
Prigozhin tragedy: the power contest behind the plane crash?

author:Cut and talk casually
Prigozhin tragedy: the power contest behind the plane crash?

The horrifying news of a plane crash shook the world. Russian opposition leader Prigozhin's plane crashed, and he died in the accident. This news is sad, but it is more speculation and questioning about the possible reasons behind it or pointing directly at Putin.

Prigozhin tragedy: the power contest behind the plane crash?

According to Interfax, citing the Russian Federal Aviation Agency, Wagner head Prigozhin appeared on the passenger list of a private jet that crashed in the Tver region north of Moscow on Wednesday. Earlier, according to TASS reports, all three pilots and ten passengers on the plane originally planned to fly from Moscow to St. Petersburg were killed.

Prigozhin: Leader of the opposition

Prigozhin tragedy: the power contest behind the plane crash?

Prigozhin has long been an important figure in the opposition forces in Russian politics. He has always been in the spotlight for his courage to face power and challenge the status quo. His sudden death is not only a great loss for Russia, but also a huge shock in Russian politics.

The cloud of doubt behind the incident

Prigozhin tragedy: the power contest behind the plane crash?

However, this seemingly accidental plane crash is full of doubts. Shortly before the incident, Prigozhin had frequently and publicly criticized Putin, and some suspected that the plane crash may not have been a simple accident, but an elaborate conspiracy.

The spearhead is directed at Putin, which undoubtedly puts great pressure on Putin's government. Putin needs to face not only doubts and doubts at home and abroad, but also possible political crises.

Game of Thrones

Prigozhin tragedy: the power contest behind the plane crash?

Politics has always been a game of thrones. In this game, someone rises and someone falls. Prigozhin's death may be a major change in this power game. This plane crash may turn a new page in Russian politics.

In general, we need to be saddened by Prigozhin's passing, but we should also delve deeper into the possible reasons behind it. Because in Game of Thrones, the truth is often hidden beneath the surface. We look forward to the revelation of the truth and the emergence of Russian politics from this crisis.

Here, I would like to express my deepest condolences to Prigozhin. His departure is a big loss for Russia. I hope that he will rest in the spirit of heaven, and that Russia will learn from this incident in anticipation of a more just and transparent political environment.