
Ke Yimin livestreamed Lian Mai and was insulted by the trainees many times, and he was depressed, aggrieved and wept

author:Lamb bibi machine

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Ke Yimin once again aroused heated discussions among netizens! Recently, the controversial "knife mouth" judge Ke Yimin has once again become the focus of attention, and even began to set up teaching live broadcasts on the Internet. However, many netizens deliberately poured into the live broadcast room and constantly threw abuse at her, which made her fall into embarrassment.

It is understood that if you want to interact with Ke Yimin, you must buy their courses. In practice, this means that only by paying money can you get Ke Yimin's guidance. On the same day, a female student came up and confessed that her throat was a little uncomfortable, but Ke Yimin asked: "Did you buy the course?" The female trainee replied that she had purchased it.

Ke Yimin livestreamed Lian Mai and was insulted by the trainees many times, and he was depressed, aggrieved and wept

When the female trainee began to sing, she shouted vulgar words, but Ke Yimin responded with a firm heart. She said indifferently: "What you said, I didn't hear clearly." Then she moved on to the next trainee. At the same time, the assistant next to him couldn't help but express dissatisfaction, believing that people should have a conscience, urging those who were impolite to stop connecting. However, Ke Yimin was relieved: "It's okay, don't pay attention to these people." I didn't even know what the hell was she doing. ”

Ke Yimin livestreamed Lian Mai and was insulted by the trainees many times, and he was depressed, aggrieved and wept

It is worth noting that a female student named Xiaoguo suddenly became popular with this controversy, and some people even called on her to open a live broadcast in her comment area, promising to give gifts.

Later, a male student was connected, who called Ke Yimin "Xiaoke" and asked if he could let her listen to his singing. Ke Yimin responded friendly: "Of course, do you have an accompaniment?" However, when the boy asked how to buy her course, Ke Yimin had to remind him: "Buy the course first, and then connect it." The boy chose to vent to her with vulgar words, and at this time Ke Yimin seemed helpless, and could only instruct the assistant to cancel the connection. The male assistant warned dissatisfiedly: "You gloating people be careful, thunder may slash at you at any time." ”

Ke Yimin livestreamed Lian Mai and was insulted by the trainees many times, and he was depressed, aggrieved and wept

In this regard, many netizens agreed, praising these scoldings as just right. They mentioned that Ke Yimin used to babble at others during the game, asking if she had thought she would be treated the way she is today. After all, the Heavenly Dao cycle, today's netizens are no longer the group that used to be bullied.

Perhaps influenced by the bad comments, Ke Yimin finally overwhelmed the pressure and couldn't help but cry, calling on everyone to focus on singing, while asking himself: "Am I a bad person?" The male assistant walked up to her, comforted her, put his arm around her shoulders, and the on-site staff applauded and cheered her on.

Ke Yimin livestreamed Lian Mai and was insulted by the trainees many times, and he was depressed, aggrieved and wept

Ke Yimin revealed that participating in "Discover the Voice" was not her original intention, in fact, the program team had consulted with her for three consecutive years before she agreed to participate.

However, netizens did not empathize with Ke Yimin's crying. As for why she was reproached, it was clear that it was because of her character. The crowd did not deny her musical talent, but they were outraged by her past actions.

Prior to this, Ke Yimin was also forced by netizens to stop broadcasting due to online disputes. Even people with hearts like stones must inevitably be pressured in front of the screen.

Ke Yimin livestreamed Lian Mai and was insulted by the trainees many times, and he was depressed, aggrieved and wept

Now it seems that it is no longer as easy for Ke Yimin to get income on the online platform as it used to be. What should we think about this?

Summary: Ke Yimin recently caused controversy again, and he was embarrassed by netizens in the teaching live broadcast. Her role as a judge and the way she interacts with her teaching has been questioned. However, her past controversial behavior has also led to criticism. This incident reminds us that people have increasingly high expectations for the behavioral qualities and moral standards of public figures, and the power of online public opinion is gradually prominent. In the age of information transfer, people need to act more cautiously so as not to get bogged down in unnecessary controversy and distress.

Ke Yimin livestreamed Lian Mai and was insulted by the trainees many times, and he was depressed, aggrieved and wept

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Ke Yimin livestreamed Lian Mai and was insulted by the trainees many times, and he was depressed, aggrieved and wept

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