
Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

After watching "Chang'an 30,000 Li", the author felt that this is indeed a super high-level animated movie. However, several aspects of this animation that do not correspond to historical facts have also been controversial, and some people have even accused the film of "whitewashing the villains".

From the perspective of historical details, the author points out several of the timeline problems, but most of the problems are "flawed", which can be used as an extended interpretation of this film and as historical science.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

One of the time confusions: the person who sumo wrestled with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

In this story, the protagonist Gao Shi travels to Youzhou to join Zhang Shoujue (around 734). In the plot, Zhang Shoujue makes a pact with him that if he wins a Hu officer in sumo, he will command a group of cavalry. In the end, Gao Shi successfully defeated the Hu officer and became the head of the cavalry team.

In the author's opinion, the identity of this Hu officer actually coincided with An Lushan at that time. Theoretically, Gao Shi and An Lushan were under Zhang Shoujue's account in 734, and An Lushan was the best officer (still considered righteous son) under Zhang Shoujue, and was responsible for patrolling the border and capturing the Khitans. If from the perspective of historical truth, Zhang Shoujue wants to pick out the person who can best sumo, then the probability should be An Lushan (fat and strong in combat).

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

However, this Hu officer died heroically in battle with the Khitans, which became the cause of Gao Shi's grief and indignation to write "Yan Ge Xing". Therefore, from the screenwriter's point of view, it is even more impossible to arrange An Lushan to appear under Zhang Shoujue's account in the animation and become Gao Shi's "comrade-in-arms". This is also the plot demand, if you go completely according to historical facts, the logic of the whole story will not make sense.

Similarly, the next time disorder event also arranged a wrong identity for An Lushan at the wrong time.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

Time confusion to two: An Lushan chased and killed Li Bai, the time was too early

In the subsequent story, Gao Shi broke away from Zhang Shoujue and happened to encounter Li Bai being chased and killed by An Lushan's men, and the identity arranged for An Lushan at this time was "Lulong Jiedu Envoy". However, in historical facts, An Lushan was still an officer under Zhang Shoujue at this time.

Zhang Shoujue died of illness in 740, and An Lushan only served as Lulong's envoy in the same year, and it was only in 742 that the imperial court established Lulong Jiedu, and An Lushan became the first envoy of Jiedu. Gao Shi's departure from Zhang Shoujue could only be in 734. This timeline, the animation is out of order.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

In fact, when Gao Shi broke away from Zhang Shoujue, An Lushan, as a middle-level officer in Youzhou, had no capital to rebel, let alone pursue and kill Li Bai.

But for the same reason, if you really follow the historical facts, this plot of the animation will not appear at all. Therefore, in order to tell a logical story, the animation "Chang'an 30,000 Li" had to make the timeline confused again.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

The third time disorder, Geshuhan recruited Gao Shi, the time was too early

Then, out of the need to tell stories, Gao Shi agreed to the recruitment of Longxi Jiedu Envoy Geshuhan in order to save Guo Ziyi. However, this timeline is also premature.

This story also takes place shortly after Gao Shi left Zhang Shoujue, around 734. At this time, Goshuhan was probably still a civilian, and he did not join the army in Hexi until he was 40 years old. In other words, the probability of Geshuhan at that time was comparable to Gao Shi's identity.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

Geshuhan became an envoy to Hexi in 752-753, when he was already in his fifties and was a late bloomer like Gao Shi. In the anime, it is enough to advance the career of Goshuhan by 20 years. In fact, Gao Shi only joined the shogunate of Goshuhan in 752. In the same way, Guo Ziyi was even more unlikely to be a subordinate of Geshuhan in 734, when his official rank was a little higher than Geshuhan.

Therefore, the killer in the animation said that "Longyou's intervention in Lu Long's affairs" is seriously time-disordered, and the two jiedu envoys (An Lushan and Geshuhan) were still struggling in the middle of the Tang army at that time, and even the official position of Lulong jiedu was not yet born.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

Time Confusion Four: Gao Shi participated in the battle of Stone Castle City, it was impossible

In the anime, Gao Shi participates in the battle of Goshuhan's attack on Stone Castle City, but this is impossible. It was a famous battle in which the Tang army took the stone castle city held by only six hundred Tubo soldiers at the cost of tens of thousands of casualties. However, the timeline in the animation is again out of order.

