
9,000 Chinese and North Korean civilians were slaughtered, and North Korea vowed to liquidate Japan's crimes

author:First military intelligence
9,000 Chinese and North Korean civilians were slaughtered, and North Korea vowed to liquidate Japan's crimes

Text/Fat Eggplant

When the situation on the peninsula was tense, the DPRK "fired" at Japan again.

According to a report by the global network on September 1, a few days ago, the DPRK's official newspaper "Rodong Shimbun" published an article angrily denouncing Japan's various "crimes against humanity" against innocent people in the Great Kanto earthquake a hundred years ago.

9,000 Chinese and North Korean civilians were slaughtered, and North Korea vowed to liquidate Japan's crimes

(Great Kanto Earthquake)

The article clearly pointed out that during the Great Kanto Earthquake a hundred years ago, Japanese imperialism openly and systematically instigated and created massacres against Koreans, that is, the infamous "Kanto Massacre" under the pretext of "natural disasters." The Japanese side tried to pass on the huge losses caused by the natural disaster to the Korean people in order to calm the anti-government sentiment of the Japanese people. In the article, the DPRK unceremoniously referred to Japanese imperialism as "a murderous demon accustomed to catching people," "a barbarian with bestiality deep into his marrow," and "the bitter rival of the Korean people."

9,000 Chinese and North Korean civilians were slaughtered, and North Korea vowed to liquidate Japan's crimes

(The tragedy of the Kanto Massacre)

Moreover, the DPRK also exposed the ugly face of the Japanese Government, bluntly saying that although a full 100 years have passed, the hearts of the Japanese imperialists and reactionary forces have not changed at all -- not only have they failed to apologize, compensate, and bear corresponding international responsibilities to the victims as promised, but they have constantly tried to falsify history, force the people to forget the bloody case they have committed, and even want to strengthen their military strength, send the Self-Defense Forces overseas, and once again pose a threat of aggression against other countries.

With regard to the various acts of the Japanese side, the DPRK side finally stressed that the Korean people will never forget the bitter past when they were trampled on by Japanese imperialism, and the DPRK will certainly settle with Japan, the "old enemy for a thousand years," lest the Japanese reactionary forces repeat the mistakes of the past and commit bloody crimes against the people of other countries.

9,000 Chinese and North Korean civilians were slaughtered, and North Korea vowed to liquidate Japan's crimes

(Japanese people visit the Kanto Massacre Memorial)

The DPRK was angry, but the anger was completely reasonable and excusable. After all, this incident was completely caused by the Japanese side first "acting as a demon".

It turned out that today was the centenary of the Kanto Massacre, but when asked about this, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno not only openly refused to express his position, but also shouted that "there are no documents and records within our government to prove the facts." In the face of all kinds of criminal evidence, he is still openly denying and trying to deny the Kanto Massacre itself, which shows the stupidity, ugliness and absurdity of Japanese right-wingers.

9,000 Chinese and North Korean civilians were slaughtered, and North Korea vowed to liquidate Japan's crimes

(Hirokazu Matsuno)

What's the most ridiculous? It was the Korean people who were slaughtered that year, and even provided water and food to the local residents in the first place after the earthquake. However, the Japanese imperialist government openly incited the police and even ordinary people to kill "non-Japanese" people for its own selfish desires - incomplete Japanese statistics show that in the nine days after the September 1, 1923, as many as 9,000 innocent people, including China and North Korea, were brutally slaughtered.

Moreover, although the Japanese government promised to compensate victims, it has not fulfilled it, and since 2017 it has stopped commemorating victims and has repeatedly tried to erase the record. However, countless historical photographs and witnesses are overwhelming evidence of the crimes of the Japanese government, which they simply cannot overturn - even the famous Japanese director Akira Kurosawa wrote in his memoirs that he witnessed the Japanese mob frantically attacking an ordinary person who "did not seem to be Japanese".

9,000 Chinese and North Korean civilians were slaughtered, and North Korea vowed to liquidate Japan's crimes

(Descendants of Holocaust victims show evidence of Holocaust)

Fortunately, there are still many sober people in Japan. The Asahi Shimbun harshly criticized the right-wing politician and governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, who stopped mourning the massacre, and asked her to face up to historical reality, stop "turning a deaf ear" to her words and actions, and take seriously the consequences of her actions. At the same time, many Japanese people spontaneously went to mourn the Holocaust memorialists, and some even protested angrily, demanding that the Japanese government stop revising history and acknowledge its past crimes.

9,000 Chinese and North Korean civilians were slaughtered, and North Korea vowed to liquidate Japan's crimes

(Japanese people oppose the Japanese government's "downplay of crimes" behavior)

We hope that more Japanese people will stand up and speak out for justice, and we also hope that the Japanese government can pull back from the precipice and turn back. Both the Kanto Massacre and the Nanjing Massacre have caused unimaginable harm to countless foreign people, which is a crime that Japan must bear and a fact recognized by the international community. If the Kishida government insists on going its own way and insists on going against the international community and even human civilization, then one day he will not only be "liquidated" by the DPRK, but also by countless people who support justice and justice.

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