
Flower poems 1,000 poems · 439 · Primroses

author:Vicissitudes 1977

Vicissitudes of poetry/vicissitudes with pictures

Flower poems 1,000 poems · 439 · Primroses

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Not big, not small, very beautiful

Pure blue flowers are in front of you

How many worries and worries

At the sight of this flower, it suddenly disappeared

Flower poems 1,000 poems · 439 · Primroses

Yesterday I met a person

Occupy road expenses and wages

Advertising preaches slavery to come

Don't grain rice, how to behave

Flower poems 1,000 poems · 439 · Primroses

Waking up this morning with tears on my tracks

How to write the supremacy of the people

Look at the man looking like a dog

It's hard to rely on touting

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