
Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?

author:Azure Japan
Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?
Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?

Founded in 1882, Waseda University is a well-known private university in Japan.

In the 2024 QS World University Rankings, Waseda University is ranked 199th in the world and 9th in Japan, behind 7 Imperial University and Tokyo University of Technology in Japan.

✅ What kind of grades can apply for the SGU monks of Waseda University, Azure will take you to see a few qualified cases.

Student C

Origin: Chengdu University

Major: Exhibition and Economic Management

School grades: GPA 3.13 with an average score of 81.23

English proficiency: TOEFL 97

Japanese Language Ability: None

Major: Global Studies

Although students sometimes cannot submit the writing materials required for the application on time, the attitude of the students is at least serious, and they will collect a variety of materials in order to choose a supervisor and write a research proposal. Eventually, he passed Sophia University and Waseda University.

Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?

Q classmate

Originator: University of Melbourne

Major: Management & Marketing

Intramural grade: 59.871

English Proficiency: Waiver of submission

Japanese language ability: N4 115


Admitted Major: Economics

The difficulty of applying for economics is inherently high, and an economics background is required. Students have failed the course during their study in Australia, which has brought certain difficulties to the application. Students are working during the application period and have time to communicate after work. Fortunately, the students actively cooperated with our work and had good GRE scores, and finally successfully got the offer.

Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?

Y Tonggaku

Origin: Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Major: Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Intramural grade: 3.54/4.0

English proficiency: IELTS 7.0

Japanese Language Proficiency: N2 149

Admitted major: Science and Engineering

Student Y's school of origin is very good, and he belongs to the first-class 985 colleges and universities in China, and it is easy to gain the favor of professors. Although it is an interdisciplinary application, the span is not particularly large. Under our careful guidance, we were able to obtain admission permits from two prestigious universities, Hokkaido University and Waseda University.

Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?

Student H

Origin: East China Normal University

Major: Russian

Intramural grade: 3.5/4.0

English proficiency: IELTS 7.0

Japanese Language Ability: None

Major: Asia-Pacific International Relations

Hao's undergraduate major is Russian, which is a minor language, and he chose to cross majors to the field of social sciences when he was in graduate school, which is a common choice for many foreign language majors to study abroad. The advantage of the students is that they are from a good school, graduated from a 211 university, and the research plan is well written.

Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?

Y Tonggaku

Origin: Wuhan University of Technology

Major: Energy and Power Engineering

Intramural grade: 3.61/4.0

English proficiency: TOEFL 108

Japanese Language Ability: None


Admitted major: Modern Mechanical Engineering

Wuhan University of Technology is a university in the construction of "211 Project" and "985 Project Advantageous Discipline Innovation Platform". Student Y has research experience during his undergraduate years, and his research background is relatively rich, and his research results have attracted professors. There are no shortcomings in all aspects, and it is not surprising to receive an offer.

Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?

L Tongshu

Origin: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Background: Digital Media Technology

School grade: 3.8/4.0

English proficiency: TOEFL 97

Japanese Language Ability: None

Admitted Major: Computer Science and Communication Engineering

Luo's TOEFL score is not very outstanding, but fortunately, his major is consistent with the major he is applying for, he has a certain research background, and his school is a 985 university, which is conducive to applying and making up for the lack of language.

Case Study: How many points do you need to apply for a fellowship in the SGU program at Waseda University in Japan?

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