
How to brew milk coffee? How much milk should I add?


  Coffee, as a refreshing drink, has always been an indispensable refreshing drink for office workers, but coffee itself is bitter, and many people do not want to drink such a bitter coffee every day, so you can choose milk to neutralize it.

How to brew milk coffee? How much milk should I add?

  Milk generally has whole milk, skim milk and skim milk. There is no clear standard for how much milk is added to coffee, and it can be freely mixed according to personal taste. Taking the 250c .c. coffee cup as the standard, after adding about 45 to 50c .c. of esprazo, the optimal ratio of milk to milk foam is about 3:1, that is, about 150c .c. milk and 50c .c. milk foam are added, which is more smooth to drink. In the case of lattes and coffee, milk is the protagonist. Its standard ratio is 1/6 espresso, 4/6 steam milk, 1/6 milk foam, and hazelnut, cinnamon, vanilla and other different flavors can be added. Because of the high proportion of milk and the soft taste, it can even be used as a dessert in some European restaurants.

How to brew milk coffee? How much milk should I add?

  It is recommended that you can start drinking before work, because after we drink coffee, the caffeine concentration in the blood reaches a peak after about 1 hour, and the refreshing effect of coffee can generally be maintained for about 3-4 hours, if you want to use coffee to achieve a better refreshing effect.

How to brew milk coffee? How much milk should I add?

  If you brew your own coffee, there may be traces on the cup, but refer to the following method to remove:

  1. Toothpaste cleaning. Take an appropriate amount of toothpaste on the abdomen of the fingers, rub the inner wall of the cup where the coffee has been brewed with the abdomen of the fingers, and rinse it after about a minute. One of the advantages of toothpaste cleaning is that it is not easy to have residues, and it is washed relatively cleanly.

  2. Add some baking soda. Baking soda is an alkaline substance that removes stains. Knocking soda down on a rag, dripping a little water, and wiping the inside of the cup back and forth can remove the coffee stains inside, and it also plays a role in disinfecting the cup.

  3: Wash the potato skins. Put the potato peels in a cup, pour boiling water, cover and stuff for 5-10 minutes, and shake a few times to easily remove the coffee stains. Because potato skins are rich in starch and have a strong adsorption force, it is easy to remove coffee stains attached to the cup.

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