
Small countries that do not measure themselves provoke China, thousands of Lithuanian enterprises collapse, and Europe and the United States do not turn to China regardless of their efforts

author:Baiming Technology

Lithuania jumped a lot when the United States took measures against China's chip industry, but now that years have passed, Lithuania has begun to get the rewards it deserves, and domestic chip equipment has replaced Lithuanian equipment in a big way, causing Lithuania to fall into a quandary.

Small countries that do not measure themselves provoke China, thousands of Lithuanian enterprises collapse, and Europe and the United States do not turn to China regardless of their efforts

Lithuania was originally a "pioneer" in Europe and the United States, wielding some of its advantageous industries, such as femtosecond lasers and other products, Lithuania once occupied nearly 100% of the market share, Lithuania thought that it could rely on its own advantageous industries, for Europe and the United States to be a striker.

However, China has rapidly developed its own femtosecond laser industry, in fact, femtosecond laser is not too advanced industry, China is in the leading position in laser technology research and development, but at that time the global emphasis on interoperability, and this market is too small, China's own research and development of femtosecond laser is not cost-effective.

After Lithuania wielded its dominant industries, China quickly developed its own femtosecond laser industry. Since then, China's laser industry has developed tremendously, and Ruike Laser, the leader of domestic lasers, has achieved rapid growth year after year, with revenue soaring 47% year-on-year in 2021, reaching 3.4 billion yuan.

In contrast, Lithuania accounted for nearly half of the global femtosecond laser market that year, and only achieved revenue of 1.2 billion yuan. The price of femtosecond lasers developed in China is as low as 600,000 yuan, while the price of femtosecond lasers sold by European and American companies such as Lithuania is as high as millions, and under the competition of China's femtosecond lasers, Lithuania and other femtosecond laser industries are rapidly declining.

Small countries that do not measure themselves provoke China, thousands of Lithuanian enterprises collapse, and Europe and the United States do not turn to China regardless of their efforts

In addition to the rapid defeat of superior industries such as lasers by China, China also kicked Lithuania out of the China-Europe train, losing China, an important partner, Lithuania's economic development has slowed down rapidly, and in today's global economic environment, Lithuania's economy has shown signs of regression.

Foreign media reports said that since 2023, Lithuania's economy has suffered a severe winter in history, and it is difficult to export products, and Lithuania's own market size is too small to digest these products, resulting in the collapse of more than 1,300 enterprises in the country, and more than 60,000 people have lost jobs. The total population of Lithuania is only about 2.8 million, and such a number of unemployed people has hit Lithuania very hard.

Due to the shrinking of exports, and a small country like Lithuania itself lacks resources and needs to import a large number of materials, which has led to a rapid rise in Lithuania's debt, it is said that now Lithuania's external debt has reached 47 billion, carrying such a huge debt makes it miserable, so it reached out to Europe and the United States for help, but the European economy is sluggish, the United States' own inflation, high debt, all said that it is unable to rescue Lithuania, so Lithuania thought of China.

However, for a small country like Lithuania, China has a clear understanding, and Lithuania has also violated China's bottom line, and now Lithuania is in a difficult situation to remember the many benefits that China has brought to it, which is undoubtedly a little late, which is completely the result of its own suffering.

Small countries that do not measure themselves provoke China, thousands of Lithuanian enterprises collapse, and Europe and the United States do not turn to China regardless of their efforts

China is the world's largest manufacturing country, with a sound industrial chain and a strong manufacturing industry, in recent years under the influence of the new crown in the world, China's economy has shown strong resilience, so that Europe and the United States see the tenacity of China's economy, even the United States is now quietly changing chip rules for the sale of chips, not to mention small countries like Lithuania, Lithuania's lessons pay attention to alert other countries, cooperation with China is the real win-win cooperation.

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