
A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

author:The story of Xiao Kun

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Plant name: Gastrodia; Family: Orchidaceae, Gastrodia

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use


Gastrodia is a perennial herb found in most parts of the country. Its dried tubers, also known as gastrodia, are commonly used and more expensive traditional Chinese medicine, which are clinically used for headache, dizziness, limb numbness, pediatric convulsions, epilepsy, convulsions, tetanus and other symptoms. Gastrodia has always relied on wild resources in the past, and after the success of wild mutants in the 1970s, the domestic species of gastrodia became the main source of commodity.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

History of planting

History of gastrodia cultivation

Tianma is one of the 13 kinds of precious Chinese herbal medicines in China, which has a history of more than 2,000 years. Yichang tianma planting began in the 70s of the last century, Yichang Tianma research group in order to effectively use the yichang wild tianma this valuable resource, give full play to their own wisdom, according to the biological characteristics of tianma, after more than 10 years of hard work, finally make Yichang city tianma wild change home planting, asexual change sex, sexual change hybrid" origin place. Large-scale, organized production was in 1993. Due to the suitable climate and good soil conditions in Yichang, many townships in the city are above 800 meters above sea level. After the promotion and guidance of the government, by 2008, the planting area of Yichang tianma reached 5 million square meters, and the annual output value exceeded 800 million yuan. Yichang was once the largest gastrodia planting base in the country, and the output once accounted for 40% of the domestic market, and could affect the price of the tianma market in the country.

Gastrodia fungus cultivation

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

Grow gastrodia

<h1>(1) The choice of tree species</h1>

Tree species suitable for fungus should be solid and easy to pick up bacteria. There are many species of trees that can grow honey ring fungus, generally broad-leaved trees. Such as green bars, quercus trees, cork oaks, water melons, birch trees, locust trees, elm trees and so on. When making fungus, you should choose a tree stick of 1-3 inches as thick as a teapot, and saw it into 1-1.5 feet long segments, cut a fish scale every 2-3 inches, if the stick is thick, you can cut 3-4 rows, and the depth can be cut through the skin to the xylem. The following is a description of the culture site of the fungus and the size of the culture bed.

<h1>(2) Selection of training sites</h1>

The site should choose sandy loam soil that is breathable and water-friendly, and the slope is less than 45 degrees. In high mountainous areas, leeward slope cultivation is selected, low terrain and warm climate are selected for yin mountain cultivation, and in zhongshan mountain areas, half-shade and half-yang wasteland or forest cultivation is selected.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

<h1>(3) The size of the cultivation pit</h1>

There is no uniform size of the pit, which can be determined according to the terrain and the number of culture sticks. In order to reduce the loss caused by contaminated bacteria, generally no more than 200 sticks are in a pit. The culture methods of fungus are: pit culture, half pit culture, stack culture and box culture. Let's start with: Pit Pei.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

<h1>(4) Cultivation methods</h1>

1, pit culture: pit depth of about 1.5 feet, the bottom of the pit first lay a thin layer of leaves, the leaves on the flat stick a layer, cover a layer of sand and use sand soil to fill the gap between the sticks, every two sticks between the added branches 3-4 segments, if the amount of culture is small, you can also directly add artificially cultivated tertiary solid strains. Place 4-5 layers in this way, and cover the stick with 2-3 inches of soil as flat as the ground.

2, half pit cultivation: pit depth of 1 foot, cultivation method is the same as pit cultivation. There are 1-2 layers of rods above the ground, covering 3 inches of soil, and the part above the ground is in the shape of a grave.

3, pile cultivation, do not dig pits. Pile up the sticks on the ground and cultivate them directly. The cultivation method is the same as pit cultivation.

4. Box training: mainly carried out indoors, can be cultivated in all four seasons. In winter, it can be cultivated indoors with heating equipment to bring the soil temperature to 18-20 ° C. The cultivation method is the same as before. In addition to wooden boxes, brick pools can also be made of brick, and in addition, the filling and covering is made of sawdust and sand, and the ratio is 1:1 by volume.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

Sexual reproduction of gastrodia

Gastrodia propagation with seeds is called sexual reproduction. This phenomenon will occur in the gastrodia producing area: one side of the slope did not have gastrodia in the past, and the crops were planted in the burning mountains and reclaimed, and the gastrodia grew within a few years. Where did these pelinas come from? It is nothing more than seeds flying from other places where there is gastropoda. Gastrodia seeds are as small as flour, the naked eye is not clear, their size varies with region, different species, generally only 0.69-0.97× 0.08-0.14 mm, only with a magnifying glass more than 50 times to see its shape (Figure 1), its seeds like Tsubaki seeds. The dark in the middle is the embryo, and the transparent part around it is the seed coat of a single layer of cells, which resembles two wings. Mature seeds drift with the wind to the environment suitable for its growth, in the case of symbiotic germination bacteria to establish a symbiotic relationship can germinate, after germination of the original bulb differentiation to grow into a vegetative propagation stem, vegetative propagation stem and then connected to honey ring bacteria can continue to reproduce and grow. Again: mature seeds drift into an environment suitable for its growth with the wind, and they can germinate and grow into a nest of gastropods by establishing a symbiotic relationship with symbiotic germination bacteria and honey fungus.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

