
There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

author:Beiqing Net

Since the ambush, the weather has become hotter and warmer day by day, and many people can't wait to take a bath several times a day.

But you know what? Just the little thing of bathing, it is also taboo. If you ignore the details, you may be taking a "fatal bath" -

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"!

After exercise

The weather is hot, and people sweat just by sitting still, let alone going to exercise. When I move, my whole body is sweaty, sticky, and I always feel uncomfortable, and I can't wait to take a shower immediately.

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

Source: OneImage


During strenuous exercise, the heart rate increases and blood flow within the muscles increases. As soon as he stopped, his body could not return to a calm state for the time being.

At this time, the human body will sweat a lot, the blood vessels on the body surface are dilated, if you suddenly pour a cold shower on the body, it will make the blood vessels contract rapidly, resulting in increased blood pressure, easy to damage cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels.

For some people who already have underlying diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease, sudden cold stimulation will further lead to severe spasm of coronary arteries, rupture of plaque, and formation of blood clots, resulting in acute myocardial infarction, which is life-threatening.

So what should I do?

After strenuous exercise or when the body is sweating, it is best to slow down and then slowly drink a glass of warm water.

When you no longer sweat, choose a warm water shower of 35~37 degrees similar to the body temperature, which can properly stimulate the expansion of skin blood vessels and have a better cooling effect than cold showers.

If you can't stand the smell of sweat on your body, you can wipe the sweat with a towel first, and wait for your heartbeat and breathing to calm down before taking a bath.

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

Source: OneImage


Some people like to take a shower after dinner before comfortably continuing their evening activities. In fact, this behavior is also not recommended.

Everyone should know that just after eating, it is when the digestive system is working at full capacity. If you take a bath at this time, it will concentrate blood on the surface of the body, and the stomach does not have sufficient blood supply, which will affect the digestion and absorption of food.

Not only that, for the elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, bathing immediately after meals may cause cardiovascular accidents.

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

Source: OneImage

Therefore, it is recommended to take a shower 30 minutes after eating.

Before bedtime

In order to fall asleep refreshed, many people are accustomed to taking a shower before going to bed. Actually, this is not a good habit.

Taking a shower before going to bed may make you unable to sleep and sleep soundly.

This is because, just after taking a bath, the temperature of the human trunk is higher, which is actually not suitable for falling asleep immediately.

In addition, taking a hot bath before going to bed is equivalent to washing away the fatigue of the day, and the whole person becomes more energetic, so that it is even more unable to sleep.

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

Source: OneImage

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone take a bath 1.5~2 hours before going to bed to let the body temperature rise. Then, the body automatically adjusts the temperature, and after 2 hours, the temperature of the torso drops, and drowsiness occurs.

If you're worried about sweating after taking a shower, don't go out and stay in the house and enjoy bedtime.

Bathing every day, not only can wash the body, if you can consciously rub a few parts, you can also gain a lot of health care -

Rub these 3 places while bathing

Health and disease prevention is very effective!

Rub behind your ears

When bathing, everyone usually focuses on cleaning the face and scalp, and few people notice behind the ears.

In fact, there is a "sleeping hole" hidden behind the ear. When bathing, rub the sleeping point for about 2 minutes, which can calm the mind and improve the quality of sleep.

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

Source: OneImage

The quality of sleep can have too much impact on people.

Occasionally sleep badly, the problem is not big; If you often do not sleep well, problems will follow: easy to sleepy, love to lose temper, emotional instability, memory loss... In short, I feel that my whole person is not good.

If you have sleep problems in this area, you may wish to rub the sleeping point when bathing.

Localization: The midpoint of the depression behind the earlobe and the depression under the occipital bone (the midpoint of the line between the wind point and the wind pool point).

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

Source: Home doctor homemade

Rub your armpits

When bathing, it is necessary to wash the armpits carefully.

This is because sweat glands in the armpits are well developed. In summer, the human body is easy to sweat, and the secretions of sweat glands are decomposed by bacteria, and sweat odor will be produced, and if the cleaning is not thorough, it is easy to aggravate armpit odor.

More importantly, the Jiquan point at the top of the armpit is an important acupuncture point of the heart meridian. Rubbing the armpits can relieve the heart, relax the chest and regulate qi, regulate sleep, and relieve symptoms such as palpitations and chest tightness.

Positioning: Located at the apex of the armpit, between the two tendon veins under the armpit of the human body, where the axillary artery pulsates.

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

Source: Home doctor homemade

Rub your toes

When washing their feet, many people simply rub their feet twice and finish, thus neglecting the cleaning of their toes.

In fact, dirt is easy to hide between the toes, and if you do not pay attention to the cleanliness here, it is easy to infect the fungus and cause "beriberi". Rubbing your toes is not only a good hygiene habit, but also a drainage for the liver.

This is because there is a Datun point on the thumb of the foot, which is one of the main acupuncture points on the Yin Liver Meridian of the foot.

Kneading Datun acupoint during bathing can relieve the liver and regulate qi, stimulate the less yang qi of the human body, so as to achieve the effect of clearing the liver and brightening the eyes, and can also relieve dizziness, abdominal pain and muscle pain caused by the strong liver fire.

Point: About 2 mm from the base of the nail on the side of the second toe of the toe.

There are taboos to bathing on three days, remember "2 after 1 front"! Otherwise, you will take a "fatal bath", and it is easy to die suddenly if you destroy sleep

Source: Home doctor homemade

How to operate: Press Datun until you feel soreness.

(Daily Wellness Push)

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