
The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

author:My God

In our daily interactions, the most headache is to encounter some "scum", there are scum men and scum women, just because these "scum" bring a lot of trouble to people. Human beings are like this, and the animal kingdom is actually no exception, and even "scum" is unimaginable to humans!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="111" > the best "slag" in the animal kingdom - Mandarin ducks</h1>

Presumably, everyone will think that the Mandarin duck is the best love metaphor, is a species that people envy, especially in ancient China, when getting married, mandarin ducks will be embroidered on sheets, bed tents or other places, and even cut out a lot of Mandarin duck window flowers. In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that Mandarin ducks are a kind of "slag" in the animal kingdom!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

"Only envy the Mandarin Duck, not the Immortals", this is the ancients' praise for the mandarin duck. The Mandarin Duck is a famous ornamental bird in China, and the reason why it is regarded as a symbol of love is because the Mandarin Ducks that people see are in and out of pairs. It is a bird that often appears in ancient Chinese literature and myths and legends. Mandarin ducks are often used as a metaphor for love between men and women.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

According to relevant scientific research, mandarin ducks are not as good as people think! Because, female Mandarin Ducks and Male Mandarin Ducks are only temporary gun friends. During the breeding period, they form a temporary relationship between husband and wife to breed the next generation. During this period, however, they will be inseparable from their spouses and show great affection.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

The breeding season mainly inhabits montane forests, rivers, lakes, ponds, reed swamps and rice paddies, and in winter it inhabits large open lakes, rivers and swamps. It generally lives in mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests and nearby streams, swamps, reed ponds and lakes, and prefers to move in groups, usually more than twenty, and sometimes mixed with other wild ducks. Every day, before the morning fog has cleared, they fly out of the jungle where they inhabit at night, gather by the pond, float on the surface of the water with shade or reeds, feed, and then fly into the woods to forage, and after about an hour or two, they return to the river beach or the branches or rocks near the pond to rest.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

Mandarins and ducks have a division of labor when it comes to breeding offspring, and ducks need to breed and hatch the next generation. The mandarin duck is different, only responsible for the previous work, it may be "a shot" after the "departure", but also to participate in the next "beauty pageant", because the mandarin duck is also a migratory bird, almost all of which are the process of female selection of males!

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="113" > derailed star among animals, the elephant seal</h1>

Some human beings will also have a partner or cheat after marriage, and there is an animal that is also, and after forming a "family", it often goes out to "meet", which is the elephant seal.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

Elephant seals are mammals. The largest elephant seal is the male elephant seal, the male elephant seal is 4 to 6 meters long, weighs 2 to 3.6 tons, the female is smaller than the male, weighing about half the male seal. Elephant seals belong to the mammalian order, seal family, and are the largest species in the order Pinnipede. Elephant seals resemble walruses, the difference being that elephant seals are toothless.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

Elephant seals get their mates in a very special way, they are obtained through fighting, and the stronger they are, the easier it is to get more mates. Elephant seals usually perform mate selection in December, and an elephant seal has up to 60 mates at the same time. Even with so many mates, elephant seals are restless, often carrying their "wives" on their backs and going out to meet!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

Elephant seals have a gregarious habit of life. At the end of winter, they come to the Valdés Peninsula to meet. Male seals are always the pioneers and come to the meeting place first. Two weeks after the male seals arrived, the female seals landed one after another in search of mates. Soon after landing, baby elephant seals were born one after another. The baby elephant seal was covered with a curly layer of black fetal hair, short and soft, like a ball of glittering satin. Baby elephant seals lie in their mother's arms, making a sound like a puppy barking from time to time. When they sleep, they are in a posture like babies, facing the sky on their backs, leisurely. A month later, the baby elephant seals changed into a soft silver-gray coat and began to learn to swim and forage.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="119" > clever "slag" - thief spider</h1>

Rather than saying that the scum of the seal is "unsatisfied", having so many spouses and cheating is really disgusting. But there is another animal in the animal kingdom, "scum" is very smart, just like humans, cheating other people's feelings, making people pay everything, and finally the biggest winner, because when people wake up, they find that they have been deceived! This is the clever "scum" - the spider!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

