
US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

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The Evolution of U.S. Military Strategy: The Evolution of Unconventional Warfare

IN 2022, SANDBOXX, A U.S. MILITARY SOCIAL MEDIA, PUBLISHED AN INSIGHTFUL ARTICLE THAT DELVED INTO THE FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES IN THE USE OF MILITARY POWER IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE THE VIETNAM WAR. In this article, the author reveals the evolution of U.S. military tactics from traditional conventional warfare to unconventional warfare, which I strongly agree with. However, through a deeper analysis and innovative extension of this perspective, we can better understand the drivers behind this strategic shift.

US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

After the outbreak of the Vietnam War, the United States shifted its combat targets from military forces to armed civilian and paramilitary forces. This shift allowed the U.S. military to move beyond the occupation of territory and focus on enlisting the support of the local population. However, I think the core motivation behind this is not just support for the local regime, but also a recognition of the importance of the voice and emotions of the people in war. In this regard, relevant personnel should actively listen to and understand the needs of the local people in order to establish a closer partnership.

US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

As the author argues, the failure of the United States to win the approval of the South Vietnamese regime in the Vietnam War ultimately led to defeat. However, digging deeper into the root causes, I believe that the lack of leadership and governance capacity of the South Vietnamese regime led to the spread of the revolution in the country and the loss of people's hearts. This failure should serve as a lesson for the United States to focus more on the legitimacy and leadership of local regimes in its unconventional warfare tactics to avoid a repeat of history.

The article mentions that the United States has experienced two changes in its attitude towards unconventional wars in foreign operations, which is worth pondering. From Operation Eagle's Claw in 1980 to Operation Intelligence Capture in 2004, the United States gradually emphasized the importance of special operations and intelligence agencies. However, behind this, I believe that the United States should also carefully weigh the rationality of unconventional means so as not to over-rely on these means and cause disorganization in diplomacy and international relations.

US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

Talking about the US military strategy against China, the article triggered me to think deeper. At present, opinions within the United States are divided on how to deal with China. The military tends to wage conventional wars, while academics advocate unconventional warfare. However, in my opinion, neither of these extreme attitudes is the solution. For China, we should adopt a more flexible strategy, focusing on cultural intelligence and understanding of how society works, in order to establish a more pragmatic cooperative relationship.

As the article says, the United States is establishing research institutions dedicated to in-depth research on people who have a deep influence on China, which is a positive move. However, I believe that when promoting unconventional warfare, we should advocate the concept of mutual benefit and win-win results and abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality. There is great potential for cooperation between China and the United States, and win-win situations can be achieved through common development, while non-conventional war may only lead to lose-lose results and damage international harmony.

US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

In summary, this article provides an in-depth analysis of the change in U.S. military strategy from conventional warfare to unconventional warfare. However, when dealing with competitors such as China, I think we should pay more attention to win-win cooperation and avoid falling into the misunderstanding of zero-sum thinking. Only in this way can peace and stability be achieved in the international arena.

The International Landscape in the New Century: Beyond Unconventional War

With the passage of time, we have to admit that the unconventional war waged by the United States has revealed some obvious deficiencies and failures. I believe that the fundamental cause of these failures is not only a strategic misjudgment, but also a deeper embodiment of an outdated Cold War mentality, which is no longer able to adapt to the international pattern in the new century.

US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

The article mentions the U.S. zero-sum Cold War mentality, which, while having brought some success in the past, has clearly become obsolete in the era of globalization. In today's hyper-interconnected world, where the interests of nations are intertwined, victory and defeat cannot simply be divided into such absolutes. On the contrary, multilateral cooperation and win-win results are the cornerstones of lasting stability.

Especially for the two major economies of China and the United States, only by seeking a path of development through cooperation can we truly achieve a win-win situation. China's huge market demand and the high-quality technology and products of the United States are naturally complementary. Therefore, looking ahead, both parties should build partnerships based on mutual interests, rather than seeing each other as competitors.

US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

However, the views in the article are also somewhat one-sided. While emphasizing the failure of the United States in unconventional warfare, it does not delve into China's attitudes and initiatives in international affairs. In recent years, China's rise has attracted international attention, and some believe that China will become a new round of hegemonic powers. In this context, whether China can truly move towards a peaceful rise and how to establish stable cooperative relations with other countries are issues that need to be seriously considered.

In summary, over time, America's defeat in unconventional warfare has revealed an old Cold War mentality. Under the new international pattern, win-win cooperation is the right path to achieve stability and prosperity. However, in exploring this issue, we should also look at the roles and performance of other countries in order to achieve a more comprehensive and objective understanding. Only in this way can we establish a more harmonious international order and create a more favourable environment for the common development of mankind.

US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

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US media: If the "offensive" is not stopped, the United States will lose to China and cannot win the unconventional war

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