Propagation method: Mainly with tubers, but also with seeds

(1) Tuber propagation: winter planting or spring planting. Winter planting of gastrodia has a high rate of bacteria and fast growth, and the time is in November. Spring planting occurs in March and April. Before planting, cultivate a good mushroom bed. Tree species suitable for the growth of honey ring fungus are commonly used in the shell family of green bar, quercus quercus, cork oak, woolly chestnut, etc., to the thick bark, hard in nature, strong rot resistance of broad-leaved trees. The selected wood is sawn into 40-50 cm long sticks, and the bark is cut into fish scales. In the selected plot, 2-3 months before planting, dig a cellar with a depth of 25 to 30 cm, a width of 60 cm, and a length depending on the terrain. The bottom of the cellar is leveled, a layer of dry leaves or humus soil is laid, and the processed new wooden stick and the wood with honey ring fungus (commonly known as fungus) are spaced 1 layer apart, the distance between the adjacent two rods is 6-7 cm, and the branches of some broad-leaved trees can be sandwiched in the middle, and the gaps are filled with humus soil to prevent fungal pollution, and then cover the soil with 3 to 4 cm. The second layer of the same method is covered with 10 cm of soil. Keep the cellar moist, covered with weeds to shade and cool down and moisturize so that honey ring bacteria grow normally, that is, into a bacterial bed. Select tubers without disease spots, freeze damage and rot as planting, and cultivate them separately and separately. When planting, place the seeds in parallel in the groove between the bacteria sticks, close to the bacteria sticks, fill the gaps with humus soil, and cover them with 3 cm, so that the bottom fungus is not seen. The second layer is planted in the same way, and finally covered with 10 to 15 cm, covered with a layer of leaves and weeds, keeping the soil moist, and thickening the soil cover during the winter to prevent frost damage. If artificial mushroom beds and plastic bags are used for cultivation, the hemp used is a healthy white hemp and rice hemp, and due to the use of artificial temperature control, the cultivation time can be carried out from November to April of the following year.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

(2) Seed propagation: select arrows and hemp weighing more than 100 grams, plant with the above method, prevent sunlight when pumping, and carry out artificial pollination when flowering. The pollination time can be selected around 10 o'clock on a sunny day, and it is carried out when the edge of the cap is slightly flowered. After pollination, the ears are covered with plastic bags, and when a small number of seeds are scattered from the lower fruit, they are harvested from the bottom up. Due to the short lifespan of gastrodia seeds, the picked capsules should be sown in time. When sowing, take out the upper layer of fungus on the fungus bed, pull out the soil on the lower layer of fungus, scatter the dried and wet leaves, sprinkle on the lower layer of fungus, slightly flatten, spread the seeds evenly on the leaves, cover a thin layer of wet fallen leaves, and then sow the second layer of seeds, cover the soil 3 cm, cover another layer of wet leaves, put in the soil layer fungus, and finally cover the soil with 10 to 15 cm. For example, 10 mushrooms per cellar can sow 8 to 10 capsules, and each capsule has about 30,000 seeds, which are properly planted, and a part of the arrow hemp, white hemp, hemp and a large amount of rice hemp can be received in the autumn of the following year, which can be used as a planting for tuber propagation.

1. Cultivate seeds

(1) Seed cultivation technology in breeding nurseries

1. Selection of breeding nursery site: Breeding nursery is best to choose a relatively flat ditch under the shade of trees, the soil is preferably sandy loam, no stones.

2, the choice of arrow hemp: the choice of good breeding arrow hemp is one of the keys to the success or failure of breeding. In the harvest season of tianma in November, attention should be paid to the selection of arrow hemp in the harvest cave. Strictly prevent digging and other mechanical damage, the top bud should be kept intact, full, ruddy, no pests and diseases, and the weight is better than 3 or more. After digging, carefully put it in the basket and strictly prevent bumps during transport.

3. Cultivation period of jianma: In the area south of Qinling Mountains in China, under the natural conditions of winter ground temperature of not less than 0 °C, it can be cultivated immediately after harvesting tianma in winter. In the colder areas north of the Qinling Mountains, it is not suitable for winter planting, and it is selected as a burrow for planting hemp, which can not be harvested in winter, and overwinter naturally, which can be changed to spring harvest and spring planting, or thicken the soil after winter planting, and cover it with straw as a good cold protection measure. The harsh cold areas of the northeast should be planted after thawing in the spring.

