
A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju

Hello everyone and welcome to the "Shard Mailroom" of New Weekly. Last week, we launched a call for work titled "Hearing the Glorious Years" to commemorate the Huang Jiaju we couldn't live without.

Today is June 30, 2023, 30 years ago today, Hong Kong rock band Beyond lead singer Wong Ka Ju left the world in an accident. But in these 30 years, Huang Jiaju is still alive in the lives of many people:

@乐观不是我的说, I learned guitar and "clip band" by myself, and a big reason is because of Beyond; @赵野友二听到黄家驹还是会不禁落泪; @北城依旧在埋怨 "Why Iekoma is going to Japan"; @Michael told us that Huang Jiaju's songs accompanied him through the boring and lonely days of postgraduate examinations; @彬还在亲切地喊黄家驹 "Second Brother".

About "30 years, why do we still miss Huang Jiaju? In the contributions of many readers, we found the answer, and once again felt the great charm of Huang Jiaju and the influence on people of different generations.

Today is the 30th anniversary of Huang Jiaju's death, we have too much to say about Huang Jiaju, the following is our compilation of 30 readers in the lives of Huang Jiaju and stories -


I was 86 years old, I remember that I was less than ten years old, my family bought a vinyl record player, the top was a vinyl record, the left and right sides in the middle, there were cassettes, I heard the music of the band Beyond, and I like it to this day. Whenever frustrated and sad, hearing Beyond will regain the courage to face it. Now I also put Beyond on my shoulders, motivating myself, facing all difficulties, we must bravely face and surpass. Now, in his thirties, whether it is a Nokia mobile phone back then, or a smartphone now, the music of the band Beyond must be stored in the mobile phone to enjoy.

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


I was 15 years old the year Ieju left, and I remember listening to Ieju's song for the first time in 1990's "Really Love You". The first time I heard someone else's cover, I didn't know who was singing at the time, but then I stepped into the society, and after hearing "The Sea and Sky" and "The Glory Years" played on the neighbor's tape recorder, I felt like a demon and got out of control with Beyond! Jia Ju's voice has been with me for the past 30 years, and even as I get older, I believe I will still shout his music!

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


I have been listening to Ieju's songs since junior high school, and now I have been listening to Ieju's songs for more than 20 years, and every year June 30th is a sad day to remember Ieju, and this year we will still hold a concert to remember Ieju.


In 2022, I encountered several unlucky things in a row, hospitalized for surgery, and I don't know if it was during my recuperation, I saw the Douyin restored version of the 91 Life Contact Concert, and the passive listening song attracted, when Huang Jiaju sang "Goodbye Ideal", his tears were completely uncontrollable, feeling that Huang Jiaju was singing my heart for many years with his songs, and people of different eras were able to find resonance through songs across time and space. I think only someone like Huang Jiaju who has worked hard for his ideals can understand the meaning of his songs. Beyond's songs are really healing, good, and have great love! Archaeologist Huang Jiaju was out of control and has been fascinated by him and his music ever since!


My mom said I grew up listening to Beyond because my dad loved listening to Beyond when I was a kid.

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


I can't remember the year I first heard about Jia Ju, it should be nine years, when I was in elementary school. At that time, "Really Love You" and "Glory Years" were often played on TV, so I was deeply attracted to this singer with a guitar on his back, and later learned that I was watching their concert in the Red Hall in 1991, and then I went to buy their cassettes, rent discs, watch them repeatedly, listen to them repeatedly. At a young age, I couldn't understand the sigh, hesitation and helplessness that their music wanted to express, but I was simply fascinated by the beautiful enjoyment brought by the melody, and later learned that Jiaju had passed away, and secretly decided to go to see him in Tseung Kwan O when I grew up, but at that time, it seemed to be a dream. So saying goodnight to Jia Ju every night became a comfort for the soul.

Jia Ju's songs always reach the depths of the soul, I think resonance is the main reason why his songs can be sung to this day, his adherence to ideals, his persistence in beliefs, all encourage us, many people say that their songs are grudge songs, in fact, they just express the truest thoughts in their hearts accurately in music, just like we want to vent our emotions. For Jia Ju's fans, he is not only an idol, but also a faith, which will continue forever, because Jia Ju is too positive and his light is too dazzling.


