
Tolstoy: After achieving fame, he felt endless nothingness and decided to scatter his family wealth to redeem the fallen soul

author:Tang Feng Song Yue

On August 28, 1828, Tolstoy was born on the outskirts of Moscow to a man named Yasnaya. A small mountain village in Berliana, the name of the village means "fence". His mother died at the age of two, and his aunt raised him. This aunt once loved Tolstoy's father, and his father loved her, but one lover was never able to become a family member. Tolstoy, who lost his mother at an early age, was sensitive and precocious, and "knew how to find happiness and sorrow in people's faces." At the age of five, I felt for the first time that "life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job". At the age of nine, his father died. Father was a kind and witty man with melancholy eyes, living an independent and unambitious life on his estate. After his father's death, Tolstoy "understood for the first time the reality of misery, and his soul was filled with despair."

Tolstoy's grades were mediocre in his studies. People evaluate the three brothers: the eldest brother can learn if he wants to learn, the second brother wants to learn but can't learn, and Tolstoy doesn't want to learn and can't learn. Not to mention his poor academic performance, he also looked as ugly as an ape: his rough face was long and bulky, his short hair was covered on his forehead, his small eyes were hidden deep in his gloomy eye sockets, he was very severe when he looked at him, his nose was wide, his lips protruding forward, and his ears were wide. This honor tormented him, and in order to become a "respectable and decent man", he also learned to gamble, borrow, and debaucher like individual "decent people". He wrote in his diary: I lived completely like an animal, completely depraved.

He listed nine reasons for his fall.

First, hesitation lacks courage. Second, self-deception. Third, it is too much to cut. Fourth, senseless shame. Fifth, the mood is bad. Sixth, confusion. 7. Imitation. 8. Impetuousness. IX. Without consideration.

Here's the difference between the successful and the unsuccessful. Successful people know how to always reflect on themselves, find out the shortcomings and deficiencies, correct them at any time, and embark on a path suitable for development. Unsuccessful people often go with the flow, not only do not reflect, but stubborn, in the end, nothing.

The University of Tolstoy dropped out of school halfway through because he was tired of being a "decent man." He decided to return to his estate and "serve the peasants". At first the peasants did not welcome him, not believing that the well-bred young owner of the manor would treat them with sincerity. Tolstoy was met with a mocking indifference, unbreakable suspicion that these peasants were "vulgar, lying, lazy, stubborn." At the same time, he also saw the patience and concessions of the peasants, the forgiveness of all wrongdoing, and the enthusiasm for the family. He felt that everything was so beautiful and that he should be one of them.

The urban routine is deep, and I want to go back to the countryside.

Although rural life is monotonous, poor, lonely, and tired, the three major desires that plague him (gambling desire, carnal desire, and vanity) are also slowly eroded.

Tolstoy: After achieving fame, he felt endless nothingness and decided to scatter his family wealth to redeem the fallen soul

In 1851, at the age of 23, Tolstoy began writing. Life was lonely and painful, and he began to reminisce about his childhood, reliving the "innocent, poetic, happy, wonderful" childhood life, and pursuing the "gentle, kind, loving childlike heart", the title of the book is "Childhood". After writing it, he sent it to the magazine and unexpectedly became famous.

In 1855, Tolstoy entered the upper cultural circles of St. Petersburg, maneuvering among the literati and soon feeling deeply disappointed. The literati were vain and arrogant, and Tolstoy felt out of place, "disgusted by all currents." Turgenev, the leader of the literary world at the time, quarreled with him because of a point of view, threatening to slap him, and Tolstoy was furious and threatened to fight with a pistol at once to compensate for his reputation. Tolstoy served as a soldier for five years, the marksmanship was excellent, Turgenev instigated, apologized to Tolstoy, Tolstoy refused to accept, and the two fell out.

In 1859, Tolstoy met the Biels family, and he took turns to love four of their mother and daughter, and finally fell in love with the second daughter of the family, Sophia. Sophia was only 14 years old, but he was already 31 years old, and he thought he was an old man who had no right to combine his decaying, defaced life with the life of an innocent girl. For this reason, he endured for three years. But Sophia loved him equally, and the two drew the first letter of their words on the table with the same piece of lead powder. He showed Sophia his diary to let Sophia know about his past life, and Sophia was so touched that the two finally got married in 1862. He was 34 and she was 17.

