
Date pureed banana braided bun

author:The world of food
Date pureed banana braided bun

If you want a beautiful braided bread and a bread with fillings, how do you have both?

--- will ~ will ~ ~ ?

Try my date mud banana braid bun, sweet date mud and sour hawthorn, all hidden in the braids!?

Date pureed banana braided bun


Flour (310 g)

Banana Shake (200ml)

Salt (3 g)

Eggs (1 pcs)

Butter (50 g)

Date puree (100 g)

Hawthorn strips (6 pieces)

Coconut flakes (30 g)


Milk (240ml)

Yogurt (250 g)

Bananas (1 pcs)

Date pureed banana braided bun

Prepare the materials.

Banana shakes are fermented with yeast for 15 minutes.

Add the eggs and salt and stir.

Pour in the flour and mix into balls.

Add the softened butter and stir for 5-6 minutes.

Ferment for 2 hours after oiling.

Date pureed banana braided bun

Exhaust, rolled into large pieces.

Smear the date paste, and hawthorn strips, and roll up.

Divide into 3 servings.

Braided into braids.

Secondary fermentation, twice as large.

Spread with egg mixture and coconut slices, bake at 180 degrees, 35 minutes.

Date pureed banana braided bun

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