
She experienced 9 years of domestic violence and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, but she raised 3 billionaires!

author:Palm the wind is pleasant

Her life can be described as an absolutely hardcore legend.

Born in Canada, he grew up in a family obsessed with adventure travel.

At the age of fifteen, he began working as a model in South Africa, earning his first pot of gold until university.

Forced to marry at the age of 22, divorced after 9 years of domestic violence;

At the age of 31, she became a bankrupt single mother, raised 3 billionaires on her own, and had eleven grandchildren.

He appeared at New York Fashion Week at the age of 67, took full L photos at the age of 70, and entered the golden period of his career at the age of 71.

She is "Iron Man" Takashi. Musk's mother: Meyer. Musk.

Her life is so wonderful!

It is also the light of life and life role model for countless women.

She experienced 9 years of domestic violence and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, but she raised 3 billionaires!

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Adventurous and discreet family, happy childhood

Meyer. Musk comes from a happy, loving, and kind family.

My father never followed suit, and whenever he had a dream, he would take action.

Mothers, too, have their own career goals and plans.

Her parents always lived a different life, buying planes and traveling by themselves.

From an early age, he was taken by his parents to travel to difficult places and learn to support himself.

Growing up in such a family atmosphere laid the foundation for Meyer Musk's character and attitude towards life.

Going your own way and not always having to follow what others expect of you is a lesson she learned at a very young age.

Adventurous and prudent life, there is nothing that Musk's family cannot do, this is their life credo, and it is also the best way for her to raise her 3 children into billionaires.

That is, do your best, be a role model for the children, show that you have done everything you want to do.

At the age of 15, he first appeared on the modeling stage, participated in a beauty contest in his junior year, signed a modeling agency, and officially became a model.

Her previous plan was to become a nutritionist.

Since then, she has continued to study hard, making nutrition counseling her most important career, and modeling is only a subsidy.

Such an attitude has made her do both careers.

Meyer Musk's experience tells us:

Family atmosphere and education play an important role in a person's growth and attitude towards life and career.

What kind of children you want to raise and what kind of self you become first, just show them such a self.


Fall into the abyss and fall into a miserable marriage

Meyer. Musk has had a boyfriend since he was 16 years old.

This man kept saying that he wanted to marry her, but he was with another girl behind her back.

When she knew, she was so painful that she couldn't swallow and cried for a whole week.

After that, she never got in touch with her boyfriend and accepted a job at a food company.

But at this moment, the boyfriend suddenly appeared and proposed to her with a ring, which Meyer refused.

Who knows, this man actually found her parents on his own and said that Meyer had agreed to his marriage proposal.

It just so happened that her sister Kai was planning to marry her boyfriend at the time, so his father suggested that the wedding be held at the same time.

In this way, without Meyer's knowledge, the wedding was decided and the invitation was sent.

Hearing the news, Meyer was frightened.

But at that time, Meyer lacked self-confidence because of obesity, so he obeyed the arrangement, quit his job and went home to get married, but he did not expect to fall into the abyss.

During her honeymoon, she encountered domestic violence for the first time.

When the man started punching and kicking her, she was terrified.

She wanted to run away, but couldn't because her husband took her passport.

Even during pregnancy, she was tormented and had to help her ex-husband work during the day.

Also doing housework and cooking in the evening. The violent ex-husband is slightly unhappy.

Meyer inevitably got punched and kicked.

Maybe you will say, why didn't she divorce and leave which scumbag?

At that time, South African law did not protect women, and abuse of women by men could not constitute a basis for divorce, and there was no precedent for success.

And people at that time, including the brainwashed Meyer, had a concept that it was natural for men to commit domestic violence against women because they were men.

Finally, nine years later, the year South Africa passed the law "irretrievably breaking up marriages," she told herself: "It's finally time for a divorce." ”

The dawn of escape has finally appeared.

She experienced 9 years of domestic violence and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, but she raised 3 billionaires!

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Started a new life, and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31

She said she spent a long time waiting for the person to change, only to find that she could change.

The purgatory life lasted nine years, and Meyer was able to divorce with the support of her family.

Meyer also admonished women in her autobiography, Life is Mine:

"When suffering happens, please allow yourself to climb out of the morass no matter what. It's important to remember that the sooner you break free, the better! ”

At the age of 31, in order to divorce as soon as possible, Meyer only brought the custody of 3 children out of the household.

During this period, the husband sued for 10 years in order to fight for custody of the children, which spent almost all the money Meyer earned.

"When you run away from a relationship, you face a very bad dark period before dawn, you feel lonely and have to grit your teeth," she said. But there's no reason to lose the rest of your life and keep yourself sad.

Therefore, in order to live a better life, reduce costs.

Meyer moved to the town with her three children, and began to devote herself to her studies and work as a nutrition counselor.

She started her consulting career while attending night school.

He also obtained 2 master's degrees in nutrition.

In this way, Meyer had to take care of the children while working and studying.

Because she didn't have time to cook, it was not delicious to cook by herself, and her second son, Kimball, liked to study cooking and prepared meals for them from the age of twelve.

Meyer encourages all children to follow their hobbies and interests.

Now the eldest son, Musk, is the richest man in the world.

The second son, Kimball, runs a restaurant where the farm produces direct food to the table and teaches children across the country to build fruit and vegetable gardens in schools.

The youngest daughter, Tosca, runs her own entertainment company, specializing in producing and directing romance films based on best-selling novels.

Each of the three children has different interests and careers that they love.

And she herself is an entrepreneur, supermodel, nutritionist, best-selling author, speaker...

People always ask her how she can raise successful children.

She said I was just letting them follow their interests.

That's how her parents raised them, and that's how she raised her children.

Now I have experienced a tragic married life in the first half of my life.

She has turned against the wind and lived herself as a worthy queen.

She experienced 9 years of domestic violence and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, but she raised 3 billionaires!

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With gray hair, he returned to the runway and entered the peak of his modeling career

In old age, the old lady went to New York with silver hair to regain her profession and return to the catwalk.

She lost weight, ate healthy food, and began to take skin care, makeup and dress up seriously.

Every day I tried to become fitter and more professional, and gradually, Meyer walked many international shows and appeared in many well-known fashion publications.

She experienced 9 years of domestic violence and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, but she raised 3 billionaires!

At the age of 63, she took pregnancy photos to draw attention to the problem of elderly mothers over 50.

Of course, at first I also mistakenly thought that she was pregnant, after all, she was an alien mother, but the photo was P.

She experienced 9 years of domestic violence and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, but she raised 3 billionaires!

At the age of 70, he can appear in magazines and take full L photos.

She experienced 9 years of domestic violence and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, but she raised 3 billionaires!

Today, 71-year-old Meyer still has a radiant look in her eyes, more charming than many young girls.

Her story made me no longer afraid of aging, every stage of life has its own beauty and abundance, the key is what kind of self you live.

Life is up to me, to have an adventurous spirit and enjoy the unknown journey.

She experienced 9 years of domestic violence and became a bankrupt single mother at the age of 31, but she raised 3 billionaires!


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