
Zhang Yingying broke the news again, and the muzzle of the cannon pointed directly at the mother and son of the Wang family, and Zhang Lan's biggest "crisis" appeared

author:Kiki Entertainment

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Hot observations in the entertainment industry in 2023

Originally, people thought that this entertainment series was coming to an end, because everything seemed to have been resolved. Wang Xiaofei has completely abandoned his concern for his ex-wife and vented his emotions emotionally in the live broadcast, and he has found a new partner, shopping and showing affection together, obviously already in the pace of welcoming a new life. In stark contrast to Big S, she fell into a decadent situation. Even when she dresses carefully with friends, excessive dermabrasion and filtering cannot hide the exhaustion and disappointment on her face.

Zhang Yingying broke the news again, and the muzzle of the cannon pointed directly at the mother and son of the Wang family, and Zhang Lan's biggest "crisis" appeared

Then, Wang Xiaofei mercilessly broke the news that she was taking drugs, and even if Da S's mother explained in every way, there were still few people who trusted her. Coupled with Zhang Lan, her combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated, and the entire battle situation seems to have been in full view. But no one expected that in the middle of this entertainment drama, a dramatic turn occurred.

This turning point can almost be said to be extremely dangerous for the Wang family mother and son. Neither netizens nor Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan herself expected that in this big drama, Zhang Yingying, who had just appeared, would become the biggest focus.

Zhang Yingying broke the news again, and the muzzle of the cannon pointed directly at the mother and son of the Wang family, and Zhang Lan's biggest "crisis" appeared

When people's attention was still focused on Wang Xiaofei and Da S completely turning against each other, Zhang Yingying's revelation suddenly shocked the scene, aiming at Zhang Lan, catching everyone off guard. Zhang Yingying's bombardment mainly focused on the following three points:

She claimed that she had never said that Zhang Lan was not, and even understood her difficulty, but Zhang Lan was aggressive towards her and repeatedly made insult remarks.

Zhang Lan does not really love her son, but to win attention, she now caters to the public every day.

Zhang Yingying broke the news again, and the muzzle of the cannon pointed directly at the mother and son of the Wang family, and Zhang Lan's biggest "crisis" appeared

Zhang Lan's words and deeds are inconsistent, and she is judged in public, but she is called a baby in private, and these words are recorded.

Although Zhang Yingying's relationship with Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei was tense before, this time directly criticizing Zhang Lan by name is still surprising. This revelation attracted a lot of attention, making the whole incident even more confusing.

In addition to these revelations, Zhang Yingying also revealed more insider stories in the comment area and chat records with friends, and surprisingly found that the life of Big S was not as good as people imagined, and Wang Xiaofei was not completely innocent.

Zhang Yingying broke the news again, and the muzzle of the cannon pointed directly at the mother and son of the Wang family, and Zhang Lan's biggest "crisis" appeared

According to Zhang Yingying's revelation, she has long been unwilling to continue to be with Wang Xiaofei, and even proposed to break up many times, but Wang Xiaofei refused to admit it, and her emotions were out of control to a frightening extent. One of the most shocking was when Wang Xiaofei came knocking on her door in the middle of the night. In addition to these details of getting along, Zhang Yingying also made public the chat records with Wang Xiaofei, which are really jaw-dropping.

It can be said that Zhang Yingying initially stood behind the scenes, but suddenly became the protagonist on the stage. Although she has been wronged before, Wang Xiaofei refuses to disclose her relationship, Zhang Lan is constantly insulting, and the big S family is constantly attacking her, but now her actions have confused many people and caused many questions. Some people believe that her previous leaked private recordings with Wang Xiaofei are likely to be the work of insiders. It has also been noted that she has some kind of connection with the Big S family, as they are found to have mutual friends. Despite the various opinions, the only thing that is certain is that Zhang Lan has made great efforts to maintain her image, but now she may pay a heavy price for this matter.

Zhang Yingying broke the news again, and the muzzle of the cannon pointed directly at the mother and son of the Wang family, and Zhang Lan's biggest "crisis" appeared

The most decisive thing was that this artillery fire was obviously aimed at Zhang Lan. Although she had previously spoken ill of Zhang Yingying in public, if she was countered by this "little bug", then all her previous efforts could become a laughing stock. This may be a relief for the big S family, but no one knows if Zhan Lan will be able to stick to it this time. Finally, let's wait and see, the entertainment industry is changing, and there is never a lack of dramatic stories.

Zhang Yingying broke the news again, and the muzzle of the cannon pointed directly at the mother and son of the Wang family, and Zhang Lan's biggest "crisis" appeared

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