
Tips to keep fat dropping

author:PumpSense Fitness

✔️ What is fat

The human body usually converts more than calories into triglycerides, and packs these triglycerides in fat cells, which are very powerful, and they have a characteristic, that is, no upper limit. As long as you dare to eat constantly, fat cells can keep absorbing calories, so how to indulge for a long time, fat cells will become larger and larger, and it will be more and more difficult to lose weight.

✔️ The essence of weight loss

The essence of weight loss is to create an energy gap, the total energy consumed throughout the day> the total energy ingested throughout the day, you can produce a calorie gap, at which time the body will begin to consume stored energy and break down fat, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss.

Dieting ⛔️ to lose weight

Dieting alone to lose weight will only lose more muscle, and will also reduce the basal metabolism, resulting in more difficult calories to be consumed, thereby accumulating into fat and making it easier to regain weight. At the same time, it will also be accompanied by the pain of overeating, not eating hungry uncomfortable, eating and regretting entanglement, aunt less lead to departure, a lot of hair loss, head does not rotate, mood becomes unstable, more likely to be irritable and depressed, greatly affect daily work, study life and interpersonal communication, the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits, the author is like this, really not advisable, good eating habits are king.

Tips to keep fat dropping
Tips to keep fat dropping
Tips to keep fat dropping