
Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

author:Strange stories of history

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Her father was a major general in the National Army, and she served as a staff officer of the Eighth Route Army and later became a deputy premier.

Chen Muhua, a legendary woman with a colorful life experience, was born into a family of high-ranking Kuomintang officials, and played an important role in the vicissitudes of Chinese history.

Her father was a major general of the national army, which made her receive a good education and political training from an early age, and later after joining the Eighth Route Army, she became the first female staff officer of our army, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, she was responsible for national affairs and displayed her talents to the fullest.

What is Chen Muhua's legendary experience? What did she do?

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Chen Muhua was born into a famous family, her father held important positions in the Kuomintang army, this family background provided Chen Muhua with a superior growth environment, she received an excellent education under the influence of her father, and cultivated the quality of decisive decision-making.

In the family atmosphere, she not only learned to respect her elders and listen to her teachings, but also received education on national affairs, and was full of strong interest and enthusiasm for the development and future of the country.

Chen Muhua has understood since she was a child that the rise and fall of a country is closely related to everyone, and she not only cares about the happiness of her family, but also cares about the prosperity and tranquility of the country.

This ideology was deeply ingrained in her early childhood and became a source of motivation for her to contribute to the country in the future.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

After Japan's full-scale invasion of China, Chen Muhua felt a heavy heart, she witnessed the tragic situation brought about by the Japanese invasion, and also deeply felt the urgency of the motherland's danger, and the feelings of family and country in her heart surged.

Due to the incompetence of the Chiang Kai-shek government, she realized that relying solely on the Kuomintang government or the army could no longer save the country from a crisis, and that for the sake of real national tranquility and the well-being of the people, she needed to find a more effective way to save the country and survive.

So, from then on, she began a journey of thought and action.

During her time at school, she actively participated in various social activities and organizations, trying to influence the people around her through her efforts and actions, promoting social progress and reform, and participated in many student movements, volunteer ambulance teams and other activities, trying to contribute to the country's anti-Japanese war efforts.

After the fall of Nanjing, Chen Muhua's heart was heavy, but she did not stop thinking and acting, she came to Xi'an, a city with a long history that became her new foothold.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Here, she read more progressive books, which were rich in content and eloquent in words, called on her soul, awakened her concern and responsibility for the fate of her country, had a strong impact on her, and inspired her patriotism.

Chen Muhua gradually came up with the idea of going to Yan'an, which became stronger and stronger in her heart, and she was eager to find her own place and contribute to the prosperity and development of the country.

Yan'an symbolizes the hope and future of the Chinese revolution, and it is undoubtedly the most desirable place for a young man who cherishes the ideal of saving the country.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Chen Muhua has a superior family background and could have chosen a better life, but in the face of a national crisis, she did not blindly rely on the comfortable life of her family, but had a strong patriotic feeling and self-reliance.

She has experienced the pain and disappointment caused by the fall of the country, and is well aware of the crisis of the country, so she not only has the ideal of saving the country in her heart, but also has a firm will and determination.

Her concern for the fate of the country and her sense of responsibility have become a source of strength for her to overcome difficulties, making her mentally prepared and willing to face any challenge.

What did Chen Muhua experience after he went to Yan'an? Did she hold on?

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Her father was a major general of the national army, she became the first female staff officer of our army during the Anti-Japanese War, and served as deputy prime minister in the 80s.

In June 1938, Chen Muhua became a full party member, and had a broader stage and more opportunities to contribute to the country's liberation, which was an important node on her revolutionary road.

After a series of ideological transformation and practical exercises, through her own efforts and dedication, she was able to stand out and become a model youth.

How much has Chen Muhua changed? What kind of shock did she bring?

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In the process of studying in Yan'an, Chen Muhua gradually abandoned the delicate bookish atmosphere of the past, and became a little more capable and resolute. In a difficult environment, she learned to persevere and struggle, and gradually cultivated the quality of courage to take responsibility.

She was not only touched by the hard life, but also deeply influenced by revolutionary theories and related knowledge. She actively participated in the systematic study of revolutionary theory, deeply discussed and studied Marxism, Leninism and other related theoretical knowledge, and enhanced her political consciousness and theoretical literacy.

Through these studies, Chen Muhua has a deeper understanding of the revolutionary cause and a clearer understanding of his responsibilities and missions as a revolutionary.

In the process of learning and training, Chen Muhua gradually grew into an excellent revolutionary. She not only has a solid theoretical foundation, but also has the spiritual quality of perseverance and selfless dedication.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Against the background of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to improve the military quality of the commanders and fighters of the Eighth Route Army, strengthen the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army, and provide more outstanding commanders and military strategic personnel for the future War of Resistance against Japan, the General Headquarters organized a special staff training team.

The aim was to form a qualified staff team to train new military cadres, and at first, the training team only recruited male cadets, but Chen Muhua had a different view.

Our party calls for equality between men and women, women can not only play a role in logistics and family, but also can pick up guns on the battlefield, participate in battles, and become excellent military staff officers, and gender should not be a factor restricting women's participation in military work.

