
In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

author:Peace Elite Papaya Peel

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a letter to Chairman Mao, and after receiving Hua Luogeng's letter, because Chairman Mao's eyes were already very bad at this time, he asked the secretary to read the letter to Chairman Mao. After listening to Hua Luogeng's letter, Chairman Mao Mao was silent, and then silently picked up a pen and replied to Hua Luogeng with a short 25-character instruction.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

Chairman Mao's teachings

At a party in 1952, Hua Luogeng was fortunate to be arranged to sit next to Chairman Mao, and Chairman Mao gave Hua Luogeng the feeling that Chairman Mao was very cordial and did not have the posture of a big official at all. Chairman Mao also said to Hua Luogeng: "Comrade Hua Luogeng, you must train more talents for our country!" ”

Hua Luogeng was very happy and excited after hearing this, and quickly responded: "Good Chairman, I will definitely strive to cultivate good students and will not live up to Chairman Mao's expectations of me." Chairman Mao nodded in satisfaction.

Subsequently, during the period when the mainland encountered economic difficulties, Chairman Mao led our Party personnel to fight against various difficulties, but at this time there was also a pioneering movement of technological cooperation on the scientific and technological front. In Shenyang, Harbin and other places, a large number of masters have appeared to carry out new scientific and technological movements without paying and forgetting food.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

This incident had a great impact on Hua Luogeng, Hua Luogeng thought that he was also a scientific worker, but he could not do things for the country on weekdays, and Hua Luogeng was very guilty in his heart at this time.

But fortunately, at this time, Hua Luogeng suddenly saw the poem "Seven Laws and Comrade Guo Moruo" published by Chairman Mao. This is a rebellion against revision, and in the psalms Hua Luogeng was greatly encouraged and deeply educated. Therefore, in order to live up to Chairman Mao's education, Hua Luogeng made up his mind that he must be reborn, completely change his thinking, and contribute to his transformation.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

Subsequently, in 1964, Chairman Mao personally wrote a letter to Hua Luogeng to encourage and encourage Hua Luogeng. This activity was once again deeply inspired, changed the old habits, and also practiced it myself. At first, Hua Luogeng was very unconfident, but finally Hua Luogeng thought of Chairman Mao's teaching and encouragement, so he made up his mind to let go of the hesitation in his heart.

Subsequently, Hua Luogeng and the workers, peasants and soldiers learned first and then taught, introducing the "overall algorithm" in plain language. Slowly, Hua Luogeng realized for the first time the truth taught by Chairman Mao:

"The masses are the real heroes, and we ourselves are often naïve and ridiculous". In the southwest, it was not a long time, and I only handed the small tool of "overall planning method" to the workers, and I gained a lot of gains, and began to see the mainland's own path of developing science and technology under the guidance of Chairman Mao's thought.
In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

The path of mathematics

In fact, Hua Luogeng's math scores were very poor when he was young, and he was very playful since he was a child, always skipping school to watch plays, so his grades were a mess and he often failed. The teachers didn't like this Hua Luogeng, who didn't study well and loved to skip school. It wasn't until the appearance of a man that Hua Luogeng discovered his mathematical talent.

This person is Wang Weike, who is Hua Luogeng's math teacher. On this day, when Wang Weike was grading his homework, he found that there were many solutions to Hua Luogeng's homework, so Wang Weike concluded that this student was very talented in mathematics. Hua Luogeng also developed a great interest in mathematics with the recognition and support of Wang Weike.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

In the summer of 1925, Hua Luogeng graduated from junior high school and was subsequently admitted to Shanghai Zhonghua Vocational University. Just when he was about to study seriously, a letter came from home, interrupting Hua Luogeng's path to study. It turned out that the family could no longer afford Hua Luogeng's renewal expenses and living expenses.

After considering the hardships and fatigue of his parents, Hua Luogeng gave up school and returned to his hometown. There may be many people who do not know that the great mathematician Hua Luogeng only has a junior high school education. Although there was no way to go to school, Hua Luogeng did not give up learning. At home, I always wake up early and start studying mathematics seriously.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

Hesitated to study mathematics too seriously, so he did not care about things at home, and was opposed by Hua Luogeng's father, every time he saw where Hua Luogeng was reading, his father would step forward to grab it, so that Hua Luogeng had to hide the book. Banhua Luogeng did not give up mathematics because of his father's objections, but worked harder to learn mathematics on his own.