I started to contact Beyond in 1997, when I listened to a lot of songs, I remember the "Flower Messenger" that was especially popular in those years, and then I heard my brother say that people now listen to Beyond songs, out of curiosity I bought the first Beyond tape, and the first song I heard was "The Sea and the Sky". At the time, I didn't feel good, but I was out of control from that moment, and then I slowly understood the meaning of the song. After more than thirty years of listening to Beyond, their spirit is difficult to find in other people's music what I want, although Jia Ju has been away for thirty years, his spirit has been and will never disappear.


Actually, before I was born, the family horse left. From childhood to adulthood, I grew up listening to Beyond's songs, "Really Love You", "The Sea and Sky", "Glorious Years"... When you grow up, classmates and friends who learn guitar and band around you will say that the reason why they learn guitar or clamp band is because of them. I feel that I like rock and roll now because of them, and when I am lost, I will listen to their songs repeatedly to recharge myself. Now many bands are also because they have embarked on their own musical path, and it feels like a kind of inheritance.

0630, hello, Huang Jiaju, goodbye Huang Jiaju.

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju

ps: The picture was taken last year in Zhuhai watching Supper Moment, the inheritance of the rock spirit.


When I heard "Earth" on TV in 2012, I had my first impression of Beyond. I have probably heard their songs before, but maybe the mind matured late, confused, and there was no mark in my heart.

The following year, jobs changed, and a person rented a village in the city. The night market downstairs is lively until late; In the middle of the night, drunk people often quarrel in the street. After the sun rose, a clothing shop began to sing: "Move, move—" At first I thought it was sung by a person, but then I realized it was a stereo. So I went downstairs to buy flour noodles and baked biscuits. After eating, read sports news, recruitment information. Dazed, he began to listen to Beyond's songs over and over again. I didn't know Cantonese, so I heard "years and months turn possession into loss" as "fate turns possession into loss", which I thought deeply at the time. However, I still wrote the phrase "hold freedom in the wind and rain" into the QQ label.

A few months later, I walked the streets with my colleagues for lunch. He heard a song coming from a grocery store and said, "This song is good! "I said, this is Huang Jiaju's song, "Lover". After dinner, an old man on the street squatted to repair his bicycle, and an old-fashioned tape recorder next to him sang "The world is unconsciously empty." I pointed to him and laughed and said that this was Huang Jiaju's "Gray Track". Laughing, quite self-satisfied.

A few years later, he switched careers to become a tutor. Once, a student complained that the textbook was not interesting. I said, it's because of the improper selection of materials, like Huang Jiaju's song, "the bell rings the signal to return home, in his life, as if with a little embarrassment", shouldn't it be selected as poetry? He was a little stunned when he heard this. He didn't know the meaning of the English words Huang Jiaju and Beyond.

Not long ago, there was a twenty-year-old co-worker next to him, and he talked about songs in casual chatter. I asked, listen to Huang Jiaju's songs? He smiled and didn't listen. I don't think I listened to it for a long time, although I still thought the tune was beautiful when the short video arrived.

@彬 (Text slides up and down to view)

When I was in elementary school, although there were CDs in that era, people still generally listened to songs on cassettes, unlike now, when they are all digital music, and they can be listened to with mobile phones. Today's young people must be relatively unfamiliar with these cassettes, and they have not even seen them, but for people like us who are middle-aged, it is still very emotional, after all, it carries my youth and those days when I first met Beyond. When I was about the third or fourth grade, because I did well in the final exam, my mother rewarded me with an Aihua Walkman. At that time, the happiness of owning a cassette walkman may be no less than the feeling of changing to a good car now.

Good music, always heard, the first thing I came into contact with was the song "Really Love You", which was very popular in China, and then I bought a cassette, and when I got out of school, I would open the Walkman whenever I had time. At that time, I felt "Wow, how can there be such a nice song", but because I am a northerner, I couldn't understand the lyrics at first, but fortunately I had a lyric book, and I read the lyrics while listening to the song, repeating it over and over again, and then I was able to hum it completely in standard Cantonese.

