
Jin Xing told the inside story, if Wu Jing were not present, Fan Wenfang and his wife might have been swept away by the waves?

author:Happy babies love to entertain

Text|Happy Baby

Jin Xing told the inside story, if Wu Jing were not present, Fan Wenfang and his wife might have been swept away by the waves?

Not long ago, the death of singer Li Min made the world sigh, and the "shady scene" that was revealed at the same time also caused heated discussions among many netizens, including Wu Jing's husband and wife show.

In the show, a lot of challenges were designed for the husband and wife, and Fan Wenfang and his wife challenged skydiving at sea, but the wind was very strong, and Fan Wenfang was a little hesitant and did not want to challenge.

But the program group still strictly implemented the arrangement according to the plan, which is understandable, but the next accident made Fan Wenfang cry until she trembled.

The originally arranged landing site, because of the strong wind, landed directly in the middle of the sea, when Fan Wenfang and his wife fell into the sea, and the parachute directly covered them, which was very dangerous.

Under such circumstances, the program team did not take measures and continued to shoot, and Wu Jing, who was not far away, saw this scene and quickly found a boat for search and rescue.

It was not until the evening that the two were rescued ashore, and at this time, Fan Wenfang had been frightened by the scene she had just experienced, and she couldn't speak, got into the ambulance, and hid in her lover's arms and shivered and cried.

Li Mingshun (Fan Wenfang's lover) has never seen her so masterless, which shows what a terrifying process it was at that time.

Jin Xing told the inside story, if Wu Jing were not present, Fan Wenfang and his wife might have been swept away by the waves?

If it weren't for Wu Jing's presence, according to the speed of the program group, they might have been swept away by the waves, which was too dangerous.

I remember that there was a scene at that time, there was a snake in the tent, and the program team did not check it well beforehand, and almost bit Fan Wenfang. Fan Wenfang and his wife came to participate in the show, it was really a life adventure.

This reminds me that when I watched "Where Did Daddy Go" a few years ago, the camera brother saw that the child was in danger and immediately lost the machine to save the child. That's the difference.

In fact, early Jin Xing broke the news that the platform's production means were problematic, but many people did not believe it, and it was estimated that Wu Jing would not open the show when he saw it.

And when they arrived at the program group's room on the first day, the program group arranged all the guests in one room, and when the other guests were busy cleaning up, Wu Jing noticed the chimney on the roof, which could not be placed so upright, and it was easy to pour soot and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Or Wu Jing is vigilant, after his worries were raised, the program team did not do anything, and felt that he had a lot of things, and even "deliberately" edited to make many netizens ambiguous and have different views on Wu Jing.

For the safety of everyone, Wu Jing can only remodel the direction of the chimney himself in the middle of the night, but everyone with practical life experience knows that Wu Jing's approach is right.

Jin Xing told the inside story, if Wu Jing were not present, Fan Wenfang and his wife might have been swept away by the waves?

Coincidentally, Hu Haiquan was also invited to participate in the platform's entrepreneurship program, an air purifier test, directly allowing him to see the bottom line of the program group.

On the first day of the test, Hu Haiquan wore a mask into the test room, and after a while, his body couldn't stand it and came out quickly, he was suspicious of the product at that time, but for the show, he still came the next day.

Originally thought to continue to participate in the test, who knows how many children the entrepreneur and the program group arranged, the youngest or the entrepreneur's 6-month-old child?

Hu Haiquan directly talked to the program group at that time, and if he continued to let the child participate, he would directly terminate the recording.

If it is difficult for adults to accept it, it is really unimaginable to experiment with children.

In fact, no matter what kind of program, what kind of work, if in order to present better results, some arrangements and designs, increase the sense of atmosphere is completely understandable, but regardless of the safety of the design, it is too frightening to think about.

Think about life too, some things are not the truth we see, some people have a much better character than we think, warmer.

After all, the world we see with our eyes is limited, and our heartfelt feelings often come more real and closer to the truth, right? #娱评大赏#

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