
These 5 behaviors are constantly depleting the yang energy in your body, resulting in frequent diseases, so change them as soon as possible

author:Wonderful materia medica

Uncle Wu is 68 years old this year, and after retirement, he and his wife often go out to exercise and maintain the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. But he has always had symptoms of cold hands and feet, fatigue, and he can't relieve it after exercise. However, there was no other discomfort in his body other than these symptoms, so Uncle Wu did not take it too seriously.

Since about last month, Uncle Wu has inexplicable dyspnea, and after going to the hospital for examination, he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the course of the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. The doctor told him that he had lost the opportunity for surgical treatment and that he could only prolong survival by conservative treatment.

The family who got this diagnosis did not want to give up, and after being introduced by a friend, he went to an old Chinese medicine doctor for consultation, and after diagnosis, Chinese medicine believed that the reason why Uncle Wu suffered from cancer was due to the lack of yang in the body that caused the invasion of cold and evil spirits. He did not pay attention to the symptoms in time when he appeared earlier, so that the course of the disease progressed to an advanced stage.

To what is "yang", is insufficient yang really easy to cause tumors? Today Xiaomiao will come to talk to you.

These 5 behaviors are constantly depleting the yang energy in your body, resulting in frequent diseases, so change them as soon as possible

First, people with insufficient yang qi are more likely to attract tumors?

The "Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor" recorded: "If the yang qi is heaven and the sun, if he loses his place, he will not live well, so the luck of heaven should be bright with the sun." Yang Qi is like the sun in the sky, dominating human life. When the yang energy in a person's body is exhausted, it means that life is dying. It can maintain the normal operation of the five internal organs in the body, promote the circulation and flow of qi and blood, jin liquid, etc.

The role of yang qi can be mainly summarized into two points, one is to help warm the internal organs meridians, maintain the blood and fluid operation in the body, and allow the body to move normally; The second is to help protect the skin surface, which can resist the invasion of external evil and remove excess diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that people with insufficient yang qi will have cold hands and feet, fear of cold and wind, frequent colds and coughs, easy diarrhea, and nocturia. People with long-term yang deficiency can easily become cold physique, Li Zhong, doctoral supervisor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, said that about 70% of patients clinically diagnosed with cancer have cold physique.

These 5 behaviors are constantly depleting the yang energy in your body, resulting in frequent diseases, so change them as soon as possible

Why people with cold constitution are more likely to attract tumors, Chu Zhenzhen, chief physician of the Department of Hematology and Oncology of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, explained that there are two main reasons why cold physique is easier to recruit:

First, because people with cold constitution have the problem of low immunity, it is difficult for the body to remove foreign toxic substances in time;

Second, the blood circulation of people with cold constitution is relatively slow, and it is easy to form congestion and phlegm in the body, which is also easy to induce cancer.

Second, men often do 5 behaviors that may deplete yang qi, change them as soon as possible

With age, yang will gradually decrease, people with insufficient yang are prone to a variety of chronic diseases, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine chief physician Cheng Liangbin said, the cause of yang deficiency is mainly congenital genetics, acquired habits and natural aging and other three aspects.

The consumption of yang caused by congenital factors and natural aging is difficult for us to change, but acquired habits are something we can modify, therefore, do not want to lack yang, it is best to do less of the following behaviors to consume yang in daily life.

These 5 behaviors are constantly depleting the yang energy in your body, resulting in frequent diseases, so change them as soon as possible
  • Love to eat raw and cold

Raw and cold food actually has to be subdivided into two, "raw food" refers to unheat-treated food, such as vegetables, sashimi, raw pickled, etc.; Cold refers to foods with low temperature and cold nature, such as cold drinks, ice cream, bitter melon, winter melon, etc. From the perspective of modern medicine, eating raw and cold food will cause a sharp drop in gastrointestinal temperature, reduce blood flow, and then easily cause dysfunction. Common foods such as cucumbers, watermelons, bitter melons, and radishes are cold, and you should be careful not to eat more in daily life.

  • Stay up late for a long time

People working and studying during the day are actually consuming the yang qi in the body, and sleeping at night can replenish the yang consumed during the day. Staying up late for a long time will break the balance of yin and yang qi and blood in the body, and it is easy to induce abnormal performance in various organs.

  • Sedentary

Being sedentary for a long time will cause the blood circulation in the body to be affected, which in turn will increase the risk of a variety of diseases, and the kidney qi and yang qi will also be lost in large quantities.

These 5 behaviors are constantly depleting the yang energy in your body, resulting in frequent diseases, so change them as soon as possible
  • Smoking, alcoholism

Smoking and alcohol abuse will have a greater impact on health, and will also increase toxins in the body, induce endocrine disorders, and yang will also be depleted in this case.

  • Abuse of antipyretic and detoxifying Chinese medicines

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical treatment, and many people will blindly consume Chinese medicine that clears heat and detoxification when they have so-called "fire" symptoms in their daily life. However, to go to the fire, we must first distinguish between the virtual and the real, and repeated fire is generally a deficiency disease, blindly clearing heat can easily lead to yang consumption, and the discomfort on the body is difficult to alleviate.

Third, Yang Qi is enough to live long! Do a good job of 5 points of maintenance yang

In life, you can maintain yang qi from some details, these things are very important and worth learning from everyone.

  • Routine

The normal biological clock of the human body is consistent with the law of yang, and it is recommended to fall asleep at 23 o'clock at night and get up at about 6 o'clock in the morning to ensure that the body has about 7 hours of sleep time, which helps the yang qi in the body to grow.

  • Avoid overwork

Daily should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, overwork will lead to yang in a state of compensation, and then will make yang insufficient biochemistry, which is not good for health.

These 5 behaviors are constantly depleting the yang energy in your body, resulting in frequent diseases, so change them as soon as possible
  • Keep soaking your feet

Soaking feet can promote the speed of qi and blood circulation in the body, and also has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases. It is recommended to use warm water at about 40 degrees Celsius for foot soaking, and keep it for about 15 minutes each time you soak your feet.

  • Exercise in moderation

Daily exercise can be appropriate, such as jogging, brisk walking and other aerobic exercise are a good choice. Pay attention to exercise to adhere to long-term persistence, each exercise to keep the body slightly sweaty, do not exercise excessively.

  • Peace of mind

Maintaining a good attitude can prevent liver qi stagnation, and it is also helpful for the growth of yang qi, and you can listen to music, read books, learn calligraphy, etc. every day to help cultivate emotions and maintain emotional stability.

Insufficient yang will bring a greater threat to health, which must be paid enough attention to, and intervene in time when it is found that the body has insufficient yang qi.


[1] "[Tumor] Insufficient Yang Qi is easy to attract tumor". The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine 2020-10-16

[2] "The "raw cold" that doctors advise you to avoid are actually two types of food...". Life Times 2022-11-12

[3] "Yang Qi Foot People Live Long! Experts teach you to use massage to maintain yang qi". People's Network Health 2022-04-14

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