity to return to Hong Kong to meet his three children in the past three years. Only now that pandemic restrictions have been relaxed, he has returned to Hong Kong during the summer vacation. Tong Zhenye's trip back to Hong Kong is quite low-key, accompanied by his wife Zou Wenjing and two daughters, which means that the family will return to Hong Kong to visit relatives during the summer vacation. Tang Zhenye did not post photos of returning to Hong Kong to visit relatives, but his son Tang Junci quietly posted photos of reuniting with his father's family on social platforms.

Tang Zhenye returned to Hong Kong with his wife and daughter to visit relatives, and had a party with his ex-wife and daughter, and the two sets of twin children were rarely in the same frame

As can be seen from the photos posted by Tang Junci, the family is happy. In the group photo, Tang Zhenye stands in the middle, with his daughter Tang Aijia on the left, his wife Zou Wenjing on the right, and twin sons on the other. Walking at the front of the crowd is Tang Zhenye's twin daughters. Perhaps his twin daughters are almost impossible to recognize. Counting up, the two little girls are 15 years old and look like they have grown into big girls. In the group photo, the two compared scissor hands, very cute, one of the daughters leaned on Tang Aijia, Tang Aijia's hand was still on his half-sister. In short, this photo is not only full of happiness, but also has many highlights. I have to envy Tang Zhenye's luck. He had two sets of twin children in his life, and the children born to his two wives also had a very good relationship with each other.

Tang Zhenye returned to Hong Kong with his wife and daughter to visit relatives, and had a party with his ex-wife and daughter, and the two sets of twin children were rarely in the same frame

Judging from this group photo, the child born to Tang Zhenye and his first wife is a good match for his current family. There is no embarrassment or estrangement between them, which shows that they do not have a mutual relationship in their daily lives. Not much, but frequent. Although they are half-siblings, after Tang Zhenye divorced Jiang Kun, Jiang Kun's three children lived and grew up in Hong Kong with their mother, but this did not affect the three children's love for their father's new family and new members. This is quite rare, which proves that Tang Zhenye's image as a father is very good.

Tang Zhenye returned to Hong Kong with his wife and daughter to visit relatives, and had a party with his ex-wife and daughter, and the two sets of twin children were rarely in the same frame

Objectively speaking, regardless of the outside world's opinion of Tang Zhenye, he treats his family and children equally. Tang Zhenye and his first wife Jiang Kun finalized their divorce in 2001. After the divorce, he still took care of his ex-wife and three children meticulously, gave them the best life, and bore all expenses, including letting Jiang Kun live in a mansion and live a carefree life, and also sent his three children to study abroad, so Jiang Kun had no complaints about Tang Zhenye, but praised Tang Zhenye. A very responsible and good father, even if the two are separated, it will not affect the child's impression of the father. Mr. Tang remarried in 2008 to Warren Woman, 26 years younger than his Chinese mainland wife. This did not affect the relationship with his ex-wife's three children. Instead, the ex-wife's three children accepted their father's new family. His twin sons and twin daughters have appeared together on variety shows, and the brother-sister relationship has long been established.

Tang Zhenye returned to Hong Kong with his wife and daughter to visit relatives, and had a party with his ex-wife and daughter, and the two sets of twin children were rarely in the same frame

Tang Junlong

Looking back, let's talk about this group photo posted by Tang Junci. Although he is happy, he is still not perfect. The reason for the imperfection is the disappearance of Tang Zhenye's other son, Tang Junlong. Tang Zhenye has a total of three sons, twin sons are born to his ex-wife Jiang Kun, and the other son is born to Guangzhou Hongyan confidant Tang Junlong. Tang Junlong is the one with the lowest sense of existence among Tang Zhenye's six children. This is most likely related to the fact that his mother is not Tang Zhenye's legal wife. In terms of age, Tang Junlong is now 23 years old. Under normal circumstances, he should have graduated from college, but because of his identity, he has never shown his face in public, let alone taken a group photo, and Tang Zhenye has never released a photo with this son.

Tang Zhenye returned to Hong Kong with his wife and daughter to visit relatives, and had a party with his ex-wife and daughter, and the two sets of twin children were rarely in the same frame

Tang Zhenye is full of guilt for Tang Junlong, because he can't give the most father's love and can't give the most companionship, and the time between father and son is pitiful. And Tang Junlong has not yet been seen by his half-siblings - Tang Zhenye's twin sons may be able to accept the sister born of their father's remarriage, but they will never be able to accept this half-brother and the emotional estrangement between the brothers. What Tang Zhenye can do is cherish every time we get along and make up for it with material things. Other than that, there seems to be no other way.

PS: All pictures are from the web

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