The two achieved each other after marriage. "She is a real writer's lady". She worked with him, recording his dictated language and transcribed his drafts. She tried to warm him with her love, to protect him, and not to let him be hurt by any wind and grass from the outside world. The artist is sensitive and vulnerable, and Tolstoy felt from his wife peace and security that he had never tried in his life. He wrote two magnificent works in ten years: Anna. Karelina" and "War and Peace".

Anna. "Karelina" has a prototype, and any art is derived from life and deduced from life. In 1872, five versts away from the Tolstoy farm, a man named Anna. The woman of Zkova, discovering that her lover had a new lover, proposed to her son's governess, and died in a fit of rage. Tolstoy was deeply touched by this tragedy and began writing in 1873, which took four years to complete. The name of the protagonist Anna in the book comes from this martyred woman.

As soon as the book was released, it caused "a real social explosion", and its chapters aroused the "stilted" gaze of the whole society, as well as endless "discussions, praises, criticisms and quarrels, as if things were related to everyone's most personal problems". It is socially recognized as a great work, and it has reached a height never before reached in Russian literature. Dostoevsky excitedly commented: "This is a masterpiece of perfect art, and there is no such thing in modern European literature that can be compared with it".

Lenin had read the book so much that he had crumpled the covers.

"War and Peace" is the story of Russia's Great Patriotic War of 1812, and the author crosses the two lives and two threads of "war" and "peace" to form an encyclopedic and magnificent epic. The famous Russian writer Babel said that people do not need to read too many books in their lifetime, seven or eight books are enough, and "War and Peace" is undoubtedly one of the most important books to read. Gorky said war and peace was the greatest work of nineteenth-century world literature. British writer Maugham (author of "The Moon and Sixpence") said that "War and Peace" is the world's greatest novel, its scene is vast, there are many characters, not only has no one written such a novel before, but no one will write it again, it is a well-deserved "epic".

Tolstoy: After achieving fame, he felt endless nothingness and decided to scatter his family wealth to redeem the fallen soul

In addition to writing, it is labor. Tolstoy had too much energy to vent, and he mowed the grass with the farmers, working tirelessly for more than ten hours in a row. But after the two masterpieces were written, Tolstoy was confused and did not know what to do next. He lived the highest aristocratic life, with 380 hectares of estates, woods, small rivers, ponds, orchards, a huge secular reputation, and a happy family. He had 1,700 acres of land, and 300 serfs worked day and night for him. "I love, I am loved, I have good children, big land, glory and health". If a person can live to this point, he will not ask for anything. He once said without concealment, "I am completely happy."

At the same time, Tolstoy felt "terrible, man-eating, night-like" nothingness, his soul seemed to be torn apart by something, cracking open a long, narrow and bottomless black hole, darkness flowing into various organs, and the light and color disappeared. "My life stopped. I can eat, I can drink, I can sleep, I can breathe, but it's not life. I have no desire anymore. I feel that there is nothing but death, an irrepressible force that drives me to get rid of life."

When his family prevented him from seeking short-sightedness, they hid the rope for fear that he would hang himself; and hid the shotgun, afraid that he would make a temporary point during the hunt and shoot himself in the head. Tolstoy said, "Family and art can no longer satisfy me. Everyone in the family is a wretch like me. Art is a mirror of life, and when life becomes meaningless, the mirror game will not be fun."

He then discovered a problem that farmers never committed suicide. He had seen many knowledgeable scholars, wealthy rich men, and many people in the leisure class who had committed suicide out of despair of life, and "he was astonished by the number of suicides." But he had never seen a few peasants commit suicide. After getting close to these farmers, he found that these farmers were able to live tenaciously not by reason, but by faith. "Faith is the force of life. Without faith, man cannot live."

He decided to fully integrate into the population. "Such a life is meaningful." He said that life in the world is a fragile reed, but a reed with thought, so we have to think well. "Industry is a way to enjoy someone else's work," he said. An estate is something that does not belong to me but to someone else. A man usually calls his wife, his servants, and his possessions his possessions, and he should give them up, otherwise he will suffer himself and others will suffer."