Thief spiders are apodae of the order Arachnidae. Females are able to weave webs for juvenile spiders and guard them nearby. Medium to large , many are found at the water's edge. The genus is common in North America , reaching up to 7.5 cm when the foot is stretched. The female carries an egg sack containing hundreds of eggs until the larvae are about to hatch, and then attaches the egg sack to the plant, surrounded by leaves, and continues to guard against predators. The main food of the spider is meat, and some spiders can also catch fish to eat.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

The way the spider chooses its mate is very clever, just like the human kiss. When they choose a mate, they will first catch a prey, then go to the female's "residence", and pretend to be dead after seeing the female spider. At this time, the female spider is only interested in prey, because it thinks that the male spider is dead, and when the female spider enjoys "", when the food is delicious, the male spider immediately climbs onto the female spider and begins to mate, and immediately runs away after mating!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

Even male spiders that cannot catch prey are very clever, they will use spider silk to wrap small fruits, leaves or stones to the female spider, and when the female spider unpacks the "package", the male spider will take the tendency to attack! You can see, it's really smart!

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="127" > "Green Hat King" - Spotted Toad</h1>

In human consciousness, "slag" is generally active slag, but there is a type of slag in the animal kingdom that is forced, which is the spotted light toad fish.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

The spotted toad is a deep-sea fish with a yellowish-brown to bronze body with a golden yellow stripe on the side; The white septum under the eyes has a black crescent shape, white on the posterior edge of the maxilla, and juveniles have a dark saddle-like spot on the back, a broad pectoral fin, and a narrowly rounded caudal fin. But every year when it comes to the breeding season, it swims to the shallow waters of the coast. At this time, the male fish begin to choose to nest in the crevice of the stone, or under the stone. Spotted toads use light to attract prey to actively approach themselves, and swallow them in one bite, which is carnivorous, feeding on crustaceans, fish, etc.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

Most of the time they live deep in the coastal waters, but in the spring and early summer, they come to the shoal intertidal zone to breed. A large number of males will gather on the beach to start nesting, generally they will choose the nest in the stone crevice, or under the stone, such a nest is safe and convenient, and when the nest is accurate, the male fish will nest in the nest and make a low buzzing sound. The female fish who followed the sound would choose a Lang Jun that she preferred, and then lay eggs on top of the nest built by Lang Jun. After the female has laid her eggs, the male in the nest will happily release his genetic material against the top of the nest.

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

The spotted light toad will release its own heritage material, and then use its tail to stir up its own genetic material into the nest to complete its purpose of passing on the generations. This one is nothing for the females, because they are all their own offspring. But for the male fish is very hard-hearted, his own hard-working nest, but he raised other people's children, and also to bring it up. Therefore, the spotted light toad is also known as the "Green Hat King in Nature".

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="131" > green hat master - red-rimmed banded snake</h1>

The spotted toad is the "Green Hat King" and is forced, but there is a kind of master in nature who wears a green hat for the "husband"! It's the red-rimmed banded snake!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

The red-rimmed banded snake is the craziest type of snake in the animal kingdom, and this madness is its mating habit. When spring comes to the earth, the snakes end their hibernation and begin to come out to feed and look for mates, and the same is true of the red-rimmed banded snake, and the female snake will release a pheromone in order to choose a mate, which will attract a large number of male snakes!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

When a large number of male snakes arrive, they begin to revel and wrap together, and the scene is spectacular. When they are mating, the male snakes also emit pheromones, which attracts more female snakes, so they have a crazy mating carnival party!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

This kind of behavior of theirs has been blinded even by scientists, and according to research, it should also be a way for snakes to protect themselves!

The Mandarin duck you envy is the scum star of the animal kingdom! Netizen: There is actually an excellent "slag" in the animal kingdom of the "Green Hat King" - the derailment star in the Mandarin duck animal - the intelligent "slag" of the elephant seal - the "green hat king" of the spider - the green hat master of the spotted toad fish - the red-edged banded snake

There are many scumbags and scumbags in society, so in the animal kingdom, what "scumbags" and "scumbags" do you know? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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