
The United States is willing to help Cambodia's Yunlang base, and Cambodia turned to China to commission the maintenance and construction of the base

author:Erudite Rising Sun Sh8

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Recently, the United States has begun to take a keen interest in Cambodia's Ream naval base. In the past, the United States has shown a willingness to help build a base, but in the end it has not fulfilled its promises, and financial and other support has not been implemented. Faced with this situation, Cambodia turned to China and entrusted it with the maintenance and construction of the base.

Before the base was built, the United States stayed out of the matter; However, once the base was inaugurated, the United States questioned it. The U.S. spreads rumors that the Chinese Navy will be stationed at the Ream base, stressing in particular that the base's 335-meter-long pier is large enough to accommodate large aircraft carriers.

The United States is willing to help Cambodia's Yunlang base, and Cambodia turned to China to commission the maintenance and construction of the base

The United States believes that the Chinese Navy has demonstrated combat capabilities in Hainan Island, Nansha Qundao, Xisha Qundao and other regions. However, as the geographical location advances south, the sea space gradually narrows. If China can find a natural harbor in Cambodia and achieve a large-scale presence, it will certainly impose certain restrictions on the "freedom of navigation" of the US Navy in the South China Sea.

Next, the United States may talk about it. Cambodia, however, has made it clear that the exclusion of U.S. participation is based on autonomous decision-making and the lack of a real U.S. contribution to the region. Still, Cambodia will not allow other countries to enter the base.

The United States is willing to help Cambodia's Yunlang base, and Cambodia turned to China to commission the maintenance and construction of the base

The United States has always been ambivalent about China's overseas infrastructure construction. The United States is expected to continue to pay attention, however, unlike the layout of bases in the United States around the world, China is currently only working on supporting the function of bases.

China's Ministry of Defense and Foreign Affairs have repeatedly emphasized that the establishment of overseas bases is intended to support the Navy's training in ocean-going combat and ensure reliable support for formations in ocean-going missions. In view of the limited number of large support ships and limited combat time, this "4S shop" global layout provides an important supplement to the ocean-going formation.

The United States is willing to help Cambodia's Yunlang base, and Cambodia turned to China to commission the maintenance and construction of the base

Looking back at the Soviet Union's construction of Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam, although the geographical location is superior and the investment is huge, this is not China's choice. China has a variety of options for ocean-going capabilities, and its global operations focus on humanitarian missions, far from the many interventions that the United States often conducts.

China, as a defensive country, is cautious about the choice of overseas bases. In contrast to the U.S. approach of establishing four bases in the Philippines and adding more bases around the South China Sea, China's goal is not to occupy specific areas.

The United States is willing to help Cambodia's Yunlang base, and Cambodia turned to China to commission the maintenance and construction of the base

The U.S. approach to Ream appears to be biased, and they are building up a presence in the region by exaggerating the "China threat" while pressuring Cambodia.

In short, on the international stage, different countries have shown diversified attitudes and strategic choices in the layout of overseas bases. While pursuing maritime interests, China is committed to peaceful development and safeguarding its own interests and international order in a steady and pragmatic manner.


Under today's international pattern, China's overseas base construction has attracted much attention from all parties. Despite the different attitudes of the United States, China has adhered to the principles of prudence and defense in the planning and deployment of overseas bases. This base layout plays an important role in improving the Chinese Navy's ocean-going combat capability and contributes to the maintenance of international maritime order. At the same time, China's emphasis on its peaceful development philosophy is different from other countries' base expansion, reflecting China's responsible attitude in global affairs.

The United States is willing to help Cambodia's Yunlang base, and Cambodia turned to China to commission the maintenance and construction of the base

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