
Yellow-bellied nectar bird, a bird of the Chinese sunbird family, shares everyone appreciates

author:Chinese bird statistics photographer

The yellow-bellied nectar bird (scientific name: Cinnyris jugularis) weighs 5–9 g and has a body length of 97–115 mm. The upper body of the yellow-bellied nectar bird is olive-green during the breeding season, sometimes the forehead is blue-green with a metallic luster, the waist is stained green, and the wings are dark brown, but its surface is similar to the upper body. The upper tail feathers are slightly darker, the tail feathers are black and brown, the outer 4 pairs of tail feathers are white at the first end, the outer tail feathers are white and larger, and the outer pair of tail feathers on the outer side are half white. The chin, throat, and upper thorax are purple-black with a glowing purple on the periphery, blue-green and blue metallic luster on the sides and back, a chestnut-red or brownish-red transverse band between the upper and lower thoraxes, suffixed with broad and incomplete black spots, bright yellow tufts on the sides of the chest, and pale yellow or creamy yellow on the rest of the lower body. The non-breeding feathers are similar to those of the female , with a golden yellow chin and throat , a broad black longitudinal stripe in the center with a slight purple luster , and the rest of the underparts pale yellow. The female has a light brown upper body, a green waist, and a short, inconspicuous yellow eyebrow stripe above the eyes. The cheeks, chin, and throat are yellow or dirty yellow, with a lighter center of the throat and a male-like rest. The iris is brown, and the mouth and feet are black.

Yellow-bellied nectar bird, a bird of the Chinese sunbird family, shares everyone appreciates
Yellow-bellied nectar bird, a bird of the Chinese sunbird family, shares everyone appreciates

China is distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan and other places.

Its natural habitats are tropical evergreen broad-leaved forests and secondary broad-leaved forests in low hills and foothill plains below 800 m above sea level. It is often active on the trees in open areas such as seashores, riversides, hills, villages, etc., and especially likes to inhabit the environment of flowers in all seasons. Resident birds. Except for the breeding period, it is more individual. Sexually active and agile, he constantly jumps and shuttles through the flowers between the branches and leaves, and sometimes forages in the bushes. It feeds mainly on nectar, but also eats some other foods such as berries and insects.

Yellow-bellied nectar bird, a bird of the Chinese sunbird family, shares everyone appreciates

The breeding period is from March to May. Nests on broad-leaved forest trees. The nest is a long, two-pointed fusiform, mainly made of fine grass, dead leaves, flowers, moss, plant fibers, insect secretions and spider webs, etc.; the nest mouth is located in the middle of the nest side, which has a cornice protruding to cover the nest mouth, and the nest is cushioned with soft kapok wool liner; the nest is suspended on the thin branches of a small tree, because the spider silk web outside the nest is attached to some dead leaves and cocoons, so that the nest is like a bunch of dead leaves hanging down, which is well hidden in the dense dead leaf bush, which is not easy to find The nest is 1.7 meters high from the ground, the nest is 34.2 meters long, 4.3 meters wide, and the entrance and exit diameter is 2.2 cm × 2.8 cm; each nest lays about 3 eggs, the eggs are pear-shaped, dark gray, dotted with tan spots and sparse punctate spots, the blunt end is more a brown ring, and the eggs average in size are 15.2 mm× 11.7 mm, and weigh 0.8 g.

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