
Fuyang City held the launching ceremony and meeting training meeting of the 2021 college students' "return to hometown" government affairs internship social practice activities

On July 20, the launching ceremony and meeting training of Fuyang University students' "return to hometown" government affairs internship social practice activities were held at the Fuyang Municipal Affairs Service Center. Han Fang, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhao Yu, chief economist of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and Sun Zongyu, a fourth-level researcher of the Municipal Data Resources Management Bureau, attended the launching ceremony. About 200 college students who have arrived at the post of government affairs internship and responsible comrades of relevant units of government affairs internship have participated in the activity. The event was presided over by Xu Can, deputy secretary of the Youth League Municipal Committee.

Fuyang City held the launching ceremony and meeting training meeting of the 2021 college students' "return to hometown" government affairs internship social practice activities

Since the launch of the social practice activity of "returning to hometown" government affairs internship for college students in Fuyang City at the end of June, it has received strong support from various government agencies, enterprises and institutions in the city and the active participation of the majority of Fuyang college students. A total of 224 internship positions were collected from 54 units, attracting more than 310 college students to sign up for consultation, and according to the principle of "two-way selection and reasonable allocation", a total of 218 positions were matched, an increase of 35 people over last year, an increase of 18.6%, the highest in the calendar year.

At the launching ceremony, the participants watched the propaganda film of Fuyang City, the responsible comrade of the Youth League Municipal Committee introduced the relevant situation of the government affairs internship, Liang Siqi from Sun Yat-sen University and Ding Zhijun from Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine spoke as intern representatives, and Zhou Hongjin, deputy director of fuyang City Local Maritime (Port and Shipping) Management Service Center, spoke on behalf of the internship unit.

Fuyang City held the launching ceremony and meeting training meeting of the 2021 college students' "return to hometown" government affairs internship social practice activities

In her speech, Han Fang, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal CPC Committee, introduced Fuyang's talent work policy and the achievements made in the development of her hometown in recent years. She hopes that students will cherish the opportunity, quickly change their roles, improve their comprehensive ability, persist in thinking diligently, and continuously enhance their skills and talents; Understand Fuyang, publicize Fuyang, and strive to be the promoter and promoter of Fuyang's development "city business card"; Take on the role of devoting himself to the construction of Fuyang and helping the development of Fuyang; Strict discipline, consciously establish a good image of outstanding young talents. At the same time, Han Fang rearranged and redeployed the internship units to do a good job in the internship work, requiring the internship units to effectively shoulder the management responsibilities, strengthen work support, strictly manage the internship, and do their best to form a synergy to promote the success of the government affairs internship work.

At the subsequent training meeting, Bing Kunming, chief of the Secrecy Management Section of the Municipal Party Committee, and Wang Hui, chief of the Second Investigation Section of the Political Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee, respectively trained college students who participated in government affairs internships around the knowledge of organ secrecy and the writing of official documents.

In the afternoon of the same day, the college students who participated in the government affairs internship visited the Civic Center and the Planning Exhibition Hall respectively, and experienced the development and changes of Fuyang government services and future development plans, and continuously enhanced their self-confidence and pride in the leapfrog development of their hometown. The subsequent pre-job quality development training built a platform for in-depth communication for everyone, improved the awareness of cooperation and the spirit of cooperation, and enhanced the combat effectiveness, cohesion and creativity.

(Xue Pei, reporter Xu Xu)

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