In this way, Jiaju's song accompanied me through my student days, to later work, and later to marry a wife and have children, people to middle age, time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, Beyond has been 40 years, and Jiaju has been away from us for 30 years, speaking of this, it is indeed not accurate to say leaving, he has actually been there, just like this article in New Weekly "30 years, why are we still listening to Huang Jiaju?" What I understand is, yes, whether it's 30 years or 60 years, we'll still listen. Jia Ju's music has such a magic, no matter how frustrated, do not give up ideals, hopes, and fighting spirit. Jia Ju's music is not only a song, but also a kind of comfort that warms our hearts in the midst of adversity, a strength that inspires us to grow in adversity, and a spirit that gives us hope in despair. I don't know if you still remember that when the "May 12" Wenchuan earthquake and the whole country was sad, Andy Lau led many artists to hold disaster relief performances and refill the lyrics of "The Sea and the Sky" for singing. At that time, what song could be more moving and powerful? Perhaps, there are really few songs that can resonate so much with people, however, the songs of the family horse can. In the face of such righteous moments, Jiaju's songs will always move, uplift, unite, gather strength and bring hope. That's why, 30 years on, we're still listening to the family horses. The story of the family horse, if you collect it carefully, you can learn a lot, and I don't want to talk about it here. When I read books before, especially those classics, although the authors have passed away, their words have remained for thousands of years. When I came down to relax, took a sip of fragrant tea, and held these words, I was confronted with the author's state of mind at that time, as if this moment was communicating with my heart, and they were "alive" again. Similarly, whenever I listen to Jia Ju's music or watch a video, I feel as if he is right next to us, and I always want to ask "Hey, second brother, are you okay?" ”。


"Jiaju stood outside alone, and the voice of Xiaomei shouting 'second brother' came from the house, but Jiaju was very depressed in his heart, and told Xiaomei back, holding the railing on the balcony, at this time the music sounded: Which party is ahead, who is with me to break in..."

This is the picture imprinted in my heart! Life is not wandering in such a scene. The years treat our lives as subtractions, slowly taking away what we have. In the end, only the naked self remained, in the eternal and unchanging heaven and earth, I don't know what is ahead, southeast, northwest, and no one is around. The feeling of loneliness is incomparable. That's the realm of this song.

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


The first time I listened to it was in 2000 when my classmates put on VCD. In 2001, I went to secondary school, first bought tapes, CDs, and listened to songs and videos on the Internet, and was as crazy as crazy. In 2003, I watched the 20th anniversary Beijing concert of Beyond on CCTV's "Same Song", saw the image of Huang Jiaju, felt that he was back, and was moved to tears.

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju

@bãdMi й sugar

"Goodbye Ideal" started listening to Beyond in junior high school (probably 1997), at that time I and three other classmates formed a "band" that only sang but did not play, I was the lead singer, and I planned to do a Beyond music concert... More than 20 years have passed, this year I and a few local musical instrument teachers and good friends who like music plan to hold a Beyond nostalgia special session in these two months, my three old classmates don't know if they have forgotten the agreement at that time, but the ideal of that year is finally coming true.

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


It was one evening in the summer of 2004, working at a construction site in Rushan City, Weihai, close to the sea, with a sea breeze blowing every day. Before that, he worked in an electronics factory in the Weihai Development Zone, worked in this electronics factory for more than a year, and liked a girl surnamed Wang, for various reasons, left the electronics factory in 2003 that he actually did not want to leave.

I was originally a little inferior, but in 2004 it became more and more intense, and my daily hesitation and loss were even more filled with my heart, often wandering alone on the cross street, not knowing which direction to go.

It was on that hot summer night that a small worker in the same village bought a new tape, and at that time did not know what Beyond on the tape meant, because the younger brother dropped out of school after reading the second year of junior high school, only looking at the tape that said "Beyond is a spirit, a kind of whip", and four unknown figures were printed on one side of the tape.

I had no intention of sleeping, but I just took the tape and glanced at it a few times, then returned the tape to my little co-worker, and continued to lie on the wooden bed tossing and turning. Suddenly, a very peaceful melody sounded, followed by a very desolate and lonely song: "Forget whether there is a way out in the distance." ”

I got up from the plank bed: "What is this song?"

