
These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

author:Everybody Medical Union Doctor Group

The weather in August is still hot, most people like to drink cold drinks to cool off, but they do not know that drinking tea is more beneficial than cold drinks. Especially lotus tea in the season. In the hot summer, brew a cup of lotus tea, let the lotus fragrance spread, and enjoy the leisurely summer time... Today, let's share the homemade method of five lotus leaf tea, friends who like to drink tea can try it!

These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

1. Cinnamon lotus leaf tea

Ingredients: 1/2 lotus leaf, 50 g hawthorn, 1 stick of cinnamon (2 g), 1000 ml of cold water, 2 tbsp rock sugar.


1. Cut the lotus leaves, put them in water, put them on the stove and cook over low heat until the water boils, then add the hawthorn and cook for about 5 minutes.

2. Add cinnamon and rock sugar and cook for another 3 minutes.

Effect: Strengthen the stomach and intestines, disperse stasis and dissolve phlegm, soothe and activate blood.

These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

Second, hawthorn lotus leaf tea

Ingredients: Hawthorn 15 g, cassia seeds 15 g, lotus leaf 1 sheet.

1. Wash and slice 15 grams of hawthorn, wash and cut into strips with half lotus leaves.

2. Put 15 grams of cassia seeds into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water and fry, filter and remove the residue to take the juice and drink.

Effect: Clear heat and relieve heat, raise the sun, disperse stasis and stop bleeding.

These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

Third, jasmine leaf tea

Ingredients: 3 grams of green tea, 3 grams of jasmine, 1 lotus leaf.

1. Cut the lotus leaves into fine pieces.

2. Put the lotus leaves and the other two ingredients into the pot, add the appropriate amount of water and cook together for about 5 minutes, then drink.

Effect: Effectively eliminate the heat, drive away the excess heat of the body, but also can improve the symptoms of summer dizziness and chest tightness.

These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

4. Rose lotus leaf tea

Ingredients: 5 g rose, 5 g lotus leaf, cassia seed, mulberry leaf, monk fruit 5 g each.

1. Take 5 grams of roses and 5 grams of lotus leaves, which can be paired with cassia seeds, mulberry leaves, and monk fruit 5 grams each.

2. Soak all ingredients in water for 15 minutes and then bring to a boil over high heat, drink 1 cup immediately after meals every day.

Effect: Rose lotus leaf tea has the effect of beauty and beauty, stomach and digestion.

These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

5. Lotus leaf slimming tea

Ingredients: two to three grams of dried lotus leaves.

1. Cut the dried lotus leaves into small pieces or strips and pour in hot water, the amount of hot water is half of the cup.

2. After soaking the lotus leaves for 5 seconds, pour out the water. Then pour the whole cup of hot water and soak in for 5 to 6 minutes. It is also possible to drink the lotus leaf tea after it is cold.

Effect: Lotus leaf tea smells fragrant, has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, removing dampness and dispelling stasis, and facilitating urination. Lotus leaf weight loss is especially suitable for women with edematous obesity, constipation obesity, a particularly large proportion of body fat and particularly loose meat. It is also suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high cholesterol.

These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

Learn how to make your own lotus leaf tea and drink it this summer. But drinking lotus leaf tea is some contraindications, do a lot of friends may not be very understanding, the next will be for everyone to introduce in detail about the seven taboos of drinking lotus leaf tea, I hope that everyone can pay attention to.

1. Healthy people drinking lotus leaf tea will not have adverse effects, but if their own physique is not good, there is spleen deficiency, people with cold stomach need to avoid drinking lotus leaf tea, such people drink lotus leaf tea will only have an uncomfortable reaction.

2. For some special groups, if it is a long-term drink of lotus leaf tea, it is of course not good, such as low blood pressure people and thin people can not drink every day, otherwise it may lead to kidney failure, such people must pay special attention to drink lotus leaf tea!

3. The time to drink lotus leaf tea is preferably before meals, but it should be avoided within half an hour before meals so as not to affect food digestion. If you want to drink it after a meal, you should start drinking it at an interval of one hour.

These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

4. For pregnant women and lactating women with special physical conditions, it is not suitable for drinking lotus leaf tea, and it is even more inappropriate to drink this tea to lose weight.

5. While drinking lotus leaf tea, try not to drink green tea, Pu'er tea, etc. at the same time, so as not to conflict with each other and affect the efficacy and nutritional value of the tea itself.

6. When women drink lotus leaf tea to lose weight, they should pay attention not to drink it during menstruation. Because the lotus leaf has the effect of astringent and hemostasis, drinking during menstruation is easy to cause menstrual difficulties.

7. Lotus leaves are compatible with many ingredients, fresh lotus leaves can not be tung oil, poria and silver with food, it is in conflict with these herbs. Therefore, drinking lotus leaf tea should avoid eating these three ingredients.

These five kinds of lotus leaf teas allow you to be afraid of the heat in the summer, and the seven taboos to understand

The above taboos about drinking lotus leaf tea, I hope that everyone can get attention, the correct drinking of lotus leaf tea can play a health care effect, in order to ensure their health. If you violate the taboo, then you will only make your health suffer a serious threat, so lotus leaf tea must master the right method to better help the body in this August!

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