4, arrow hemp planting method: arrow hemp itself stores rich nutrients, can fully meet the nutrients required for the flowering and fruiting of moss. According to our test, there was no significant difference in the result rate and seed yield after flowering of moss. Therefore, when planting arrow hemp, it can be planted directly in the soil without fungus. The method is to make a two-foot wide furrow (the south is also called a high furrow) and leave a 1.5-foot wide pedestrian pollination path between the two furrows. When planting arrow hemp, the tubers should be laid flat but the top bud should be facing upwards and towards the inside of the furrow, leaving a plant spacing of 3-4 cm wide between the two arrow hemp. If planted in winter, a small branch is planted next to the top bud as a marker to prevent the arrow from hurting when the pole is inserted the following year. The height is appropriate to be high over the cover soil, 3-5 cm of compound soil, spring planters, should be inserted with a bamboo pole of more than 1.5 meters while re-soiling. The covered soil should be loose and free of stones to prevent the stones from pressing the top buds and affecting the emergence of seedlings.

5. Management of breeding gardens

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

(1) Antifreeze: Winter planting arrow hemp should be a good antifreeze measures, in the original cover of 3-5 cm of compound soil, and then add a layer of soil of 10 cm, but also on the cover of soil, cover another layer of straw, after the spring thawing, you can remove the thickened soil and straw, which is conducive to the emergence of gastrodia seedlings.

(2) Cutting rod: in addition to spring planting arrows, planting at that time has been inserted bamboo poles to prevent falling, winter planting arrows and hemp, after thawing, should pull out the original small branch marker, insert a 1.5 meters long bamboo pole at the original hole, after the emergence of seedlings with a thin rope to tie the flower moss on the bamboo pole, to prevent the wind from blowing down the flower moss.

(3) Shade: The flower moss of gastropoda is most afraid of direct sunlight. When irradiated, the stem of the light-receiving surface will turn black and fall down after rain. Therefore, all the arrows and hemp planted in the sun should be shaded by branches before they emerge. The shade of the shed is suitable for the sun to see the flowers and flowers. In the rainy areas of southern China, the pollination period is the rainy season, and pollination on rainy days is inconvenient on the one hand, and on the other hand, the fruiting rate is also reduced. Therefore, a plastic film should be covered with a layer of plastic film on top of the tree branch shade to prevent rain from falling into the nursery.

(4) Watering: When the day is dry, it should be watered in time to keep it moist. Especially in sheds covered with plastic film, rainwater cannot enter the shed, it is easy to drought, and it should be watered once a week.

(5) Disease and pest control: common pests and diseases are: sunburn, tuber rot disease, common insect pests are pseudo-leaf beetle, aphids, etc., its control methods, please refer to the content of field management.

(6) Sharpening: Several flowers at the top of gastrodia, the fruit is very small, the amount of seeds is small and not full, so after the bud, the top 2-3 buds should be knocked off, which can reduce nutrient consumption. In this way, the fruit is full and the seed yield is increased.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

(7) Pollination: Under natural conditions, gastrodia relies on insect pollination, artificial breeding of seeds, especially indoor breeding, must be artificial pollination. The method is to squeeze the newly opened flower with the left hand, take a small shoot or needle in the right hand and reach into the flower tube, flatten the lip flap, or gently remove the lip flap to facilitate pollination. Take the coronal stamens from the flowers of another gastrodia plant and place them in the spoon-shaped stigma area inside the pollinated flower tube (Figure 16), when transferring, one end of the pollen grain should be close to the stigma, so that the pollen sticks to the stigma, under natural conditions, if you see that there is pollen on the stigma, that is, the insect has pollinated, and there is no need to do artificial pollination.

(8) Harvesting seeds: Generally 20 days after pollination, the seeds mature, observe the longitudinal sutures of the fruit protruding, but not yet cracked, or use the fingers to gently pinch the fruit, if it has become soft, it is the most suitable harvest period. When harvesting, 5 or 6 fruits can be picked on top of and bottom and put into paper bags for later use. The fruit harvest sequence begins at the lower end of the panicle and is gradually harvested upwards.

(9) Storage and transportation of seeds: Seeds should be sown in time after harvesting, but in special circumstances, the unpartitioned fruit should be loaded into a glass container and stored at low temperature (2-3 °C). If possible, it should be placed in the refrigerator. Nearly 50% of the seeds can still germinate within 1 month.

(2) Greenhouse breeding:

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

Greenhouse breeding

Early spring greenhouse breeding can be harvested and sown earlier, which has a good effect on early germination of seeds and early connection of honey ring bacteria. Therefore, in places with greenhouse conditions, greenhouses can be used to plant arrow hemp in advance, and where there are no greenhouse conditions, soil greenhouses or plastic greenhouses should be built for breeding. If a small amount of arrow hemp is planted, it can also be planted in a wooden box and bred under insulated indoor conditions.

Second, sowing technology

(1) Sowing period: Field breeding is greatly affected by natural climatic conditions, and the sowing period is different in different regions. In the mountainous areas of western Hubei at an altitude of 1500 meters, sowing is sown in mid- and late-July; in the 1100-meter-high area of Nanningqiang County, Shaanxi Province, it is sown in mid- and late-June; and under the indoor natural temperature in Beijing, it is sown from the end of May to mid-June. Early sowing period is the key to high yield, take greenhouse breeding, if you can strive to sow in early May, it is equivalent to extending the growth period of tianma in the year of sowing, then the year of sowing can harvest high yield and can be planted white hemp.

