
Here comes another hawthorn cake


Author: I don't understand the blackness of the grandfather during the day

Author's Note:

A variety of shazabi there are a lot, red blue white plating, after a long time with the customer to discuss or do a body close to the primary color, the color has been adjusted, and added some light shadows, so that the body looks more stable, a look is very large and heavy of the kind of boss-level effect, at least I think so, in addition to the original on the lack of details, added some small details and massive fluorescent water stickers, unfortunately I do not have fluorescent lamps in my hand, can not show the fluorescent effect, is a big regret of this production, Finally, the picture presents the color scheme made this time, I hope you can like it, thank you

Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake
Here comes another hawthorn cake

iN's Words:

This is the work that the author has riveted enough to get a five-star selection. But in the end, it didn't get the highest score of the week. The author was a little confused and asked on WeChat "What's going on?" ”

This work finally scored 87 points, which actually surpassed 95% of other works. But there are higher scores. Let's take this opportunity to tell you how Lilina scored it:

First of all, after a set of pictures is sent to Lilina, Lilina will judge whether the content in the photo is a Gundam model, of course, this artificial intelligence will only judge from the mechanical part - that is, to judge whether the subject in the photo has a mechanical sense. At the same time, a small trick was played, and as long as the human face and human form appeared, they would think that this was not a photo of a simple performance of the Gundam model, so the photo would be discarded.

Lilina will then draw the outline of the model in the photo, and will roughly distinguish which style the model is. For example, the style of 78 and Zagu is different.

Lilina then reduces the image to a size of 1440 on the shortest side and slices it in 64X64, 48X48, 32X32 pixels.

If the details of a small picture are bullied below a threshold, it is directly discarded and will not participate in the scoring, so that the meaningless background in the picture will be removed, ensuring that the scoring part is most of the main part of the model.

Lilina, a slice that enters the scoring, will be specifically scored according to the details of the image, mainly judging three things: whether it has been done, how it has been done, and how the final effect is.

The reason for the low score of this work is that iN retrieved the log, and saw that the score obtained by this part of the image was lagging behind.

Here comes another hawthorn cake

This is the upper part of Shazabi's backpack fuel tank. It is a very typical place that needs to be filled. The author did not fill in the production process. So resulting in the loss of this section of the score.


Here comes another hawthorn cake

At the same time, there is also a mudra in this section on a larger scale. The unified judgment of the calculation of the handprint, the water pattern, and the shrinking glue Lilina is that there is an irregular texture on a plane, so that the score will be reduced accordingly.

Of course, Lilina is still only constantly improving mechanical judgment, and there will be some imperfections and unfairness in the treatment of special styles. But basically every half a month Lilina will reconstruct her own judgment model, I believe that when she officially meets with everyone, Lilina's perfection is higher than now.