
The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

author:Eight little goblins

The pharmaceutical world has recently undergone tremendous changes

With the intensification of anti-corruption efforts, many corruption problems have been thoroughly exposed

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

Some take bribes and even own as many as 100 properties

Some people give birth to children out of wedlock, set up companies to engage in hospital projects and illegally seek hundreds of millions of benefits

Still others engage in direct sex trafficking

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!
The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

Medical representatives and sexual bribery have become almost a matter of close contact

According to industry insiders, many medical representatives have interests with senior leaders such as department directors and deans

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

In the early years, there was a drama "Gentle Lies" in the mainland, which told such a sexual bribery scandal

In the play, Enron, played by Sun Ya, became a medical representative because he was jealous of the luxurious life of his classmates

However, when she delved into the industry, she discovered that there were many shady rules hidden in this field

These rules are not unique to the continent

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!
The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

Recently, a new Netflix drama exposed a scandal in the pharmaceutical industry

It includes money, sex and fraud, and it's very bad

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!
The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

However, if we continue to explore all this, perhaps we can find other answers - OxyContin, a common painkiller in the United States

However, this little pill became the most notorious killer

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!
The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

According to preliminary statistics, at least 200,000 Americans have died because of the drug since 1997

It would have been a regulated opioid

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

But with the combined efforts of pharmaceutical companies, doctors and the government, it has become a painkiller with an "addiction rate of less than 1%"

The drama "Addictive Dose", which has a score of 9.4 on Douban, once focused on this incident, telling the story of a doctor who lost his mind after taking OxyContin and even became a poisonous insect looking for medicine

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

In contrast, "Painless Killer" complements the former

As the scandal revealed, the pharmaceutical company Purdue became the object of contempt

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!
The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

At the same time, it also revealed a group of important promoters behind it, known as the "OxyContinous Girl"

At the end of the 90s, they were a beautiful landscape in urban and rural America

Blonde, a smile and a Porsche are their norms

They shuttled from clinic to clinic, offering doctors OxyContin vouchers and doing jobs similar to those of medical representatives

The young girl Shannon is one of the rookie girls

At a job fair, she was attracted by the temperament of her predecessors and was also impressed by the effect of OxyContin

So she immediately joined the company and devoted herself to promoting this "miracle medicine"

Of course, the most attractive thing is money

Xia Nong's predecessors were very optimistic about her potential, often took her, lived her in his luxurious apartment, and showed her a cabinet of brand-name leather bags and high heels

The lure of money confused her

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

In this industry, rigid sales are not enough

After memorizing the drug message, she must unleash her sexy offensive

The sweet name overwhelmed the old experts

It is just as effective even for clinics that do not require painkillers

It's not enough to be coquettish and laugh

Girls must also have strong convictions

Shannon encountered setbacks when he first pitched alone

A paranoid village doctor was furious and accused OxyContin of being a controlled drug with ingredients indistinguishable from heroin

See Shannon as a depraved drug dealer

However, Xianon's predecessor used a metaphor to dispel her doubts

Just like forks and guns are metalwork, but for completely different purposes

Although OxyContin and heroin are similar ingredients, they should not be confused

After constant self-brainwashing, Shannon no longer doubts the justice of this cause

Her connection with the doctor has also grown

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

Following the advice of her seniors, she constantly urged doctors to increase the dose given to patients

Something that puzzled Shanon happened, but she didn't have time to think about it

One day, at the entrance of the clinic, she witnessed a strange scene

A 16-year-old girl limped out of the clinic and quickly ran towards the vehicle

Then she and her friend took out a box of OxyContin in the car

The two crushed the tablets in envelopes, scraped them into several strips with credit cards, and inhaled them forcefully into their noses

Soon after, they became delirious as if they were on drugs

Shannon realized that OxyContin was being abused

It is easily accessible even for young people

So, she recorded the matter truthfully in her work notes and prepared to report it to the company

However, the senior harshly criticized her after learning about it, accusing her of being nosy

Gradually, Shannon met more and more addicts

Most of them are in a lost state and cannot even feel pain

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

For example, the man in the restaurant, trying to bite the burger, but couldn't bite anyway

Before I knew it, the plate was dripping with blood

His fingers were stuck between his teeth and the burger, bitten to a bloody blur

These observations caused waves in Xia Nong's heart

But right now, she's more concerned about her sales performance

After entering the industry for half a year, she fell into a bottleneck period and was never able to achieve the high performance of her predecessors

This left her confused

Until a doctor solved the mystery for her

It turns out that the label "OxyContin, the girl" has long been associated with this unspoken rule

The whole network went viral! The ugliest scandal in the mainland this year broke the news, break the silence!

To sign a bigger order, you have to give your own flesh

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