
AI is the "intelligent upgrade" of the automotive track, the first leader in the subdivision field, and the future market is expected to impact 5 consecutive boards

author:Curious about Corey 8n7P

AI is sweeping the automotive track and will also bring an "intelligent upgrade" to the automotive industry!

Recently, with Musk's speech at the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, it is expected that full automatic driving will be achieved around the end of this year.

AI is the "intelligent upgrade" of the automotive track, the first leader in the subdivision field, and the future market is expected to impact 5 consecutive boards

Since the beginning of this year, favorable policies have been introduced one after another, and many automobile manufacturers have also increased their efforts to improve the intelligence of automobiles, boosting the continuous progress of intelligent driving technology, and the entire industry is also accelerating, and the market size is expected to reach 600 billion US dollars.

In this context, long-term funds such as social security funds, insurance funds, and QFII are also laying out intelligent driving tracks, so medium and long-term investment opportunities in the intelligent driving industry chain are also coming.

The development of intelligent driving technology has accelerated, and the industrial chain has welcomed new opportunities

As we all know, intelligent driving is divided into 5 stages: assisted driving, partial self-freezing driving, conditional self-freezing driving, highly self-freezing driving, and completely self-freezing driving, corresponding to level 1-5 respectively.

AI is the "intelligent upgrade" of the automotive track, the first leader in the subdivision field, and the future market is expected to impact 5 consecutive boards

Recently, the second brother of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has proposed to launch the pilot of intelligent networked vehicle access and road traffic to support the commercial application of conditional autonomous driving (level 3) and higher-level autonomous driving.

With the advancement of pilots and the gradual improvement of digital infrastructure, and L3 level intelligent driving technology is expected to achieve large-scale landing, then with the continuous breakthrough of AI technology, the subsequent development of L4 and L5 level intelligent driving technology is also expected to be further accelerated.

Looking at the appearance through the data, the penetration rate of L2 level assisted driving in mainland China will reach 34% in 22 years, and the penetration rate of L3 level autonomous driving will be as high as 70% in 2030.

AI is the "intelligent upgrade" of the automotive track, the first leader in the subdivision field, and the future market is expected to impact 5 consecutive boards

Therefore, with the great changes of automotive intelligent electric, the industrial order will be reshaped, and the next golden decade of the automotive industry will be favored by more investors, and intelligence will also be the medium and long-term focus of the subsequent automotive sector;

With the strong support of the policy, it is recommended to pay attention to leading enterprises in industries and segments with core technologies and real competitiveness, such as these 5 high-quality enterprises selected during my review, for reference only:

1. Juxing Technology: its company has a good technical foundation in the field of automotive lidar; Net inflows of funds amounted to $430 million.

AI is the "intelligent upgrade" of the automotive track, the first leader in the subdivision field, and the future market is expected to impact 5 consecutive boards

2. CTI navigation: its mobile surveying and mapping products are widely used in high-precision map data acquisition for autonomous driving; Net inflows of $300 million.

3. Yongan Xing: At present, a subsidiary of the driverless vehicle project is being established, and the sample is about to be tested; Net inflows of funds were 38 million.

4. Zhongwei Electronics: A number of technological innovation systems have been launched for the Internet of Vehicles; Net inflows of $120 million.

5. The last one is also the most optimistic

(1) The intelligent driving execution system (L4 adaptation EPS) and control module suitable for L4 intelligent driving required by the subsidiary's self-developed and self-produced have been matched and sold on unmanned shuttles/intercity unmanned buses;

(2) The stock price is below 20 yuan, the market value is below 5 billion, and the net profit in the first quarter of 2023 will be reported with a year-on-year growth rate of 14.61%;

(3) Recently, the main fund has increased its holdings by more than 340 million, and its main force has attracted 85.8% and walked out of the rebound signal, which is expected to rise and break through, which can be paid attention to in the medium and long term.

(Disclaimer: The analysis content comes from the Internet, does not constitute investment advice, please investors to judge independently according to different market conditions) #A股龙头名单#