With her courage and determination, she quickly wrote a letter and presented it to Chairman Mao, expressing her thoughts and wishes to the Party Central Committee.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Chairman Mao was very happy when he heard about it, and allowed Chen Muhua to study the staff course, and the training team also began to recruit female cadets and provide them with corresponding military training.

Chen Muhua cherished this learning opportunity and showed excellent learning ability and leadership skills in the staff course, winning the respect and trust of his classmates and instructors.

She was diligent and hardworking, fearless of difficulties, and achieved excellent results in the course, showing excellent military literacy and strategic vision.

After a period of study, Chen Muhua successfully graduated and became the first female staff officer in the history of the Eighth Route Army.

She integrated the wisdom and courage of women into military decision-making and strategic planning, shouldered important responsibilities and missions, and made positive contributions to the cause of the Eighth Route Army.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

And Chen Muhua's approach has had a more far-reaching impact, and as time goes by, more and more women have participated in military work, showing excellent ability and performance.

It was also in the training class that Chen Muhua met her future husband, they met in the classroom, faced various challenges of military study together, experienced the harsh environment of the training class together, and gradually cultivated a deep relationship.

Both are young people who are full of love for the country and the military, they support each other, encourage each other, move forward side by side in the face of difficulties, and work together to pursue their goals and dreams.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, what did Chen Muhua do? What are the main aspects?

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Her father was a major general of the national army, and Chen Muhua became the first female staff officer of our army during the war years, and later served as vice premier.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, a large number of cadres were sent to the Northeast, and Chen Muhua was among them.

As a staff officer with extensive military experience, she is responsible for important military and logistical tasks to support and promote local construction and development.

During the construction of New China, what positions did Chen Muhua hold? What outstanding contributions have you made?

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

From Chen Muhua, we can see the great "screw spirit", she is a diligent worker, but also a loyal revolutionary, always put the interests of the party and the people in the first place.

Whether in the military field or in political work, she has always fulfilled her duties with full enthusiasm and a high sense of responsibility, and worked hard to make her own contributions to the party's cause.

In the 50s, Chen Muhua played an important leading role in propaganda work, she paid attention to the pertinence and effectiveness of propaganda work, went deep among the masses, understood the people's feelings and opinions, made propaganda closer to the masses, effectively conveyed the party's policies and propositions, and improved the organization and professionalism of propaganda work.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Under the leadership of Chen Muhua, our party's propaganda work has achieved remarkable results in many periods.

Through extensive propaganda activities, the party's policies and propositions have been fully propagated, the political and organizational consciousness of the masses has been enhanced, the trust and support of the masses in the party have been enhanced, and an important spiritual impetus and public opinion support have been provided for the development of the country.

In the 60s, Chen Muhua actively responded to the call of the country and was ordered to go overseas to participate in China's economic aid projects.

In the process of communicating with the countries in the red camp, she actively understood the actual situation and needs of the local countries, and formulated assistance plans in line with the actual situation in accordance with China's aid policies and principles to ensure the smooth implementation of the aid projects.

In the 80s, China was in a critical transition period, the pace of economic reform and opening up was accelerating, and international trade and opening up to the outside world became an important driving force for China's economic development.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Chen Muhua was entrusted with the important task of serving as Vice Premier, mainly responsible for the work in the field of foreign trade, striving to promote economic and trade cooperation between China and other countries in the world, and promoting the international exchange and dissemination of Chinese goods and technologies.

During her tenure at Chen Muhua, she actively promoted various forms of foreign economic cooperation, including important areas such as foreign contracted projects and labor exports.

Under her promotion, the scale of China's foreign contracted projects has been expanding, involving infrastructure construction, energy development, transportation and other fields, which has won a good international reputation for Chinese enterprises and injected new vitality into China's economic development.

At the same time, the scale of China's labor export continues to expand, involving construction, agriculture, service industry and other industries, which has won a broader space for the development of China's labor force and provided an effective solution for the labor needs of the international community.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Thanks to Chen Muhua's outstanding ability in foreign economic and trade work, she has laid a solid foundation for her to take the historic position of President of the Bank of China, and she has also become the only female President of the Bank of China in history.

During her tenure, she advocated deepening the reform of the financial system, promoting the healthy development of the financial market, improving the means of planning and control, and improving the accuracy and effectiveness of macroeconomic regulation and control, so as to lay a good foundation for the stable development of China's financial sector and the transformation and upgrading of the economy.

Throughout her life, Chen Muhua has always driven her struggle with a sense of responsibility and love for the country and the people.

Chen Muhua: Her father was a major general of the National Army, she was the first female staff officer of the Eighth Route Army, and she served as vice premier after the founding of the People's Republic of China

From devoting herself to the cause of nation-building and people's well-being at a young age, to leading important projects later, she has thought about the interests of the country and the people at every step.

She is not afraid of hardships and dangers, is not afraid of difficulties, with firm will and perseverance, overcome difficulties, and her dedication to the country and the people will always be remembered.

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