
From the Armenian girl: "Red Lady" statement

author:Non-mainstream principals

This article is original by me, after watching some online love stories on the Internet, I feel that it is not too enjoyable, so I want to make up some characters and plots in the story, this article is purely fictional, don't take a seat with people and things in reality, thank you! Original is not easy, please friends follow, like, forward, comment, thank you!

The following is a self-report from an Armenian girl whose name is dummy: Matchmaker

I am a matchmaker, I am from Armenia, as a frustrated "red lady" in the beautiful love story of Wang and Mary, I have not only witnessed the love stories of many people, but also experienced some unique emotional experiences. Among them, I first met the Chinese Wang: a young man from China who first met at a rally in Armenia in 2018. His appearance was not outstanding, but his humor and intelligence attracted me deeply. In the subsequent relationship, I gradually developed a good impression of Wang and began a hazy relationship.

From the Armenian girl: "Red Lady" statement

However, just as we were starting to fall in love, a classmate of mine, Mary, broke into our lives. Her beauty and gentleness captivated Wang. The appearance of Mary complicates the relationship between the three of us.

From the Armenian girl: "Red Lady" statement

In the process, I realized that I could not bear the pain of losing Wang, and I began a painful inner struggle, not knowing how to choose. At the same time, there are similar contradictions and confusions between Wang and Mary.

In this process, the three of us began to have in-depth exchanges and communication. We shared our feelings and thoughts, and confided our fears and confusion. In the process, we gradually understood each other's positions and emotional needs, and learned to respect and be inclusive.

From the Armenian girl: "Red Lady" statement

After a period of precipitation and reflection, I finally made a difficult decision: to give up my feelings for Wang and wish him and Mary the future. I chose to retreat to the position of friend and try to see the relationship in a healthy way while also maintaining respect and support for Mary.

In the process, I also learned how to deal with complex emotional relationships. I realized that in love, we need to learn to let go of our desires and attachments, and understand and respect each other's feelings and choices. Whether it is love or friendship, we need to maintain and operate with sincerity and courage.

From the Armenian girl: "Red Lady" statement

Although this relationship with Wang did not end satisfactorily, its experience made me understand the preciousness of love and friendship more deeply. I learned how to deal with emotional conflict in a healthy way, how to find a balance between love and friendship. At the same time, I have also strengthened my attitude and belief in love.

I believe that love is beautiful, but its beauty needs to be built on respect and understanding. In love, we need to learn to listen and understand each other's feelings and needs, and respect each other's choices and decisions. At the same time, we also need to learn to remain independent and confident in love, and constantly grow and pursue our dreams.

From the Armenian girl: "Red Lady" statement

In the story of Wang and Mary, I saw their persistence and courage in love. With sincerity and hard work, they have crossed cultural barriers and language gaps, allowing each other's hearts to accompany each other. Their stories made me feel the power and beauty of love, and also made me cherish the people and things around me more.

As a "matchmaker", I will continue to greet love with a sincere attitude. I will use my experience to guide growth and persistence in love in the future. I believe that everyone has the potential to become the protagonist in love, as long as they dare to pursue their dreams and believe in their charm.

In this era full of love and challenges, let us believe in the power of love together, and let us live for love together!

From the Armenian girl: "Red Lady" statement

(The above characters and stories are purely fictional, let's laugh!) [snickering])

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