
Because he couldn't stand Dink's divorce from her husband, he turned around and married Wu Yuhua, a painter!

author:Everything is like water

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"I longed to have children because it became difficult to have children because I was older."

This is actor Wu Yuhua's frequent expression of her husband Wang Jun.

But whenever Wu Yuhua raised this request to Wang Jun, he always responded with an impatient attitude: "I will never have children." ”

Wu Yuhua and Wang Jun, once college classmates, have always had a deep relationship from acquaintance to love. However, the reality after marriage has made their relationship undergo a huge change.

Wu Yuhua was born in Shandong to an official family and moved to Hangzhou with his parents as a child. The gentleness and fragrance of the Jiangnan scenery made her exude an elegant and gentle temperament since she was a child. Although the appearance is quiet, the heart is full of arrogance and persistence. As a child, she was like a naughty little boy, often climbing trees and frolicking in puddles with her friends. Although her parents had teachings, she always insisted on her ideas. Since then, she has learned that she is determined to be in charge of her own life. After graduating from high school, she chose to go to the countryside and live a free and quiet life.

Because he couldn't stand Dink's divorce from her husband, he turned around and married Wu Yuhua, a painter!

However, fate led her into show business. Although she was defeated twice, she persevered and was eventually admitted to the military art performance major, which became a new starting point in her college career. Here, she meets Wang Jun, who is younger than her. Although they have different personalities, the two gradually attract each other. Wu Yuhua's film and television career is thriving, but Wang Jun is struggling, and his emotions quietly slide into the trough.

In their marriage, children became the focus. Wu Yuhua longs to be a mother, but Wang Jun strongly opposes. He believes that childbearing requires a stable economic foundation and preparation, and he fears the responsibilities and pressures of the future. Wu Yuhua's determination inspired her to file for divorce and finally get rid of the relationship. She went to the painter Mo Dafeng, established a new family with him, and finally ushered in her dream of becoming a mother.

Because he couldn't stand Dink's divorce from her husband, he turned around and married Wu Yuhua, a painter!

At the same time, Wang Jun has always adhered to Dink's beliefs. Although he did not regret this choice, he always had a trace of guilt in his heart. Wu Yuhua continues to grow in his new life and has won the recognition of the audience with his excellent acting skills. Her life is no longer limited to the role of "wife", but an independent and confident woman.

Today, Wu Yuhua has entered old age. She looked back and smiled with satisfaction. She has everything she wants, children, career, family fulfillment. And Wang Jun still lives alone, he sticks to his principles, and perhaps feels lonely. Two marriages, two choices, are the embodiment of sincere love.

Because he couldn't stand Dink's divorce from her husband, he turned around and married Wu Yuhua, a painter!

In this world, the Dinker family has its own story. Whether to have children or not is a free choice of the individual. No matter what, people should respect each other's decisions. In life, sometimes behind the choices is a collision of deeper ideas and values. I hope everyone can find a path that suits them and have a happy life.

After some emotional ups and downs, Wu Yuhua and Mo Dafeng's family seems to be complete, but it contains more precious meaning. Their marriage is not only the company of two people, but also the integration of two families, and the inheritance of two generations.

Because he couldn't stand Dink's divorce from her husband, he turned around and married Wu Yuhua, a painter!

In the homes of Wu Yuhua and Mo Dafeng, the children's laughter rose one after another, and life was full of vitality and warmth. Wu Yuhua has transformed from a successful actress to a loving mother, her eyes are full of love and care, like a warm harbor, so that children can grow up without worry. And Mo Dafeng is also a husband and father who cares for his family, and in his writing, the smile and joy of his family have become the most beautiful works of art.

However, happiness in life often comes with challenges and trials. As they grew older, both Wu Yuhua and Mo Dafeng began to feel the ruthlessness of time. They face the next stage of their lives, and the company and health of their families become more important topics. Although Wu Yuhua no longer starred in film and television works as frequently as when she was young, she has always maintained her enthusiasm for life, she likes to feel the beauty of the world with her heart, and record the bits and pieces of life with brushstrokes.

Because he couldn't stand Dink's divorce from her husband, he turned around and married Wu Yuhua, a painter!

Mo Dafeng also ushered in a new breakthrough in creation, and his paintings gradually attracted more attention and love. His painting styles are rich and diverse, full of vitality of life and expression of emotions. He likes to capture the beauty of the natural world, and also likes to use his family as a theme to portray the warm moments of ordinary life. His paintings convey deep reflections on family, love and life, touching the hearts of the viewers.

On the road of life, everyone will face various choices and difficulties, but the key is how to deal with them. The story of Wu Yuhua and Mo Dafeng tells us that love can stand the test of time, and true happiness lies not only in external achievements, but also in inner peace and the company of family. Their experience also reminds us that the warmth of family is the most important asset in life, and the laughter of children is the truest reward.

Because he couldn't stand Dink's divorce from her husband, he turned around and married Wu Yuhua, a painter!

Whether on the stage under the spotlight or in the corner of the family, Wu Yuhua and Mo Dafeng are pursuing happiness in their own way. Their stories make people understand that every life has its twists and turns, and everyone has the right to choose their own path to happiness. As Wu Yuhua said: "In this life, I finally have no regrets." ”

Summary: The story of Wu Yuhua and Mo Dafeng profoundly shows the multifaceted nature of love and family, from their love when they were young to the pain of facing divorce, and then to the reunion and happiness later, each stage is outlining the wonderfulness of life. Their stories tell us that life is full of variables, but as long as you persist in pursuing and working hard to create, you can find the beauty of life in adversity and realize your value. In the end, they both reaped happiness in their respective fields and became indispensable beings in each other's lives.

Because he couldn't stand Dink's divorce from her husband, he turned around and married Wu Yuhua, a painter!

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