
Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

author:Duchey Peak home cooking

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method is here

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

After the winter solstice, the temperature drops sharply, and drinking beef soup warms the stomach and warms the body, and a bowl of hot soup is drunk, and the body is comfortable. But just drinking soup is not enough, the last bathroom is gone, so you have to eat meat to be able to resist the cold.

Among all the meats, beef is loved by many people, but there are also friends who can't make it, and the beef made is old and chai, almost becoming a chicken rib. If you want the beef to be delicious, the stew time should be enough, I am stewing for an hour and a half, the beef at this time, the fiber has been loose, it has become soft and delicious, and it is a little tough, suitable for men and women, young and old.

Before the beef is stewed, it is soaked for several hours to drain the blood water, which can reduce the fishy taste. Change the water frequently during the soaking period, see the water change color, immediately replace, I am putting a line of long flowing water, saving time and effort, is to pay more water fees.

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > goulash</h1>

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the ingredients needed</h1>

600 g of beef, 2 potatoes, 1 spice pack (with star anise, grass fruit, tangerine peel, cinnamon, sand ginger, cloves).

1 piece of ginger, 50 grams of spring onion, 30 grams of dried shrimp, 10 grams of yaozhu, 15 grams of dried shiitake mushrooms.

500 grams of light soy sauce, 50 grams of cooking wine, 20 grams of salt, 30 grams of sugar.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > production method</h1>

(1) Put the beef in the basin, add water and soak for 2-3 hours, changing the water every 30 minutes.

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

(2) Wash and slice the ginger. Wash the shallots and cut into sections. Put the dried shrimp, yaozhu and shiitake mushrooms into a bowl and add water to soak the hair. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into pieces and plate, add water and soak to remove excess starch.

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

(3) Pour water into the pot, add beef, add half ginger slices, half green onion, pour in 10 grams of cooking wine and blanch the water, after boiling, skim off the foam, fish out the beef, ginger and shallots do not.

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

(4) Restart the pot, pour in the cooking wine, add ginger slices, green onion, spice packets, add 3000 ml of water, add beef, dried shrimp, Yaozhu, shiitake mushrooms, bring to a boil and simmer for 90 minutes.

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

(5) Pour out the soup and season with salt. Pour soy sauce into the pot, add sugar, bring to a boil in some water, add potato cubes, marinate for 20 minutes and let stand for 2 hours.

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

(6) Fish out the potatoes and put them on the plate, take out the slices of the beef, put them on top of the potatoes, and pour a small amount of brine.

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

The advantage of this production is that the soup is rich and the beef is not woody. Not only does it save the time of boiling soup water, but also can eat delicious beef, killing two birds with one stone. In addition, when buying beef, I like to choose tendon meat, I went late today, I only bought two, there was no way, only a piece of leg meat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > key to production</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >1</h1>

Spice flavor, some people like some people do not love, should be according to their own taste, spices wrapped in ten minutes to take out, or always put in the pot to boil. After the soup is boiled, coriander, green onions, pepper, etc. are served on the table, do not put it in the soup, and take care of the tastes of others.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2</h1>

Beef is marinated after boiling the soup, which belongs to secondary processing, so the brine time should not be too long, about 20 minutes. After brine, let stand and steep to allow the beef to fully absorb the flavor. The soaking time is at least 2 hours, the longer the better, it is better to reach 6 hours.

Home-cooked beef stew, two tastes, soup is delicious, beef is delicious, the method see here goulash beef required ingredients to make the key to making 1.Boiling soup 2.Marinated beef

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