
China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

author:Operational hacking

On August 31st, China's first fully liberalized big language model - Wen Xin Yiyan, came!

As the earliest release and testing in China, it is also the first large language model to be fully released.

For ordinary users, what are the advantages of Wen Xin Yiyan VS ChatGPT?

1. No magic required, registration to use

The first benefit of domestic AI tools is absolutely: anytime, anywhere, with the Internet can be used.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

It doesn't have to be like ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, NewBing, etc., you need to solve network problems before you can open their websites.

2. Free to use, no charge

At present, all the functions of Wen Xin Yiyan can be used after registration, and there is no need for users to pay extra fees.

For example, the networking plugin it opens by default——。

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

For example, the plugin it uses to draw charts ——, somewhat similar to the GPT-4 code interpreter.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

There is also this ability to support uploading files.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

These are all features on ChatGPT that require payment.

Of course, in terms of specific functionality, there is still a big gap between the two. However, it is basically enough for friends who just want to experience AI chat.

3. Can be literate

Wen Xin's words can be said to be one step faster than ChatGPT.

First, let it draw an ink drawing.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

Zoom in and take a look.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

Draw another two-dimensional picture.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

Finally, let it draw a live-action image.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

As a whole, I can only say that I can draw, but whether the specific painting is "what you want", it is difficult to say.

4. You can illustrate the text

Tusheng Wen calls the plug-in on Wen Xin's word - the function of saying illustration painting.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

We give it a picture of "a panda gnawing bamboo".

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

Well, basically understood what is in the picture.

Moreover, it can also write short essays, write paragraphs, and write novels based on the information on the pictures.

How about letting it generate an 800-word novel?

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

The overall logic of the story is not bad, as a bedtime story for children, it is definitely enough.

5. Comes with instruction library

Compared with AI tools such as ChatGPT and Claude that require users to learn and explore chat commands (Prompt) by themselves, Wen Xin Yiyan directly provides users with an instruction library.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

Click "Command Center" on the main page to come to the instruction library of Wen Xin's words.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

The instructions are divided into categories, and you can find them according to your needs.

Find the command you want, just click "Use" above, and you can call it in the conversation.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

Not only that, but you can also click on the "Favorites button" above.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

Open a new dialog, just enter "/", you can directly call the command you just bookmarked.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

The above are the 5 advantages of Wen Xin Yiyan VS Regular Edition ChatGPT.

Of course, in terms of the quality, logic, and data samples of the replies, there is still a big gap between Wen Xin and ChatGPT, especially GPT-4.


→ If you still can, you can choose Wen Xin Yiyan;

→ If you are a user who works, learns, and uses AI heavily, it is still recommended to use ChatGPT.

China's version of ChatGPT - Wenxin, fully liberalized, available to everyone, what are the advantages?

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