
Black pine bonsai modeling cultivation on (2) Extended reading:

author:Love wood bonsai

Author: Li Wenming

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4. Suppress up and down

The natural growth law of trees is to be thick and thin. If the blank is not properly raised, the lower branches are thin and weak, while the top branches are thick, and the natural beauty is lost. At this time, it is necessary to take measures to suppress the upper and lower branches, and have enough nutrients to supply the lower branches, so that they grow thick and form a plump crown. The cultivation of branches should be made after the basic completion of the root and stem shapes, and then the canopy is made. Don't rush it. It can be gradually advanced from the bottom up, and the closer to the top of the canopy, the faster it will form, so that the proportion of branches and stems and branches is reasonable, forming a beautiful canopy.

Therefore, in the process of black pine blanking, it is necessary to stock the side branches of the lower part of the tree, and appropriately remove the strong strips at the top, so that the lower side branches of the black pine are fully nutritious and illuminated. Increase the thickness of the side branches, but such a method can not be successful at once, it requires multiple growth periods to form, and the loose bone method and the sacrificial branch will be better at the same time.

Third, the shape during the maintenance period

The roots and trunks of the black pine are formed by the free growth of nature, and cannot be easily changed by artificial, while the branches and pieces can fully display the cultivation and talent of bonsai artists. 【Pay attention to love wood bonsai, play bonsai with love wood】

1. When modeling for the first time, according to the shape of the root disc and the growth, thickness and height of the stump, repeatedly deliberate on the main structure and form of bonsai, and when the form of bonsai is determined, all the excess branches are cut off. Such as overlapping branches, flat branches, cut branches, anterior branches, rotational branches, inner branches, diseased and weak branches, crossed branches, etc. In the first shape, the processing method is mainly based on scissors and supplemented by pan-ties.

2. When modeling for the first time, first tie the skeleton of the large thick branch into place with a thick lead wire. Then tie the second branch into place, and the smallest branch does not need to be tied. According to the thickness and shape of the branches, the branches are arranged in an orderly manner and placed in a homeopathic manner. When pruning, according to the direction and thickness of the branches, all the branches beyond the range of the cloud sheet should be cut off, and the processing with this method can greatly shorten the time of the formation of the branches of the black pine in the maintenance process.

Black pine bonsai modeling cultivation on (2) Extended reading:

3. When modeling for the first time, it is often encountered that the thick branches of 4cm to 6cm are not growing in place or the direction is not right, and the thick branches need to be shaped to the ideal position. After years of practice, I think that using an electric drill to drill holes and bends is the most ideal method, and it does not leave a single scar.

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All tree design drawings are available for ¥88 to buy

When punching a hole in a thick branch of black pine, a 4mm drill bit is used to punch the eye on the inside of the bend according to the needs of the shape, and the drill bit forms a 45-degree angle with the branch. The depth of the eye, how much depends on the thickness of the branch, coarse can be deep, fine can be shallow, but can not penetrate, about two-thirds of the thickness of the tree branch, generally hit 3-5 eyes.

When the eye is opened, when the drill bit reaches a certain depth, the drill bit should swing forward and backward with the drill hole as the axis, so that the eye opening is small and the space inside the branch is large, and several holes in the eye should be drilled inside. After the tree eye is beaten, it is wrapped with black tape, generally wrapped in two to three layers, with the corresponding lead wire, according to the clockwise direction of 45 degrees angle close to the tree, generally to wrap more than two.

After the lead wire is wrapped, slowly knead the branches with your hands at the bend, and when the branches can be twisted, slowly bend according to the needs of the shape, and after reaching the ideal angle, fix it well. If you encounter a thick branch of more than 6cm, you should also wrap the hemp wire tightly when bending. The direction of the hemp wire entanglement is based on the direction of the change of the branches, and when encountering branches that are too large and too thick, can not be in place at one time, you can fix it at both ends of the flanger, and slowly adjust to the place, but always observe the tearing of the branches.

Sometimes in order to achieve the ideal posture, it can be gradually put in place for several days and months, and it cannot be in place at one time, otherwise the branches will break or even die. When the author bends the thick branches, it is mostly carried out during the growth period of black pine, which facilitates the rapid healing of black pine wounds.

Fourth, the treatment of the roots

Without a good root plate, it cannot be called a masterpiece of bonsai. In the process of black pine plant maintenance, it is necessary to reasonably deal with the relationship between roots and stems.

The root shape of a good black pine bonsai is important. Most of the roots of black pine in nature are not very complete, and it is difficult to find large root systems like those of mixed wood trees with roots on all sides. The roots of the black pine can not be operated on, only from the trunk and the green part of the brain more, the green part of the modeling to balance the root in the modeling of the deficiencies.

When planting black pine, the cultivation soil of its roots is removed year by year. Gradually expose the roots to sunlight, aging the epidermis of their roots, while allowing the roots of black pine to grow more new roots in the soil. At the same time as the root epidermis is aging, the excavation posture of the root is adjusted according to the main trunk dynamic. The ideal root is to grow in all directions, clutching the ground like a palm.

In the maintenance of ground planting, if the cultivated soil is suitable for its growth, the fertilizer and water are abundant, and the root system of the black pine will grow very healthy and developed. In practice, the author will carry out a root lift for black pine once every three years, remove the old roots, comb the new roots and whiskers, and adjust the direction and momentum of the ground planting of the black pine in a timely manner to show its ancient charm.

Black pine bonsai modeling cultivation on (2) Extended reading:

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March 2018

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