Worker friend: "Haven't you heard of "Peasant"?"

"No, for the first time..." I took the small tape recorder from my co-worker's hand, opened the lid of the small tape recorder, took out the tape, and watched it repeatedly: "Whose song is this?"

The worker said, "Beyond, Huang Jiaju's."

"Let me listen for a while." Saying that, I played the tape, and the melody slowly sounded like a heavenly sound: "Day by day plus day for each cultivation, the bell rings the signal to return home, don't use the high standing high place to be more idyllic, the sun has dissipated and don't go, sing, sing for the world, I am the four most outstanding in the world." ”

That night, I listened to the tape over and over again, and before I knew it, my heart was no longer hesitant and lost, and before I knew it, the spirit of the family horse had been with me for almost twenty years, and I said here: "Second brother, the younger brother misses you." ”

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


Three years of high school, in my hometown town, every night after self-study with my classmates to ride a bicycle home, I will sing "The Sea and the Sky" and "Glorious Years" all the way, and I will never forget the time that has passed, and the classic songs of Beyond have always accompanied me from high school to college to into society, from young teenagers to walking into the confusion, I think, will always accompany.


I was born in 2003, and I have been listening to my family for ten years, and those melodies are engraved in my mind, and I am very excited every time I hear them. It is also because of him that I chose to learn guitar when I was a child, and when I bought an electric guitar, I also chose red that is very similar to him. Now I sing less of his songs because of my voice, and I don't cycle his songs over and over again, but every time I'm in a bad mood, I choose to listen to him again. Although he left early, he is not old! I will practice the piano well, I will live well!


After 00, the first time I listened to Ieju's song was in kindergarten and elementary school, and I can't remember the exact time. At that time, I was very young, but I just thought it was good, and I didn't understand the meaning of the song. Later, I grew up and reached junior high school. Leaving my parents for the first time, entering boarding school, youth ignorance, young ignorance ... In fact, teenagers also have troubles. During that time, it was the songs of the family horse that accompanied me. After entering high school, I was overwhelmed by the complicated study tasks. There was very little entertainment in the three years of high school, and I listened to fewer songs. Now, I'm in college, and one night, I turn on the player again, hear a familiar singing, and go back to that time...


Hello everyone, my name is Yan Kun, I introduce myself, I am a little physically disabled I hope all fans understand, I am one or two years old with high fever leading to cerebral palsy feeding water and urine need people, I have been lying for sixteen years, Jiaju has given me confidence, Jiaju every birthday I will order a cake, I will spend my life to miss Jiaju, I like it for 12 years this year, I fell in love with Beyond since I listened to "Really Love You" for the first time in 2011, thank Jiaju, thank you Beyond, write so many good works, You care for world peace and love, 2023 is the 40th anniversary of your founding, but also the 30th anniversary of the death of Jia Ju, insist on liking for so many years, hope that Jia Ju is happy and happy on the side of the sky, hope that the third son is getting better and better, healthy and healthy, from 2011 to 2023, always miss Jia Ju, forever Beyond.


I loved it for the first time I heard it in 1996! It also prompted me to learn guitar!

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


First listening - In 1998, in the fourth grade of primary school, a classmate who returned to the village from the town to study, sang vernacular songs every day, seemed to understand, felt very good, hummed along, and later learned that it was Jiaju.

Companionship - in 2000, help parents watch the chickens, at night, one mountain and one person, fortunately accompanied by a flock of chickens and a "retracting and releasing all-in-one". In the vast mountains and forests, in order to fight the loneliness of the vigil, I stole a tape from my second brother. The moonlight shines in the mountains and forests, the songs of the family horses echo on the mountainside, how many nights, there is no fear, only good memories.

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


Open the video, it is Huang Jiaqiang who is holding back tears and singing the song "Happy You" with the audience at the scene, enduring the pain, suppressing tears, he once choked, at the moment I am also silently singing in front of the screen, I slowly empathize with this... "To tell the truth, I'm really used to three people on stage", at this time, I only felt that my nose was sour, and a trace of tears flashed in my eyes. Then, there is the song "Sea and Sky" that everyone is no longer familiar with. When I sang "I'm afraid that one day I will fall", Jia Qiang burst into tears, and at this moment I was already in tears in front of the screen, and the tears in my eyes were slowly dripping like raindrops on the eaves, because at this moment, not only Jia Qiang, but everyone was singing to the person who should have been here but had long since left.

