
A hurricane swept through the town, and thugs took the opportunity to loot 600 million US dollars. Three trucks laden with 600 million dollar bills were stuck in the middle of the road. The female driver forcefully knocked away the car in front of her, and then

author:Chengcheng 7L5Q

A hurricane swept through the town, and thugs took the opportunity to loot 600 million US dollars.

Three trucks laden with 600 million dollar bills were stuck in the middle of the road. The female driver forcefully knocked away the car in front of her, and then showed a reverse technique and successfully opened up a new road. She sent the banknotes to the old banknote destruction base, only to watch them be shattered. However, the shredder malfunctioned and was very troublesome to repair. In desperation, they can only temporarily store the old banknotes in the vault.

Sophie, who was in charge of this destruction mission, directly changed the password of the vault for security. However, when she returned to the office, she was told that there was also a problem with the backup power supply. Sophie wanted to call the maintenance worker, but found that the phone had no signal, so she decided to go alone to find it.

He hid the code notebook in a pile of shredded bills. As soon as Sophie left on her front foot, a white van arrived at the entrance of the base. The guards at the gate warned them to get out of here, but in the next second, the guys took out anesthesia guns and systematically knocked out all the guards. The guards in the house immediately pressed the alarm button, but the gangster threw a detonator bomb that sent the guard flying out, and then stepped forward to shoot him down. With skillful cooperation, they quickly stormed inside the base and installed bombs on the gates.

The guards inside the base shot at the door. The gate instantly became riddled with holes. With a violent explosion, all the armed men inside were blown off and fell to the ground. Lake, the security captain at this time, suddenly launched an attack on his colleagues and shot them down. He joined forces with the gangsters inside and outside and successfully controlled the entire shredding base.

It turned out that Lake was the mastermind of this robbery. A few weeks ago, he learned that an unprecedented hurricane was about to sweep through the town. He intends to loot the 600 million old banknotes in the vault while the residents are evacuating and realize the perfect plan. But he still had a conscience, just stunned his colleague with an anesthesia gun and locked him in a small dark room. Now, they just open the door to the vault and $600 million is at their fingertips. Unfortunately, they cannot open the combination lock. Lake is very angry and begins to press Sophie's whereabouts. Kevin couldn't hide it, so he had to reveal the truth.

At the same time, Sophie also successfully found the maintenance worker Da Zhuang and is putting the base at risk. But what they didn't know was that the vault was already in the hands of gangsters at this time.

A hurricane swept through the town, and thugs took the opportunity to loot 600 million US dollars. Three trucks laden with 600 million dollar bills were stuck in the middle of the road. The female driver forcefully knocked away the car in front of her, and then
A hurricane swept through the town, and thugs took the opportunity to loot 600 million US dollars. Three trucks laden with 600 million dollar bills were stuck in the middle of the road. The female driver forcefully knocked away the car in front of her, and then
A hurricane swept through the town, and thugs took the opportunity to loot 600 million US dollars. Three trucks laden with 600 million dollar bills were stuck in the middle of the road. The female driver forcefully knocked away the car in front of her, and then
A hurricane swept through the town, and thugs took the opportunity to loot 600 million US dollars. Three trucks laden with 600 million dollar bills were stuck in the middle of the road. The female driver forcefully knocked away the car in front of her, and then

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