(2) Sowing amount: There are 30,000-50,000 seeds in a fruit of tianma, according to this number, in a sowing hole of 0.5m2, 1-2 fruits are sown with 6-100,000 seeds. At present, the symbiotic germination bacteria are used to mix and sow, and the seed germination rate can reach 30-70%, but a large number of germinating protococci cannot establish a symbiotic relationship with honey ring bacteria, and only a few vegetative propagation stems of protococci germination are infected by honey ring bacteria and survive. The low rate of honey ring bacteria is a problem that has not been completely solved in scientific research and production. Due to the large number of gastrodia seeds, this is an advantageous condition for the sexual reproduction of gastrodia to preserve offspring. Therefore, at present, we can only take advantage of this favorable condition to increase the amount of sowing. Generally, in the sowing hole of 0.5 m2, it is advisable to sow 10-15 fruits.

(3) Sowing depth: The depth of the sowing hole of tianma sexual reproduction should still be selected according to the local natural climatic conditions, and the methods of pit sowing, semi-pit sowing and stacking should be selected. The pit sowing hole is about 30 cm deep, the half pit depth is 10-15 cm, generally sown in two layers, covered with pure sand, the sand thickness should not be less than 13-15 cm, and the soil covered with soil after sowing in the sand loam soil is 10-12 cm. There are two sowing methods, one is the leaf fungus bed method, and the other is the pure fungal seed companion sowing method. First, let's introduce the leaf fungus bed method.

(4) Sowing methods

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

1. Leaf fungus bed method

Although the leaf fungus bed method is to use the deciduous leaves in the forest, naturally infect the saprophytic germination bacteria in the soil, so that the seed germination, due to different areas, different forest plots, whether there is germination bacteria distribution and germinating bacteria species, dry humidity of leaves in the forest and many other factors will affect whether the seed can infect germinating bacteria, directly affecting the change of the nest rate and yield after the sowing of gastrodia, but it is completely attached to the law of natural germination of gastrodia seeds. After the promotion in some production areas in southern Shaanxi, good results have been achieved. The nesting rate reached 88.5%, and the average nest yield was 1.63kg, which alleviated the contradiction between the development of gastrodia and the shortage of hemp at that time. Cultivating hemp with strong vitality makes the hemp re-established and prevents the degradation of gastrodia and plays a very good role. At present, although germination bacteria such as purple mushrooms are successfully sown with gastrodia seeds, some areas that produce germinating bacteria unconditionally and have more germinating bacteria in the local soil can still obtain a better harvest by using the leaf fungal bed method.

(1) Collecting leaves: The key to the success or failure of the leaf fungus bed method is to collect leaves that are suitable for accompanying the sowing of gastrodia seeds. Gastrodia seeds can germinate when sown on the leaves because the leaves are infected with germinating bacteria such as purple mushrooms in the soil. The distribution of germination bacteria in different hillside soils in gastrodia producing areas is different, or due to differences in soil texture, shading conditions, and rainfall, resulting in differences in soil moisture content and relative humidity of air in different small environments, the probability of leaf infection with germination bacteria also varies, because leaves must remain moist to infect germination bacteria, so there are often leaves collected from different hillsides in production with gastrodia seeds, and the germination rate and yield are quite different. Dry yellow leaves and dried leaves on the ground directly picked from the tree, although after being placed in the fungal bed, may also be infected by germinating bacteria infected by grass roots, tree roots and other organic matter in the soil, and some seeds can also germinate after sowing gastropod seeds, but the germination rate is extremely low and slow, so it is not suitable for selection.

The time to collect leaves is to collect the dead yellow leaves and fine branches of the shelled plants that fell in the woods in the first year and early spring before the seeds ripen in June, preferably close to the wet leaves of the soil that are slightly decayed. Because these leaves are infected with germinating bacteria on the original dead branches and leaves of the soil surface, the germination bacteria can play a role in providing seed germination nutrients after sowing gastropod seeds. The dead branches and leaves collected should be often drizzled and moisturized to maintain the vitality of the germinating bacteria infected on the leaves, and the seeds can germinate together.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

(2) Sowing method: Immediately after the seed harvest, dig out the cultivated fungus bed, remove the upper fungus stick, shovel off the soil in the seam between the lower bacteria stick, and pad a thin layer (0.5 cm thick after compaction) into the leaves of the damp shell tree species between the two sticks, shake the seeds out of the fruit, and gently sprinkle on the leaves. When sprinkling, the hand should be close to the leaves to prevent the wind from blowing away the seeds, and the seeds cannot be sown on a windy day, and finally the peel is also sown into the fungal bed, filled with soil and sown to the upper layer. If the fungus cultured in the large pit is accompanied by sowing, or the honey ring fungus in the fungal bed grows vigorously, the lower layer of the fungus stick can also be lifted, the leaves and fine branches of the tree can be withdrawn into the seed, the original fungus stick is placed into the fungus bed according to the original placement method, and then a thin layer of soil is covered to fill the gap between the sticks and level with the rod, another layer of leaves is cushioned on the soil, the upper layer is sown with the same method, and finally the soil is covered with about 10cm, and the top of the sowing hole is covered with another layer of leaves to maintain the humidity in the soil (Figure 17). Finely chopped branches are also a good culture of germination bacteria and honey ring bacteria, when sowing, the fresh and tender branches are cut into small branches 5-10 cm long and sprinkled on the leaf layer, which can also play a good effect.