After two songs, tears slipped across my cheeks, and I deeply empathized with this...

I can also be regarded as a big and small like Beyond for five years, although there is a short period of "missing contact" for them, but they have brought a lot in some lives, basically every song of them can be heard, most of them can also be sung, because their musical ideals bring is not exactly the momentum that every young person needs in youth!

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of Beyond, I also hope and hope that the third son can hold a commemorative concert that belongs to the family and beyond! I also hope that the "lifetime year" can wait for ah!


Meet You is the end of a Live concert released by Beyond in '91, when I was a sixth-grader, and I had loved music since I was a child, and I heard a song "Glory Days" played in my math teacher's MP3. At that time, I didn't understand Cantonese. But when I heard that melody, I never forgot it.

I am 36 years old this year, and you have been going to heaven for exactly 30 years, second brother. To this day, I don't know whether it's because of your kindness, your appearance, or the melody of your songs, you have occupied my entire heart. It really verifies the saying: If you don't go to Japan, how good it would be if you were still alive now! When I think about this often, I burst into tears listening to your songs!

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju

@树 (Text slides up and down to view)

In the early 90s, I was admitted to a university in the western part of the motherland, and my seven brothers in the same dormitory were all from different provinces. It seems that after returning to school during the second-grade holiday, my brother --- "Little Shenyang" (the name is pronounced similarly, but Cantonese, of course, not a sketch actor who later became popular) took out a tape, yes, it was Beyond's first Chinese album "Earth". At that time, the mainland did not know anything about Beyond. I just think every song on this album is good. Different from the previous Hong Kong singers singing in Cantonese, Beyond's Chinese singing voice makes people seem more intimate and catchy. My brother from Yunnan and I decided to rip it so that we could enjoy it anytime with the Walkman. In that era of relatively scarce material life, we still used some thought to rip "Earth".

The blank tape was made with the best quality Sony we could find, and even the cover was meticulously copied. The ripping record player used the relationship between the Yunnan brothers and fellow villagers, using a Japanese dual-card tape recorder from the relatives of the hometown to rip, after recording, the copied black and white cover was carefully cut to the size of a tape and folded into the tape box, and in the next few months I watched and hummed Beyond's "Earth" from time to time.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the holidays again, and I returned home with "The Earth". My younger brother was in junior high school, and under the influence of Hong Kong and Taiwan films, he kept the Hong Kong-style "mushroom head", which was quite popular at that time, and when he heard this tape, he also liked it very much and begged me to keep the tape.

According to his recollection, at the school's New Year's party that year, he became the most watched star singer (there was no one), and was warmly sought after by the school's male and female students. Of course, the famous song is this "Earth". The ripping tape was borrowed by classmates many times to rip and has long since disappeared, and the songs on the tape have become all the rage on their campus.

Years later, I listened to him sing Beyond songs in a karaoke box. Indeed, the words and pronunciation are already very close to the original singing, and even skillfully one person can sing the harmonic part of the album.

One day, I read the news of Jia Ju's death in the school newspaper column with a rice bowl, and I couldn't tell whether it was sadness or sadness, as if I couldn't believe it.

Later, Beyond released a few albums commemorating the family horse, and I was old enough to buy genuine tapes, so I went crazy to buy. But after listening to it, I always feel that something is missing. Gradually, Beyond gradually disappeared.

Now I have become a fat man who has achieved nothing, and I have looked forward to my retirement life in advance. My brother's head shape has long changed from "male model" to "bald", and we have not sung on KTV for a long time. In life, whenever I inadvertently hear the melody of Beyond's song, the image of Jia Ju back then will come to my mind, still so sunny and handsome. If Jia Ju is alive, he is also an old man in his 60s, and if one day, I meet Jia Ju, I will step forward, shake his hand, and say, "Thank you, Jia Ju!" Thank you Beyond! ”


I have liked Huang Jiaju since 1998 and am still obsessed!


