
Don't buy salt indiscriminately, there are 3 kinds don't eat anymore, tell your family quickly after reading it

author:Fawn trick shop

Hi everyone, here is the Fawn Trick Shop

Pay attention to those who have table salt at home

Don't buy these 3 kinds, take a look at it

We use salt every time we cook

Salt has a lot of nutrients

Like adding some table salt

Don't buy salt indiscriminately, there are 3 kinds don't eat anymore, tell your family quickly after reading it

It will replenish the iodine that our body lacks

If we cook less table salt

Then the dishes will have no taste

And there are also more diseases that may occur

Then because salt is used more frequently

And the consumption is relatively fast

You need to buy it every now and then

But with these 3 kinds of edible salt, don't buy it anymore

Let's take a look

When we buy salt

will be seen on the shelves of supermarkets

There are a lot of variety

So how to choose

Many people feel

As long as it is salt that can be bought in supermarkets

He's all good

Don't buy salt indiscriminately, there are 3 kinds don't eat anymore, tell your family quickly after reading it

In fact, this edible salt salt has good and bad

If you don't pick carefully, you will choose bad table salt

Especially these 3 kinds

The first is three no edible salt

Many people buy

Edible salt will go to the small next to the neighborhood

Shop to buy

I don't go to a regular place to buy it at all

Just look at the price when buying

It's all cheap to buy

It is easy to buy three-nil edible salt

It refers to the manufacturer on the packaging

Date of manufacture, shelf life, etc

Without these three, it is not guaranteed

Let's not eat anymore

So we were buying it

Look at the outer packaging of the salt

The second is edible salt with a lot of impurities

Generally, the edible salt I buy has impurities

What if you ingest too many impurities

It will cause harm to our body

Generally, regular manufacturers produce edible salt

Don't buy salt indiscriminately, there are 3 kinds don't eat anymore, tell your family quickly after reading it

Its purity is relatively high

Impurities are also relatively small

Generally it is not

But what if it's a small work

Edible salt produced by the workshop

There are a lot of impurities in it

Eating will affect our physical health

The third is odorous edible salt

After we bought our table salt home

You open the package and smell it

If it has become astringent, it has deteriorated

It means that it has bacteria

Be sure to go to the merchant to return it

So how to choose table salt

The first one is to look at some packaging

Generally speaking

Edible salt

It will be graded according to the standards of production

The best edible salt with the best nutritious taste is U grade

The most secondary table salt is the second level

Take a look at it when choosing

The fewer additives, the better this edible salt

And its particles are also very fine

If the edible salt granules are coarse

It shows that it has more additives

In this way, it tastes bad

The second is to look at its security mark

Generally, regular manufacturers produce edible salt

Don't buy salt indiscriminately, there are 3 kinds don't eat anymore, tell your family quickly after reading it

There will be anti-counterfeiting marks

The real anti-counterfeiting marks are relatively clear

And it can't be deducted

If the fake security mark is removed, it will be dropped when touched

Don't buy it again

Well, this video is here, see you in the next issue