Subsequently, every time Hua Luogeng would secretly take out the book to study when his father was not at home, and slowly Hua Luogeng became more and more interested in mathematics.

In 1926, Su Jiaju published the paper "The Solution of the Fifth Power Equation of Algebra", which shocked the entire mathematical community. As early as 1816, mathematician Abel had already proved that the quintic equation was unsolvable.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

Inspired by Su Jiaju, Hua Luogeng began to study the quintic equations of algebra, and after a month of repeated calculations, he found that there was an error in Su Jiaju's solution. So he wanted to write an essay that stated his point, but stopped writing after a few lines, fearing that rebuttals of famous professors would cause trouble.

At this time, teacher Wang Weike encouraged him: "Even saints are inevitably wrong, as long as you make sense, Professor Su will agree." You don't have to worry, just do it!" Hua Luogeng wrote the article and sent it to Science magazine in Shanghai.

Subsequently, the journal Science published "The Reason why the solution of the quintic equation of Su Jiaju's algebra cannot be established" in the form of sequeduction, which caused a strong response.
In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

Xiong Qinglai, a famous professor in the Department of Arithmetic at Tsinghua, saw this article and couldn't help but be amazed, he was impressed by Hua Luogeng's humility and wisdom, and asked around who Hua Luogeng was. But he searched the directory of returned international students of Tsinghua University and did not find this "Hua Luogeng".

Until a teaching assistant from Jintan in the mathematics department heard it and told Xiong Qinglai: "Hua Luogeng works as a clerk in Jintan Middle School. Xiong Qinglai was even more excited when he heard this, so he tried his best to fight with the relevant departments of the school, hoping to hire Hua Luogeng and give this young man who worked hard to learn by himself a chance. Finally, after several twists and turns, the school finally agreed to Xiong Qinglai's request.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

Hua Luogeng wrote a letter to Chairman Mao

On Labor Day in 1967, Hua Luogeng was invited to climb the Tiananmen City Tower. Chairman Mao was very happy when he saw him, took his hand to inquire about his life and work, and excitedly introduced Hua Luogeng to other comrades. Chairman Mao's great trust and concern made Hua Luogeng secretly determined that he must continue to work hard.

Although Hua Luogeng made remarkable achievements, he was not spared being caught in the storm of officials. At the time of crisis, according to Chairman Mao's opinion, Premier Zhou personally came forward and clearly instructed Hua Luogeng not to go to Jiangxi, but to stay in Beijing and continue to engage in mathematical research.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

Hua Luogeng, who survived, was grateful to the party and Chairman Mao from the bottom of his heart, so he worked more diligently. But in that environment at that time, the resistance Hua Luogeng encountered on the road of research can be imagined.

In August 1975, Hua Luogeng, who was promoting his research in Harbin, was admitted to the hospital due to a heart attack caused by overwork. After the news reached Beijing, Premier Zhou, who was ill, immediately sent his doctor to Harbin, and after rescue, Hua Luogeng was still in a coma for 6 weeks before waking up.

After learning what happened during his coma, Hua Luogeng choked. He asked the medical staff to tell the Central Committee that he fell ill before Chairman Mao had done the things entrusted to him, and that he was sorry for the expectations of the Party and Chairman Mao.

In 1975, Hua Luogeng wrote a petition, and Chairman Mao was silent when he learned about it, trembling and writing down 25 character instructions

After his condition improved slightly, Hua Luogeng thought of the road he had walked in the past, and his thoughts were full of thoughts. On National Day, Hua Luogeng wrote a letter to Chairman Mao from his hospital bed, recalling his past ten years and asking Chairman Mao that he should continue to investigate and promote the whole country and continue to continue this new path of his own:

"If you can use your brilliant thoughts to make me blaze a new path, what is the difference between my death in Beijing and my death in a ravine!"

Chairman Mao was silent for a long time after listening to the secretary read this letter, trembling and writing instructions with his own hands:

"The meaning is very good, the first recovery of a serious illness, it is advisable to rest and recuperate for a period of time, and then go after it is all right, it is more appropriate."

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