2. Accompaniment technology of pure bacteria

(1) Before seeding, the three-level leaves of germinating bacteria such as purple mushrooms that have been cultivated by the professional mushroom factory are produced, which are taken out of the culture bottle, placed in the washbasin or enamel dish, and each nest is used in 1 bottle of fungus leaves, and the sticky leaves are separated and set aside.

Harvest the tender fruit of gastrodia and shake the seeds of the split fruit from the fruit, gently sprinkle on the fungus leaves, while sprinkling while mixing, the seeds should be sown multiple times, sprinkled and then sprinkled, so as not to concentrate on several leaves, affecting the germination and bactericulation effect. Sowing and accompanying seeds should be divided and cooperated by two people, so as not to glue a large number of seeds with wet hands. Leaf mixing should be carried out indoors or in the leeward to prevent the loss of seeds by the wind.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

Liquid/solid, honey ring species

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

(2) Sowing method

Pure strain accompaniment technology, sowing new digging hole, laying a layer of leaves to divide the leaves of the seeds in half, half sprinkled on the upper layer, after sprinkling the seeds and leaves, swinging a thicker new stick 5-6 roots, the two rods are about 2cm apart, the pre-cultivated tertiary honey ring strains are taken out from the culture bottle, each bottle has about 40-50 branches, and 5-6 small branches are placed between the two sticks and next to the stick head, which can cover the soil. Put 7-8 thinner rods on the upper layer and sow seeds with the same method. The top of the cave is covered with 10 cm thick and covered with a layer of leaves 7-9 cm thick (Figure 18). 2 bottles of honey ring bacteria per litter. With pure fungal seeds accompaniment, honey ring bacteria and germination bacteria are pure bacteria cultured under sterile conditions, no bacteria, vigorous growth of bacteria, while the hole is completely accompanied by fresh wood segments, rich in nutrients, the original bulb of seed germination is fast, the bacterial rate is high, and the yield of gastrodia is high, this method is a good sowing method that has been successfully tested at present. In this way, honey ring bacteria, germination bacteria are pure strains, the stick is also fresh, and then covered with large grains of sand, such as proper watering, the contamination rate of miscellaneous bacteria is very low, the stick is rich in nutrients, and the yield of fresh gastrodia is high. If the top of the cave is covered with a layer of leaves, the effect will be better if the shade is shaded by a shade net during the high temperature period.

Gastrodia cultivation method

The growth period of gastrodia is from April to October every year, and the dormant period is from November to March. Asexual propagation of gastrodia should be planted during the dormant period. However, December to February is a harsh winter season, and planting is vulnerable to frost damage. Therefore, the planting period is divided into winter planting and spring planting.

(1) Winter planting: This method is suitable for areas where the winter is not very cold. Such as the area south of the Qinling Mountains. It is best to combine harvesting with planting, and hemp should not be stored for too long. In November, the hemp is harvested while planting, and when the climate is cold in December, the hemp is easily damaged by frost.

Honey ring fungus can grow under 15-16 °C conditions, after planting in early winter, honey ring fungus cord can not invade the gastrodia cortex, but can be attached to the epidermis, after wintering gastrodia began to grow that is, there is a nutrient supply, new hemp will grow rapidly, but some of the harvest of the stinging hemp during the wintering, will rot and die to reduce the survival rate.

(2) Spring planting: the winter in North China is not very cold, the cultivation hole can be safely overwintered with a little cover, you can use the method of spring harvest spring planting, the survival rate of tianma is high, if you can ensure excellent fungus and fungus branches with planting, spring planting in March can still obtain high yields.

In the harsh winter areas of northeast China, the ground temperature is often below minus 5 ° C, there is no heavy snow cover, and the winter planting of tianma plants is easy to freeze and damage, so the method of autumn harvest and winter storage and spring planting should be adopted. Gastrodia is concentrated and stored at low temperature after harvest, and planted after the soil thaws the following year, and planting too late will affect the growth of gastrodia.

Second, the choice of planting

The seeds used for asexual propagation of gastrodia, also known as planting, are mainly white hemp and rice hemp. We do not advocate the use of arrows and hemp for planting after being hit to the top. In some areas, in order to improve the reproductive coefficient, the white hemp is planted after the top, we have also promoted this method, so that although it is possible to collect more white hemp and hemp rice, the number of arrow hemp is very small, affecting the production of gastrodia. Because the reproduction coefficient of white hemp and rice hemp itself is very high, as long as the conditions are well controlled, the number can increase by dozens of times.