There is no doubt that Tolstoy was ill, and very ill. The first person to discover the problem was none other than his wife, Sophia. She found that her husband's eyes were very peculiar, always fixed. Barely opened his mouth, and didn't seem to be a man in this world." "He meditated day and night so much that he had a headache." "He was melancholy, depressed, unable to eat, crying in the corner, and I thought I was about to go crazy."

She coaxed him like a child: no matter how the child played, as long as he didn't cry, he went.

Turgenev, the former enemy, was very distressed to hear of Tolstoy's condition. He said, "I pity Tolstoy, but the French say it well, and each has its own way of fighting lice." He wrote to Tolstoy, "Brilliant master, your tools are not here (referring to Tolstoy's labor with the peasants). Our tool is a pen, not a hoe." Tolstoy replied that only a burning fire is a fire (meaning that he could no longer write anything, but an authentic peasant, not a writer of world renown).

In 1899, the elderly Tolstoy once again wrote the famous "Resurrection". The footage comes from a true story provided to him by a prosecutor: a young aristocratic man seduced his aunt's maid, who was thrown out of the house after becoming pregnant, and later became a prostitute, and was tried for stealing money. This aristocratic young man attended the courtroom as a juror and was condemned by his conscience when he saw the woman he had seduced before. He applied to the judge for permission to marry her as atonement for his sins, and unfortunately the maid died of typhus in prison.

The Resurrection was written over a decade, changed six drafts, and is known as "Tolstoy's Artistic Testament."

Tolstoy: After achieving fame, he felt endless nothingness and decided to scatter his family wealth to redeem the fallen soul

In the last years of his life, Tolstoy's "childishness" was even stronger, and he wanted to give hundreds of millions of dollars to the peasants to redeem his fallen souls, a move that was undoubtedly opposed by his wife and children. It is tolerable for children to cry and make trouble, but now they want to raid their homes, which is tolerable and intolerable. Tolstoy was helpless and ran away from home many times. I can't change you, but I can change myself.

In the harsh winter of 1910, when the cold wind was howling, the 82-year-old Tolstoy dragged his sick body away from home for the last time, and died in the middle of a railway station in an unknown town. As he lay dying, he wept loudly and said silently, "Millions of beings on the earth are suffering, so why are you all here to take care of a lev?" Tolstoy? Following his last words, his body was buried in the forest of the manor, without a tombstone or cross.

Tolstoy: After achieving fame, he felt endless nothingness and decided to scatter his family wealth to redeem the fallen soul

Tolstoy's prominence in the history of Russian literature has a very vivid metaphor. A professor once gave a lesson to students, "When you enter the classroom, let everyone close the curtains and turn off all the lights." He first turned on the left light, saying it was Pushkin, and then he turned on the right one, saying it was Gogol, and then turned on the middle lamp, saying that it was Chekhov. Then he ran to the window, pulled open the curtains, and said, "This is Tolstoy."

Just as "Red Studies" occupies an indispensable position in the study of classical Chinese literature, "Toxue" has long been an independent discipline in Russian and Soviet literature, and "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina" and "Resurrection" have always been the research centers of "Tosso". "They constitute the three most striking signposts, marking the different stages of Tolstoy's life's creation; they stand on three legs to prop up Tolstoy's magnificent literary edifice; they are more like a triple jump, a national epic - a tragedy of love - a moral confession, a historical scene - family life - a spiritual self-portrait, showing a clear trajectory of Tolstoy's leap to the pinnacle of world literature."

Many years later, some well-known Chinese writers came to visit Tolstoy's manor with the mood of "looking at the miracles", and one of the writers said, "I want to have such a large manor, and I can also write "War and Peace"."

Why should we read masterpieces? The reason why famous works are "famous" is because they are worthy of their names. Both the majority of readers like, but also the picky peers to respect. Since ancient times, the literati have been light, and it is very difficult for a book to become a masterpiece. Although many books are best-selling and have a wide audience, they are not "masterpieces" because they are not unanimously recognized by their peers. Tolstoy's trilogy is a well-deserved masterpiece. This set of "Tolstoy Trilogy", hardcover genuine, excellent paper, good quality, inexpensive, is a rare product, like friends quickly buy a set to go home to see it, click the link below to buy directly.

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