
How much are the gifts given by the 4S shop when buying a car, worth?

author:Kyokyo Observation
How much are the gifts given by the 4S shop when buying a car, worth?

How much are the gifts given by the 4S shop when buying a car, worth?

With the continuous development of society, cars have ceased to be a luxury, but have become one of the necessities of modern life. In the process of buying a car, various gifts given by 4S stores have gradually become an important factor in attracting consumers. However, when consumers accept these giveaways, they often have a question: how much are these giveaways worth?

First of all, we need to make it clear that there are many kinds of gifts given by 4S stores, and the value is also high and low. Generally speaking, the gifts given by 4S stores can be divided into the following types: practical gifts, decorative gifts, maintenance gifts and financial gifts. Different types correspond to different valuation criteria.

Practical gifts are mainly some items that can bring convenience in daily use, such as car mats, mobile phone holders, car chargers, etc. The value of these giveaways is relatively low, generally between tens of yuan and more than a hundred yuan. When purchasing a vehicle, consumers can assess their value by considering whether these gifts can meet their actual needs.

Decorative gifts are mainly items that can beautify the interior and exterior of the car, such as seat covers, perfumes, body stickers, etc. The value of these gifts varies depending on their material, brand and other factors, ranging from a few hundred yuan to more than a thousand yuan. When considering the value of such gifts, consumers need to evaluate whether they are worth it according to their own aesthetic preferences.

How much are the gifts given by the 4S shop when buying a car, worth?

Maintenance gifts are another common type of gifts given by 4S stores, including free maintenance, extended warranty period, etc. The value of these gifts is relatively high, and a free maintenance may be between a few hundred yuan and more than a thousand yuan, while the extended warranty period may be worth more. When considering the value of such gifts, consumers need to consider their own use and possible repair costs in the future.

Finally, financial giveaways are some gifts related to car purchase financial solutions, such as preferential interest rates, interest-free installments, etc. The value of such gifts is relatively difficult to assess directly, and a comprehensive comparison needs to be made based on the actual car purchase finance scheme. Consumers need to have a clear understanding of their car purchase budget when considering the value of such giveaways.

To sum up, the value of the gifts given by 4S stores varies depending on the type of gift. When consumers accept these gifts, they should comprehensively assess their value according to their own needs and circumstances. At the same time, don't be fooled by the temptation of giveaways, the most important thing to buy a car is to choose a model that suits your needs, and giveaways are only part of the icing on the cake. In the end, the decision to buy a car should be treated rationally and not be blinded by the superficial value of the giveaway.

How much are the gifts given by the 4S shop when buying a car, worth?