The source of asexual propagation material for gastrodia is currently mainly based on artificial cultivation of harvested white hemp and rice hemp. This kind of hemp has a large number, concentrated excavation time, less tatters, and is a better quality hemp. However, after multiple generations of asexual reproduction, the phenomenon of hemp will degenerate, affecting the yield. Wild species hemp, on the other hand, are a mixture of sexually reproducing generations. It is mixed with a certain number of sexual first- and second-generation offspring, so it is often dug up wild hemp, and it is highly productive for two or three years after planting. Artificially bred sexually reproduced offspring of white hemp and rice hemp have the strongest viability, and the yield can be 1-3 times higher than that of multi-generational asexual propagation of hemp. Therefore, sexually reproduced white hemp and rice hemp are the best asexual propagation materials.

(1) White hemp individuals are as large as little fingers, and the weight is best between 8-20 grams. White hemp that is too large for an individual is often a sign of degeneration and is not a good breed of hemp. Rice hemp is a good propagating material with a high reproductive coefficient, but it can generally only form white hemp in the following year after planting.

(2) Hemp is yellowish-white and fresh.

(3) There is no disease and insect hazard, and in particular, hemp without the harm of mesenchymal insects should be inspected.

(4) Seed hemp with no honey ring cord on the surface.

(5) Hemp without mechanical impact. This point is often not taken seriously, but it is one of the important factors affecting the production of gastrodia. When harvesting tianma in the production area, it is often controlled from the hole, first packed in the bamboo basket, and then poured in the bamboo basket, and then poured out of the back basket when the back is returned to the room, after so many procedures, upside down, the young hemp bumps in the bamboo basket, sometimes visual inspection and can not see the wound spots, but after planting the bumps will appear black spots and rot. Therefore, when harvesting, we should try to protect the hemp as much as possible, can not be stabbed, and should choose the seed hemp without mechanical impact when planting, which is also one of the keys to increasing production.

Third, the size of the hole

The cultivation of gastrodia is not based on "mu" as a unit, but in the unit of "nest", and some places are also called caves. Generally, 0.5m2 is used as a nest, and the size of the nest has always been a controversial issue. Before 1973, we also advocated that it was better to have a bigger nest. Because of the large nest planting, honey ring bacteria can infect each other and improve the bacterial rate. In some places, eight or ninety sticks are placed in a nest, although some holes have obtained high yields, such as 78 sticks in one hole, and 55.1 kg of tianma have been harvested; 98 sticks have been harvested for 112.5 kg. However, in some areas where the bacteria are more seriously damaged, the large nest will be infected with the bacteria, which will cause greater losses such as reduced production or empty nests. In short: the larger the nest, the more rods, and although the yield of the nest is high, the average production of gastrodia per stick will not increase. According to our survey, the average yield of three sticks per hole is 3.04 kilograms, and the average yield of each stick is 1.01 kilograms. One rod per hole, the hole yield is only 0.21 pounds. If each hole is increased to 25-26 rods, the average production of gastrodia per hole is 7.35 kg, and the average output of the stick is only 0.29 kg. Therefore, we advocate that the gastrodia cultivation hole should be 5-10 rods 0.5m2 in size appropriate, of course, the number of rods should also be determined according to the thickness of the stick, and the thin rod should be more sticks. In some places, it is planted in terraced fields around the mountain. We believe that after trenching, every 2 feet or so, set aside 0.5 feet of place, do not put bacteria sticks, and after burying the soil, the large nest can be separated to reduce the contamination of miscellaneous bacteria.

Fourth, the level

The cultivation level of gastrodia was initially planted with one layer, and then gradually changed to two layers, but there are also places to plant three layers and four layers. According to the investigation and analysis, those who plant two layers have high yields in the lower layers during droughts; high yields in the upper layers when there is a lot of rain, and droughts or rains and floods can ensure a bumper harvest. We have investigated the method of planting two layers to obtain high-yielding 5-hole gastrodia, share 102 sticks of bacteria, and harvest 127.6 catties of gastrodia, with an average yield of 1.25 catties per stick. In addition, there are 86 mushroom sticks in a hole, and a total of 51.5 pounds of tianma is harvested in 4 layers. At the time of harvest, it was found that gastrodia was mainly in the first and second layers, the third layer of gastrodia was less, and the fourth layer only saw a few small white hemp. This shows that the more layers, the lower layers of ground temperature is low, humidity is large, and the air permeability is also poor, which affects the growth of gastrodia. However, the level should also be determined according to the local natural climatic conditions. For example, in the northeast region of China, the main contradiction is the low temperature, the frost-free period is short, in order to improve the soil temperature, change the two layers to one layer, and use the method of ground stacking, the noon sun will soon be exposed to the soil layer, increase the ground temperature, in order to promote the growth of gastrodia.