The Battle of Stone Castle took place in 749 AD, after which Goshuhan gradually became an envoy because of his battle exploits. In the historical year 749, the protagonist of the anime, Gao Shi, was recommended by Zhang Jiugao of Suiyang Taishou, and was awarded the title of lieutenant of Qiu County (the anime says that Gao Shi has never been recommended). It was not until 753 that Gao Shi joined the Goshuhan shogunate.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

Therefore, Gao Shi simply did not have time to participate in the battle of Stone Castle City. The animation arranges this plot just to insert some historically important events to increase the audience's understanding of the historical background, especially the understanding of Goshuhan.

Therefore, this time-disordered plot is still necessary for the overall story of the cartoon.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

Time Confusion No. 5: When Gao Shi tells the story, Li Bai has been dead for two years

The entire animation has an important timeline, and at the same time that Gao Shi commanded the battle of Yunshan City, it happened that Li Bai was amnestied by the imperial court. However, this timeline is also distorted.

Historically, Gao Shi served as the envoy of Jiannan Jiedu to resist the Tubo attack in 763 AD. In 764, Gao Shi was dismissed by the imperial court because of his poor command. On the other hand, Li Bai was amnestied (and at the same time wrote "Early White Emperor City") in 759, and the time is not at all.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

What's more, Li Bai had died in 762 AD. A year later, the Tubo invasion of Chang'an and the Battle of Yunshan Castle (which began at the end of 763) in the anime.

During the four years from 759 to 763, Gao Shi in historical facts could never have been unaware that Li Bai had been pardoned and that he had died. In the animation, Gao Shi tells a story to Cheng Jianjun, and the battle of Yunshan City has begun for several months, and the time is probably in early 742, by which time Li Bai has been dead for two years.

But if it is really written according to historical facts, the plot of the entire animation cannot be carried out.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

Timing No. 6: Cheng Yuanzhen, who oversaw Gao Shi, stepped down a few months ago

The last disorder, which the author believes can actually be avoided, is another important character of the animation - Cheng Jianjun. The prototype of this person is the Great Eunuch Cheng Yuanzhen.

In the animation, this Cheng Jianjun has a righteous face, is straightforward, and has strong martial arts. But in historical facts, Cheng Yuanzhen is actually a traitor who is in turmoil. Therefore, some people say that this animation "whitewashes the negative characters of history" and does not wronged people.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

The culprit of Tubo's capture of Chang'an was Cheng Yuanzhen. When Tubo sent an army to invade, Cheng Yuanzhen concealed military information from Emperor Daizong of Tang and framed famous generals such as Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi. In this situation, the Chang'an defense line of the Tang Dynasty collapsed, and Emperor Daizong of Tang was forced to flee. As a direct result, the capital Chang'an was captured by the Tubo army in October 763.

Under the impeachment of Qunchen, Cheng Yuanzhen, who was in power for a while, was demoted to a commoner. In November of the same year, Guo Ziyi recaptured Chang'an. The following year, Cheng Yuanzhen was exiled to Qinzhou by Emperor Daizong of Tang and killed on the way.

Six time disorders in "Chang'an 30,000 Li": Sumo with Gao Shi should have been An Lushan in history

However, in the anime, this "Cheng eunuch" became a jiedue army in early 764, arrived in front of the Jiannan Jiedu envoy, and interrogated Gao Shi on behalf of the imperial court. Suffice it to say that the timeline is grossly out of order.

In the animated plot, "Cheng Jianjun" is a key character, which leads to the entire subsequent plot. The author believes that the screenwriter set this "eunuch supervisor army" can actually be surnamed Zhang or Li, and there is no need to quote a historical villain like Cheng Yuanzhen.

In general, although "Chang'an 30,000 Li" has several time lapses that are inconsistent with history, as well as practices such as "whitewashing for Gao Shi", it is still necessary for the overall story. However, the role setting of "Cheng Jianjun" is an outright failure. (Author: Tao Mujian)