
53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

On June 28, as a working day, the mainland film market ushered in 5 new films.

It is a pity that the box office trend of "Disappearing Her" is against the sky, resulting in these 5 new films being reduced to foils, and none of them exceeded one million at the box office on the first day, and the proportion of films in "Disappearing Her" not only did not decline, but rose, and the single-day box office hit a new high since its release.

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

"Disappearing Her" reversed the fall, breaking 190 million at the daily box office, and will surpass "Mermaid" into the top 13 in film history!

At present, the summer file of the mainland film market has become a personal show of "Disappearing Her".

As of 22 o'clock on June 28, the film accounted for more than 51%, the box office accounted for 82%, the attendance rate far exceeded the new films in the same period, and the single-day box office exceeded 190 million on the 7th day of release, setting a new single-day box office high since its release, which is a working day.

The film's single-day box office reversed for three consecutive days, and the cumulative box office broke through 1.252 billion.

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

According to the current trend, the movie even hopes to rush 300 million at the single-day box office at the end of this week, and the cumulative box office soars to 2 billion, which is undoubtedly a big dark horse in the summer, with the growth of the movie box office, more and more audiences, and more and more discussions about movies. It is even more able to attract audiences who are not originally interested, and it is no wonder that the ticketing platform predicts that the final box office of the film will be more than 3.3 billion.

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

A total of 15 new films were released this Monday, of which 5 were released on June 28 and the box office hit the street, and one "Transparent Heroes" was scared away by "Disappearing Her" and withdrawn, the only new film with attention is Hollywood "Indiana Jones 5", but unfortunately the film cost 300 million US dollars to shoot, but the mainland pre-sale box office did not even break one million.

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

The real opponent of "Disappearing Her" is "In the Octagon Cage" and "Drug Sweep 3" released on July 6, which means that the movie still has more than a week of exclusive film period, and the final box office does not say that it will break 3.3 billion, and even the probability of breaking 3.4 billion is also very high, if the movie rushes to 3.3 billion or even higher, then it will surpass Stephen Chow's "Mermaid" into the top 13 box office in Chinese film history.

It is also the only pure suspense film, Chen Sicheng does have two brushes.

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"!

"Disappearing Her" is so strong, naturally the 5 new films that have just been released are miserable, as of June 28 at 22 o'clock the best performance of the new film is "Shen Jilan", the first day box office broke 726,000, followed by "This Life Has a Appointment" box office on the first day of 333,000, the remaining three new films did not break 30,000 on the first day, and "Through the Beacon" had a box office of 29,000 on the first day.

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

"Who is I Unreliable" only 2449 yuan at the box office on the first day.

But the worst should be "Flame Guard", this movie by Huang Junpeng, that is, Chen Hai in "In the Name of the People", the anti-corruption bureau chief who played almost the entire TV series bed scene, as well as the famous actress Yang Tongshu and other actors starred, it can be said that "Flame Guard" is the strongest star cast and the highest production cost among the 5 new films.

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

But as of 22 o'clock on June 28, the box office of the movie on the first day was only 2282 yuan, and the audience on the premiere day was only 53, accounting for less than 0.1%, according to the current trend, the final box office of the movie will not exceed 100,000!

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

"Flame Guard" is a blockbuster with a positive energy theme.

The film tells the conflict between the different concepts of the two male protagonists in the concept of rescue and rescue methods, plus the side stories of community fire fighting, tunnel fire rescue and so on, creating the image of a group of heroic firefighters for the audience.

53 viewers, the box office on the first day was only 2282 yuan, this new film was beaten miserably by "Disappearing Her"

It's a pity that the film has good intentions, but the shooting method is too old-fashioned, in recent years, the main theme blockbuster has been high at the box office under the leadership of Wu Jing, but Wu Jing's main theme blockbuster uses a lot of commercial elements, which is not available in traditional main theme movies. Although "Flame Guardians" adopts an all-star lineup, the narrative method is still old-fashioned, and the special effects scenes are also average.

It is really difficult to attract a young audience. But young audiences don't watch it, what's the point of these movies?

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