In the second half of 2019, when I was a senior at Zhengzhou University, I was in graduate school, the preparation process was very boring and lonely, I reviewed in the study room at night, and every day there was a singing voice of the family horse to accompany me, giving me strength, one night, hearing the song session on the radio, I ordered "Glory Years", but I didn't expect to be selected by the radio anchor to play, very surprised and moved...

In the blink of an eye, I am over 30 years old, after graduation I have worked in Nanyang, Zhengzhou, Beijing, a few years ago came to the forefront of reform and opening up - Guangdong, now married and settled in a beautiful coastal city, along the way, the song of the family horse accompanied my growth, accompanied me through the trough and climax of life.

The days we have walked together are all glorious years, and the road ahead is still wide and wide.

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


Because I like Beyond and love Huang Jiaju, I learned bass, formed a band in college, and rehearsed 30 of their songs, which is really happy. I have also visited him in Tseung Kwan O in Hong Kong and cried for him countless times.


I started to like Huang Jiaju in 1996, and of course Jiaju passed away by then. The origin was when the military training was pulling, the black and thin instructor sang "The Sea and the Sky", at that time, I only felt that the song was in line with the mood, and it happened that a classmate was a Beyond fan and shared his tape with me, and since then I began to like the Beyond band, the Beyond band with a family horse. Later, I bought a lot of tapes on and off, and also found Jiaju in the movies they starred in, and there are still his photos at home, knowing the brotherly relationship between Jiaju and Jiaqiang, knowing the sadness and difficulty of the back seat on the second floor, but I have never understood why I can fall off the stage. Now I pay less attention to listening to songs, but I think of him every year in June, my birthday and death date are in June, and I also thought that if I went to Hong Kong one day, I must go to his cemetery to present him with a bunch of flowers, but how many dreams of my youth have not been realized. My favorite song is "Early Train", "May it never be scattered, and pray that there will never be an end in the tracks".


I am a high school student, but I have listened to a lot of Beyond songs with my parents since I was a child, I couldn't understand it when I was a child, I only thought the melody was good, I began to like this band when I was in junior high school, and I have been listening to Beyond songs for three years in junior high school. The night before the high school entrance examination, I was so nervous that I couldn't sleep, opened Weibo and sent a message to Mr. Shirong, I didn't expect that after a while the teacher really replied to me, and I was also admitted to my favorite high school, really thank you to everyone at Beyond, giving me courage and strength

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju


I dreamed twice that there was a Beyond memory museum, where people came and went every day, and many fans came here to learn about their stories and enjoy their music. I haven't had a chance to go to a Beyond concert yet. As long as any of my three sons comes to my city for a concert, I will not hesitate to watch it. I like Beyond, I like Huang Jiaju, I like to listen to their music, I can listen to both albums and live versions.


When I was in the second year of junior high school, I overheard "Really Love You", and at that time I was young and rarely listened to songs in other languages (because my ethnic minority listened to my own ethnic songs when I was a child), thinking that this song was about love, and then slowly listened to and understood, and was deeply attracted by their songs. I still like him even after graduating from junior year, and I will continue to listen to him for decades to come! Forever Beyond, forever Huang Jiaju!

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju

Over the past 30 years, Huang Jiaju has left behind not only songs in this world, but also a variety of deeply felt spirits - the unyielding of "being ridiculed so what" in "The Sea and Sky", the confidence and bravery in "No More Hesitation", the warmth and sincerity in "Really Love You", the peace and great love in "Amani"...

A few naïve ideals: 30 ordinary people's eyes of Huang Jiaju

In 1991, Wong went to Africa for charity visits. (Photo/Network)

Recently, there are always especially real "comic clouds" in the sky, which are very three-dimensional, so three-dimensional that people feel that the sky is so close to us and close to us. At the end of June, the sky was so close to us, and so was Huang Jiaju.

Singer Huang Yiming has sung a song "Our Sky", which was written to Huang Jiaju by fans of Beyond, if you see here and have time to listen to a song——                                                                                                                  

     ——The above thoughts, to Huang Jiaju, who has not been seen for 30 years

The missing Huang Jiaju

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