
8 pairs of superb couplets praising Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people stunned

author:Real swimming cats


Li Bai is a poetic immortal, and Li Bai is the ultimate in romanticism.

For thousands of years, people have loved and pursued Li Bai.

I'm a real swimming cat, a couplet. Friends who like couplets must follow me.

Today I will share with you 8 pairs of superb couplets in praise of Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people amazing.

The first couplet: recommended Fenyang to recreate the Tang family, and did not have a ruler to reward the merits, but only quarried green mountains for the gods of the day to laugh; Concubine Xi can talk about the bachelor, not seven words of grievances, how to get rid of the reins of fame, let the gentleman poetry and wine freely.

The movie "Chang'an 30,000 Li" said that Li Bai and Gao Shi saved Guo Ziyi together, but according to historical records, there was no half-dime relationship between saving Guo Ziyi and Gao Shi.

8 pairs of superb couplets praising Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people stunned

This alliance's "recommending Fenyang to rebuild the Tang family" refers to Li Bai's great credit for saving Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi calmed the Anshi Rebellion, had the merit of "rebuilding the Tang family", and was named the king of Fenyang County.

In other words, the author of the couplet believes that Li Bai should also take credit for saving Guo Ziyi. However, Li Bai actually did not get the slightest credit.

Shanglian said that Li Bai was depressed all his life, and although he had a wise vision and the wisdom of discerning people, he only drifted in the rivers and lakes and died in the quarrying rock (folklore), leaving a romantic reputation among the people.

8 pairs of superb couplets praising Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people stunned

Xia Lian is unconventional, looking at the negative side, praising Li Bai's proud prince and not envious of wealth.

Most people felt sorry for Li Bai, thinking that Li Bai had offended Colix and Yang Guifei, which led to Li Bai being "given back the gold".

However, the couplet thought that this was a great thing, Seon lost his horse, knew that it was not a blessing, left Li Bai of the Hanlin Courtyard, broke free from the shackles of fame and fortune, and only then did he have the unbridled dashing of poetry and wine.

If Li Bai really mixed in the officialdom for a long time like Wang Wei and others, and people under the eaves had to bow their heads, naturally they would not "be able to destroy the brows and bend their waists", and naturally there would be no genius Li Bai who has been chanting for tens of thousands of years.

8 pairs of superb couplets praising Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people stunned

This alliance chose two rhymes in Li Bai's life, the upper link first for Li Baiming's grievances, then turned into rejoicing, and the lower link first rejoiced for Li Bai and turned into love.

The couplet enthusiastically praises Li Bai's unruly soul and genius personality, and has a unique insight, pointing out that Li Bai's dashing nature is precisely because he is far from officialdom and wealth.

The second couplet: at a glance, the old garden high platform is the same as Wangu; The two rooms are proud of Rong Xiao, and the three of them are Qingtian Mingyue.

"30,000 Li of Chang'an" shaped the friendship between Gao Shi and Li Bai, and Li Bai, Gao Shi and Du Fu did travel together in history.

For example, in Kaifeng, the three left traces, and were also commemorated by the establishment of the Three Sages Temple by descendants.

This alliance is the Ying Lian of the Temple of the Three Sages, and through the "Three People of Qingtian and Bright Moon", the friendship of the three and the achievements in the poetry arena are cleverly expressed, making people imagine the arbitrariness and dashing of the three people traveling together.

8 pairs of superb couplets praising Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people stunned

3rd couplet: so mad that everyone wants to kill; When drunk, the Son of Heaven can't breathe.

Shanglianhua used Du Fu's poem "Not Seen": "It's really sad to be crazy if you don't see Li Shengjiu." Everyone in the world wants to kill, and I have mercy on me. ”

Xia Lianhua used Du Fu's "Eight Immortal Songs in Drinking": "Li Baidoujiu has a hundred poems, Chang'an City sleeps in a wine house, the Son of Heaven does not come to the ship, claiming that the minister is a fairy in wine." ”

The core of this alliance lies in Li Bai's madness and drunkenness. Mad because unprecedented, drunk because romantic.

The couplet cleverly throws out Li Bai's spiritual core, sharpens Li Bai's characteristics, and makes people feel Li Bai's uniqueness.