<h1>Fifth, the placement method and planting amount of planting</h1>

Planting must be placed between two sticks, close to the stick. White hemp is used as a seed, and generally 3 kinds of hemp are placed in the middle of every two sticks. When placed, the two growth points at both ends should be outward (Figure 12), and the newborn hemp grows in the soil outside the stick, is not squeezed by the stick, and is in good shape. At both ends of the stick, two kinds of hemp can also be swung horizontally, each stick can swing 3-5 kinds of hemp, weighing 1-2 two. If you put 10 mushroom sticks in a hole, plant hemp for about 0.8 pounds. Now let's introduce the problem of making extensive use of leaves and branches.

<h1>Sixth, a large number of leaves and fungus branches are used</h1>

The leaves are buried in the soil, which can play a role in breathing and retaining water, and it is also part of the nutrient source of honey ring bacteria. According to our observation, when cultivating the mushroom bed, a book of wet leaves soaked in water is placed at the bottom of the cave, and the honey ring fungus grows vigorously, and also greatly reduces the pollution of miscellaneous bacteria. Therefore, when cultivating the mushroom bed, sticks and branches, when sowing gastrodia seeds in sexual reproduction, and when planting asexual propagation, a layer of wet leaves should be placed. After the gastrodia is planted and sown, a layer of leaves with a thickness of 10 cm on the surface of the hole can also play a significant role in retaining water. However, the leaves in the cultivation hole should not be too thick. The thickness is about 0.5 cm or so. Because the leaves are too thick in the soil, they will isolate the fungus and soil, and the moisture of the underlying soil will not be connected, and the leaves and sticks will dry out. Affects the growth of honey ring bacteria. When the rain is heavy, the leaves will ferment again, and the soil temperature will rise, which will also threaten the growth of honey ring bacteria.

The branches are cultivated with young branches, and the honey ring fungus grows quickly and grows vigorously. It can be used as a strain, culture fungus, mushroom bed. At the same time, when planting gastrodia, if the fungal bed honey ring bacteria grow badly, adding some fungal branches will increase the bacterial pick-up rate. When sowing seeds in sexual reproduction, putting more branches will also improve the bacterial rate of the germinogenic bulbs. When cultivating the bacterial bed, fungus material, planting tianma and sowing seeds, more bacterial branches are added to increase the amount of bacteria received by honey ring bacteria, and the rapid growth of honey ring bacteria will inhibit the growth of miscellaneous bacteria. Therefore, the large-scale use of fungal branches in the production of gastrodia is beneficial and has no disadvantages.

The branches and leaves are all waste products after cutting down the tree when cultivating fungus. A large number of fungal branches and leaves are used, so that the poles, branches and leaves of a tree can be used to plant gastrodia, on the one hand, waste utilization, but also increase the source of nutrients of honey ring fungus, correspondingly saving wood.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

<h1>Seven, several suitable for the current use of cultivation methods</h1>

(1) Fungi stick planting method: The fungus stick planting method is the most basic cultivation method. Other methods are based on it, which has a high bactericulation rate and a relatively stable yield.

Take 10 sticks of bacteria per hole as an example, open a hole with a depth of 30 cm, such as a slope, and make a slope of 10-15 degrees along the slope of the bottom of the hole. Plant the lower layer first, sprinkle a thin layer of leaves 0.5 cm thick, and swing the cultivated bacteria sticks down the slope with 5 sticks, and the fungi sticks down the slope are easier to drain than the horizontal slope. The distance between the rod and the rod is one and a half to two fingers, that is, about 1.5-3 cm. After planting, fill in the pores between the two rods, then cover the soil 1 cm thick until the rod is flat, and sprinkle a thin layer of leaves on the covered soil. Plant the upper layer with the same method and cover the soil with a final top cover of 10 cm.

The mushroom stick companion cultivation method is still widely used. Such as the new introduction of areas, or the use of indoor, air raid shelters and other conditions to cultivate gastrodia, it is impossible to have more space to pre-cultivate the mushroom bed, but this method is often due to the long time of cultivating fungi, the wooden stick has begun to decay, poor nutrition. In addition, when intensively cultivating fungus, once contaminated with miscellaneous bacteria, the loss is also large. Therefore, on this basis, we have successfully studied the following cultivation methods.

A full set of information about the cultivation techniques of gastrodia, from breeding to harvesting! (1) Selection of tree species (2) Selection of cultivation site (3) Size of the cultivation pit (4) Cultivation method 5, placement method and planting amount 6, large use of leaves and branches 7, several cultivation methods suitable for current use

(2) Mushroom stick plus new stick cultivation method: This method can not only make gastrodia and honey ring bacteria establish a good symbiotic relationship relatively quickly, but also ensure that honey ring bacteria have rich nutrients to make gastrodia grow strong and promote increased yield. For example, in the Qinba Mountains, 49 holes of tianma were planted with the cultivation method of fungus sticks and new sticks, 5 sticks per hole, and harvested one year after planting, a total of 203 kg of arrow hemp, an average of 4.14 kg per hole, 127 kg of white hemp, a total of 332 kg, and the average yield of each hole was 6.73 kg.

