
Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation


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Banana stone plum bamboo diagram axis

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

The mountain stone in the figure uses water-filled brushstrokes to erase it in a large vertical and horizontal way with a freehand method, which is concise and concise, and the atmosphere is thick. Shihou Basho wrote with dry brushes, and MeiZhu sketched with a white stroke double hook method light ink center, with a pen rich in variations, reflecting each other. The top right of the work is a poem from the book Seven: "Winter rotten banana spring buds, the partition wall is like laughing old plum blossoms." Whoever has the good things in the world eats the fish and picks the shrimp. "Drop the model" Green Vine Gargle Old Ink Ban".

Bamboo stone graph axis (left)

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

The picture is backed by a large stone, and several bamboo sticks are erected. The writing of bamboo penmanship runs through, the leaves are intertwined, and the gestures are longitudinal and vigorous. With a pen dipped in ink, grasp the wet form of bamboo stone in the rain, between the thick and the light, echo each other, very windy. Knowledge: "The paper does not dare to be thick, and the window wants to be exquisite." There are no leaves on the two poles, why is the wind and waves full of space?"

May Lotus (right)

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

In the painting, the lotus flowers are outlined with a light ink center, the lotus leaves are swept out with thick ink scattered edges, the ink is dripping, arbitrary and willful, and the apple grass is written with a long front to write the feeling of drifting with the wind. The self-titled poem in the painting reads: "May lotus flower Cyprus head, long pole ruler handle inserted in the middle stream." Even if the order covers the face of the west, cover the song to cross the leaves. "The poem matches the picture, expressing his sense of not meeting his own talent, and is a work full of emotional colors."

Ink grapes

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

Ink grapes are one of the floral themes that Xu Wei is best at painting. This ink grape drawing pen and ink are smooth, depicted in ink large strokes, rich in ink and very varied, from top to bottom between the powerful vines with glass ink to dye the fruit, seemingly indulgent pen and ink with thick, different sizes of ink blocks to connect the branches and leaves with the fruit into pieces, with a unique sense of invigorating. The inscription on the painting reads: "Half a life has fallen into a man, and the independent book is roaring in the evening wind." The pearl at the bottom of the pen has nowhere to sell, and it is idle and thrown in the wild vine. ”

Miscellaneous flower picture rolls

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

As the only calligraphy and painting work among the eighteen treasures of the Nanjing Museum, Xu Wei's "Miscellaneous Flowers" should be a model of large-scale freehand painting with wild grass. The whole picture is more than ten meters long, painted on the peony, pomegranate, lotus, sycamore, chrysanthemum, pumpkin, lentils, ziwei, wisteria, plantain, plum, orchid, bamboo, etc. A total of thirteen kinds of flowers, vegetables and fruits, breaking ink, accumulating ink, splashing ink and other techniques are used together, with a pen fiercely wild, the object is between the similar and the unlikely, emphasizing the rhythm rhythm, the vertical and horizontal wanton is full of personal emotional catharsis, no wonder Mr. Xie Zhiliu crowned his reputation as "the world's first Xu Qingteng" after viewing.

Miscellaneous flowers in the fifth of six paragraphs

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

Xu Wei's "Six Paragraphs of Miscellaneous Flowers" depicts orchids, bamboo, chrysanthemums, stones, grapes, and peonies, and each paragraph has a self-titled seven unique poems. This figure chrysanthemum stands tall and shows a vibrant state. Xu Wei's freehand paintings not only vividly express the pen and ink and shape, but also show that he works everything in flowers, birds, vegetables and fruits, animals, fish and insects, figures, landscapes, etc., and its characteristics are that he places strong thoughts and feelings on the image of pen and ink.

One of the eight flowers

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

"The skin is peeling off, only the truth is there", Xu Weixi painted with ink freehand, more thick brush, pen and ink simple and bold, casual and natural, unique charm, opened a new way of ink freehand since the Ming and Qing dynasties. The flowers and leaves of this work occupy a corner of the picture, the lines between thick and light are flexible, the back is smeared with a large brush, and the text on the right side almost fills the remaining gaps in the picture, and its composition is unique.

Flower bamboo diagram axis of banana stone plum bamboo diagram axis

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

"Flower and Bamboo Diagram Axis" was composed by Xu Wei in his later years at the request of a friend, and the scale is huge. Based on boulders, ink double hooks and boneless freehand, interspersed with plums, orchids, chrysanthemums, bamboo, plantains, peonies, daffodils, lotuses, begonias, camellias, hibiscus, okra, pomegranates, xuanhua, hydrangeas, jade hairpin flowers, lively and extraordinary. The brushwork is vigorous and vigorous, and the layers of glue ink are delicate and varied. The book is titled "Sixteen Flowers and Aunt Dances": "Ke Qiangyu painted sixteen kinds of flowers, because he remembered the sentence of xuling miscellaneous songs that were not worried about the twenty-eight years, and composed a song, because the sixteen flowers danced song, and the head was wrapped around the head, and the mausoleum was used to rhyme." The east neighbors are difficult to live in, and the new house is full of flowers. Butterflies should therefore be powdered, and peonies should also rise from the Red Chamber. Peony pipe collar spring hair, a plant without rest. Eight pairs are selected in the tube, and the paper is opened in December. Whoever doesn't say hello to Kansai, who counts the moments to see Little Pity. Nong is yin seven seven, and I also survey the sky. Zhaoyang swallow annually, who can bowl no concubine. The color in the bowl is not new, and the rouge in the painting can be turned. Aunt Hua danced and shi jiaxiang, still returned to the paper light. Mo sang a song for the bow waist, and both came to the day bed. ”

Peony banana stone diagram

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

"Peony Banana Stone Diagram" paints plantains, peonies and lake stones, all painted with thick brushes and splashed ink, without careful depiction, this ink rhyme is full of momentum, which is Xu's rare masterpiece. Self-titled: "Jiao Mo Yingzhou stone, banana bush anchovy wood." The tip of the pen is Yin Qiqi, and the peony blooms in late summer. Another title: "Paint yourself, floating white five, drunk, sing wild bamboo branches, the left of the book: Peony Snow Kai See, Basho Snow Wang Wei Huan." The frost rabbit was a little sharp, and Feng Qu swung the spring wind surface. Another small note: "Taste the peony in the snow two." Finally, the question is: "Du Zhenyan: I am suffering from the creation of children." ”

Miscellaneous Flower Roll No. 6

Fu Baoshi famous painting appreciation | banana stone plum bamboo chart axis, bamboo stone diagram axis and other 10 Chinese painting works appreciation

In the paintings, beans, bamboo shoots, fish and crabs are complex, and the brush and ink are dashing and horizontal between dry and wet, natural and smooth, full of rhythm, and its artistic style of dripping and relaxing has also been inherited and developed by many later artists. Inscription poem: "Xi vine a bucket of small square, fish, crabs, melons, vegetables, bamboo shoots and beans." The contest is always cold, except for Jiangnan, there is no such hometown. ”

(The content material comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the author)

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