
Why is cheese not popular in China?

author:Dutch uncle
Why is cheese not popular in China?

In the past ten years, with the popularization of health knowledge and the improvement of transportation conditions, dairy products have become more and more popular in China. When my uncle was a child, his dairy products were mainly milk powder, and now children can drink fresh milk and yogurt.

However, as an important member of dairy products, cheese has always been poorly sought after in the domestic market. Why is the cheese common in foreign countries not popular in China?

Why is cheese not popular in China?

When it comes to eating habits, it is necessary to start very early and very early. The land we live in, whether it is climate, soil or population, has been more suitable for agriculture since ancient times. Our ancestors harvested grains and vegetables on their farms, which were enough to satisfy basic nutrition and fill their stomachs.

As the source of milk, cattle are very valuable property in ancient China, and will never have every family, so there is not enough milk production, and there will be no conditions for milk to become a widely popular food.

The ethnic minorities in the ancient north of China had a nomadic tradition, and they often ate dairy products, but this trend of eating dairy products has never been widely spread in the Central Plains.

Why is cheese not popular in China?

▲ Picture said: Milk lumps of ethnic minorities in northern China

Instead, our ancestors mainly obtained protein from beans and soy products. Therefore, it is also appropriate to say that cheese in the Western diet is like soy products in the Chinese diet.

Extend this metaphor. Beans and milk are rich in protein, so we can obtain various flavors of soy products and dairy products by coagulation and fermentation.

Take Chinese food, foreigners are still acceptable to tofu, but for the same soy products of curd milk, stinky tofu is afraid to avoid thousands of miles.

Similarly, we like yogurt, but to process milk to the level of cheese, many people will not be able to mouth, not to mention cheese and various classifications, some flavor is too thick, so that since ancient times, there is no cheese habit of Chinese difficult to accept.

Why is cheese not popular in China?

▲ The picture says: Some cheeses are not used to many foreigners, you don't have to be hard

In addition, after a long period of development, Chinese food has become a system of its own, and the spices and sauces used in Chinese food are basically fixed. It would be strange to add a strong foreign seasoning, such as cheese, to the shredded fish and sauce that we often eat.

Why is cheese not popular in China?

Although we do not accept cheese in terms of dietary habits, we must admit that this stone of other mountains is really a rich source of nutrition.

Everyone knows that milk is a very nutritious food, and the three major production capacity nutrients and minerals and vitamins that human beings need can be found in milk.

Put it this way, if you can only choose one food and choose dairy products on a desert island, Uncle Grandma thinks that he may live longer.

And what cheese is, in simple terms, cheese is milk that has been stripped of its moisture. Almost 90% of the milk is water, so eating a piece of cheese is equivalent to drinking 10 times the milk, efficient, right?

In addition, it is precisely because the cheese concentrates the fat and protein in the milk, the small piece of cheese is really too hungry, and the feeling of fullness and satisfaction is very strong.

Why is cheese not popular in China?

Of course, cheese doesn't just dry the milk. In the process of making cheese, there is often a fermentation step, which converts the lactose in milk into lactic acid.

This is good news for East Asians who are generally deficient in lactase, and many people will not have a bulging stomach and diarrhea and stomachache after drinking pure milk, just as drinking yogurt will not be uncomfortable.

Why is cheese not popular in China?

How can such a good thing be loved? Uncle Grandma is here to teach you.

First of all, don't be particularly strange when picking cheese. Just like a foreigner who has just started eating soy products, he took a bottle of X Zhihe's large piece of curd milk as soon as he came up, which is really the difficulty of hell when he gets started.

Grandma suggests that cheese novices choose cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, they are basically a strong milk flavor, which is quite friendly to Chinese foodies.

Why is cheese not popular in China?

▲ Picture: The golden color is the symbol of cheddar cheese

If you are still not used to eating, Uncle Grandma recommends that you buy re-made cheese. What is a remastered cheese?

It is processed on the basis of pure cheese, and the taste is often more approachable. Supermarkets can often see small cups or slices of reconstituted cheese, and some are also made into a fruit flavor, which is no pressure for children to eat.

Why is cheese not popular in China?

You should also pay attention to the cheese selection. In order to preserve preservatives, many pure cheeses will contain a lot of salt, you can taste the sample when you buy, see if it is suitable for your own taste, too salty cheese is not only unaccustomed to eating, but also not good for the body.

When buying re-made cheese, you should also look at the protein content, how much sugar is, don't have the heart to buy cheese, and end up buying milk candy. A simpler approach is to look at the ingredient list, and if there are one or two dairy products in the first three items and there is no sugar, it is generally not a big problem.

As for how to eat cheese, it is completely creative on its own. Good to eat, directly as a snack to eat; flakes, sandwiched in bread steamed bread to eat; strong flavor of the lump, mixed with cold vegetables to eat, stew to eat. There is really no creativity, remember to pay attention to the uncle canteen!

Why is cheese not popular in China?
Why is cheese not popular in China?

Milk powder, would you like to try cheese?

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