The basic method is the same as the fungus planting method, except that every other mushroom stick plus a new stick is added during cultivation, and the hemp seed should be placed close to the fungus stick. After the harvest of gastrodia, there are a large number of mushroom sticks that have been planted with gastrodia, especially the new sticks newly added when planting gastrodia, the wood has not yet completely decayed, and the growth of honey ring bacteria is still vigorous, in order to use these sticks, so there is the following method of old sticks and new sticks.

(3) Old stick set new stick cultivation method: After the harvest of tianma, select the coarse old stick that has not yet decayed, and there is no infection with bacteria, dig a new hole, an old stick and a new stick are planted with tianma, and the planting method is the same as the fungus stick plus the new stick. In order to utilize scrap wood and reduce costs, this method can still be used. However, it is necessary to choose a coarser stick that is not completely decayed and free of fungal contamination. The disadvantage is that half of the sticks have been used for a year and are less nutritious. Often when the farmers harvest dig out the tianma, take out the arrow hemp and excess white hemp, rice hemp, and then use the original old stick in the original cave, add half of the new stick, plant into the hemp seed, while harvesting while planting, save labor, the method is simple, the medicine farmer is the easiest to use, this method is not advisable. Its biggest disadvantage is that in the old nest of the original gastrodia, the metabolites of honey ring bacteria accumulate in the soil in large quantities, continue to crop continuously, accelerate the degradation of gastrodia, and at the same time, the contamination rate of miscellaneous bacteria is high, the diseases and insect pests are serious, and the yield of gastrodia is decreasing year by year. Therefore, we proposed that the old nest must be eliminated, and the place after planting gastrodia must be used to cultivate gastrodia after 3-5 years of leisure. Where there is little land, it should also be cultivated in a different soil.

(4) Mushroom bed cultivation method: The fungal bed cultivation method is a method that we successfully tested in 1973 and popularized in production. This is currently a more practical cultivation method in production. Tianma in The Yichang area of Hubei Province was quickly popularized in the whole region, mainly because of the promotion of this method. The fungal bed cultivation method can reduce and eliminate the holes, so that the gastrodia can be stable and high yield. The main reason is that the mushroom bed has been cultivated in advance, when planting gastrodia, dig out the mushroom bed, take out the upper layer of the bacteria stick, the lower layer of the bacteria stick does not move, and then use a small shovel between the lower rods to dig a small hole in the place where the hemp seed is planted, put it into the planting, and cover the soil until the stick is flat. The upper layer of planting method is accompanied by the fungus stick, but the fungus stick dug out of the original hole is put back. This method can adjust the busy and idle seasons of agricultural work and rationally arrange labor. A small leisure time during the busy agricultural season in May and July can be dispersed to cultivate a bacterial bed.

When planting gastrodia, the workload is large, and the mushroom bed can save a lot of work. The biggest advantage of this method is also in the dispersion of culture fungi, only 5-10 roots of fungus per hole, if infected with bacteria, you can discard and not use, waste is not large, will not affect the overall situation, play a role in preventing bacteria pollution. At the same time, the bacteria rod is cultivated in situ and used in situ to avoid the impact on honey ring bacteria during the transport process, which is also labor-intensive. In addition, when planting gastrodia, the lower layer of bacteria stick and the surrounding soil are not moved, so that gastrodia quickly establishes a symbiotic relationship with honey ring fungus, the bacteria are fast, the bacterial rate is high, and the bacteria can be picked up about a month after planting. The disadvantage is that it is pre-occupied, so there are not so many places in indoor cultivation that can pre-cultivate the bacterial bed, but it is still a more practical method for large-scale production. The following is an introduction to the pure bacterial breed companion cultivation method.

(5) Pure strains with planting method: purchase honey ring fungus tertiary production strains from professional strain production plants, select excellent seeds of hemp, and cut down fresh sticks. The method of accompanying the cultivation of gastrodia is the method of accompanying the cultivation of pure bacteria. Its specific operation is as follows: digging the hole depth of 30 cm, the size of the hole is more suitable for half m2, the bottom of the hole is laid with a layer of wet leaves and thin branches, the new stick cuts the fish scales and places it on the leaf, the stick is put into the seed hemp, the three-level honey ring fungus branch pure strain is taken out from the culture bottle, placed between the seed hemp and the new stick, it should be close to the new stick and the hemp seed, the gap between the stick can be filled with pure sand or sand loam soil, the upper layer is planted with the same method after covering the soil, the nest top covers the soil 10 cm, the top cover of the hole is 10 cm thick, and the leaf fallen leaves are covered with this method, and the bacteria are covered with sand and rarely infected. The sticks are fresh and nutritious, and as long as they are properly managed, they can achieve a better yield.

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