
[South Korea's big factory LG released a new generation of AI big model] AI Singularity Network reported on July 24丨AI Singularity Network quoted South Korea's official media Central Daily as reporting that LG was local time last week


AI Singularity Network reported on July 24丨AI Singularity Network quoted South Korea's official media Central Daily as reporting that LG released its second-generation large language model EXAONE 2.0 last Wednesday local time. Compared with other large models, EXAONE 2.0 absorbs 45 million Korean and English papers, tens of thousands of patents and documents, and 350 million various images, this large model supports Korean and English bilingualism.

According to LG, the EXAONE 2.0 large model can be used for the research and development of new materials and new drugs, and will be applied to LG's biochemical pharmaceutical subsidiaries in Q4 of this year. This large AI model can "read" text, molecular structure, diagrams, mathematical formulas, etc., LG's chemical and biological subsidiaries. It also supports multimodal capabilities, can process text, images, video and sound, can create captions for photos, write advertising copy for products, create new artwork based on reference images, and more.

[South Korea's big factory LG released a new generation of AI big model] AI Singularity Network reported on July 24丨AI Singularity Network quoted South Korea's official media Central Daily as reporting that LG was local time last week
[South Korea's big factory LG released a new generation of AI big model] AI Singularity Network reported on July 24丨AI Singularity Network quoted South Korea's official media Central Daily as reporting that LG was local time last week
[South Korea's big factory LG released a new generation of AI big model] AI Singularity Network reported on July 24丨AI Singularity Network quoted South Korea's official media Central Daily as reporting that LG was local time last week

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