8 pairs of superb couplets praising Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people stunned

4th couplet: My generation can drink alcohol; Mr. on Mo inscribed poems.

This is the couplet of Taibai Lou, Taibai Lou is named after Li Bai, and it is a business to sell wine, and the focus is naturally on the combination of Li Bai and wine.

This is an interesting combination of nostalgia and reality.

Shanglian said that Li Bai loves wine as his life, and future generations should also learn from Li Bai and enjoy fine wine together, so that Li Bai is truly missed.

Xia Lian said that Li Bai wrote poetry like a fairy, and future generations should also learn the allusion that Li Bai put aside his pen when he saw Cui Hao's poetry in the Yellow Crane Tower.

This association is inseparable from selling wine everywhere, and everywhere looks at Li Baizhi's spirit, skillfully shaping Li Bai's worldly and humble character.

8 pairs of superb couplets praising Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people stunned

5th couplet: Immortal poetry wine empty eternal; The first floor of Mingyue River Tianshu.

This is also the couplet of Taibai Lou, Taibai Tower is all over the world, and Li Bai's spirit is also all over the world, through ancient and modern times.

Shanglian praised Li Bai as an immortal, and "empty for eternity" can be understood in two ways.

One understanding is that after Li Bai's death, there is no poet like Li Bai in the world, and Li Bai is truly eternal.

Another explanation is that geniuses like Li Bai have left the world, so why should sentient beings be rigid? Why not have fun and let go and drink?

The lower link revolves around the legend of Li Bai Laoyue, focusing on the wine aroma of Taibai Lou, it is Wang Po who sells melons and sells herself to boast.

The 6th couplet: So far, who dares to be the enemy of the bachelor; Accidentally went to catch the moon, I came to worship the wine fairy madness.

This couplet is said to be a couplet written by Peng Yulin in Taibai Lou. Shanglian quoted the allusions of Li Bai and Cui Hao, saying that there was Li Bai in Taibai Lou, which made people have no courage to inscribe poems. Xia Lian used the legend of Li Bai Laoyue to praise Li Bai's romantic feelings.

The best thing about this alliance are the two descriptions of "dare to be" and "willing to worship", which convey the world's obedience to Li Bai.

At the same time, the couplet is also pregnant with Peng Yulin's personal emotions. Obviously, although Peng Yulin thinks that he is not as talented as Li Bai's poetry, he can imitate Li Bai in "madness". In fact, it not only praises Li Bai's romance, but also reflects Peng Yulin's "arrogant" posture, and reflects Peng Yulin's humble attitude under the affair and self-appreciation.

In addition, there is a similar version of this association: "Here is no inscription poem, who dares to be the enemy of the bachelor; Jiang Xin once caught the moon, and I came to worship the wine fairy madness. ”

8 pairs of superb couplets praising Li Bai, the top poet with the superb couplet, which makes people stunned

7th couplet: The great river has exhausted the heroes, and the mountain longitude hundred battle building is still there; The poems stay in the world for a long time, and the wine is not empty for thousands of years.

This is the couplet of Xuancheng Taibai Lou. On the one hand, the couplet writes about the fine wine of Taibai Lou, and on the other hand, it also praises Li Bai.

Heroes can be scooped up by the river, but Li Bai's poetry and wine are enduring, but they are left in the world for a long time, enough to be missed by future generations.

The 8th couplet: In the flute blowing the yellow crane tower, I want to be in the infinite commotion of the year, a song of Jiangcheng Song; Under the Cuiluo Mountain, the day is again looking for victories, and the wind and moon are remembered by the Si people.

Shanglian uses the famous phrase of Li Bai's Yellow Crane Tower: "The jade flute is played in the Yellow Crane Tower, and plum blossoms fall in May in Jiangcheng." "The "Cuiluo Mountain" in Xialink is in Ma'an Mountain, and the quarrying rock under Cuiluo Mountain is where Li Bai Laoyue is located.

For Jing Huaigu, I want to see Li Bai's style that day, music and scenery are integrated, as if seeing Li Bai and his people, "Thousand Autumn Wind and Moon Niansi People" is the best nostalgia for Li Bai.

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