
Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

author:Little Panan

In 1936, Mao Zedong said in a conversation with the American journalist Snow in northern Shaanxi, "Many things happened in my life at the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, and my political ideas began to take shape during this period. Here I also gained my first experience of social activity. ”

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong met with his teachers and friends of that year, and he also said many times, "I have not officially entered a university, nor have I studied abroad, and my knowledge and learning are the foundation laid by the First Division." The First Division is a good school. ”

Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

As the founding leader, Mao Zedong mentioned the First Normal School many times, which shows the weight of this school in his heart.

In the spring of 1913, Mao Zedong was admitted to the Hunan Provincial Fourth Normal School. In February 1914, the Fourth Normal School was merged into the Provincial First Normal School. From then on, Mao Zedong studied at the First Normal School until his graduation in June 1918.

During the five and a half years that Mao Zedong studied at the First Normal School, the principal of the First Normal School changed many times, of which Kong Zhaoshou was the principal for the longest time. Kong Zhaoshou served twice as the principal of the First Normal School, the first from April 1913 to January 1914, and the second from September 1916 to September 1918, adding up to two and a half years. For such a long time, Mao Zedong, as a student, was naturally greatly influenced by him.

The history of the Hunan First Normal School once commented on Kong Zhaoshou, "Conforming to the trend of the new cultural movement and using the results of the investigation and education abroad, the democratic education of the Hunan First Normal School was further developed, and it was constitutionalized and institutionalized." ”

Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

In the TV series "Qia Classmate Boy", there is a very detailed scene about Kong Zhaoshou's influence on Mao Zedong. As the principal of the first division personally hired by Tan Yanmin, the overseer of Hunan Province, Kong Zhaoshou, who returned from studying in Japan, did not use it as a capital to sell his reputation and reputation. Instead, it is to devote all its efforts to the creation of the first division, so that the first division has better educational and teaching resources. He spared no effort and exhausted his tongue to invite Yuan Zhongqian, Xu Teli, Yang Changji and other masters of the Republic of China, laying a solid foundation for the teaching of the first division.

Famous teachers are available, various teaching regulations are in place, kong Zhaoshou in order to allow more poor students to have books to read, but also added additional student allowance subsidies to the enrollment notice. Running a school is not for profit, and running a school is not afraid of blood. Running a school is not for the sake of fame, and running a school always considers poor students. Such a principal is really a model of education and a model of a principal.

As an advanced intellectual who studied in Japan, Kong Zhaoshou's vision can be described as broad. He advocated freedom and democracy, so during his tenure at the First Teacher, he brought this trend to the school. Inclusiveness, freedom of thought, application of learning, application of the world, used by him for education and teaching. The First Normal School was able to produce outstanding students like Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, etc., and his credit is not small.

Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

When drafting the admissions examination paper, he resolutely abandoned the composition topic "Passing on the Unaccustomed" drafted by Yuan Zhongqian, and convened all teachers to openly discuss the composition topic. Proceeding from reality, with the theme of "On Primary Education", students who sign up can play freely. Such a principal always considers problems from the perspective of students everywhere, which is really rare.

Kong Zhaoshou is not an arbitrary principal, he has different ideas, he will not oppose it in person, but through the way of whole discussion, dialectics, brainstorming, so as to obtain the best decision. While the teachers were still debating which of Mao Zedong and Cai hesen's composition was the first, Kong Zhaoshou invited Yang Changji to be the final judge. Being able to convince the teacher, rather than suppressing people with a position, this is a good principal and good colleague who really dedicates himself to education.

In "Qia Classmate Youth", Kong Zhaoshou has three classic speeches, from which his personal charm can be seen. The first time was the first night of the new students' admission, and he went to the dormitory of Mao Zedong and other students and said the following passage (excerpt):

Our first division is known as the Millennium Academy. Since the Southern Song Dynasty The great Confucian Zhang Nanxuan founded the Chengnan Academy here for more than 800 years, although it has experienced natural disasters, although it has experienced war disasters, although it has undergone dynastic changes and emperors have changed, it has been endlessly hanging straight to today. Sun Dingchen and He Shaoji, such as Zeng Guofan and Li Yuandu, such as Tan Sitong and Huang Xing, have been born with talents from generation to generation and are as brilliant as stars, becoming an important branch of our Huxiang School.

Why? I think it can be summed up in one sentence: it is applied through the ages. What is the world, dedicated to the country, dedicated to the society is called the world. So what is practical? Take what I have learned, and use what I have used.

Our Chinese nation has accumulated weakness for a hundred years, precisely because the people's wisdom has not yet been opened, and only by vigorously promoting education can we use new knowledge and new culture. Sweep away the ignorance and backwardness of the whole nation. Educate everyone, and everyone will be governed. If everyone is autonomous, society will be good. Social reform will bring about a flourishing talent.

Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

In the century-old plan, education comes first. It is precisely because the country is poor and weak that the people of the country must be more self-reliant. The root of self-improvement lies in education. Only by enlightening the people's wisdom and vigorously promoting education can we save the country. Educate everyone, and everyone will be governed. This heartfelt, heartfelt and eager remark is still deafening today. Rejuvenating the country through science and education is the best recipe for China to stand tall for a thousand years.

In his second speech, when student Liu Junqing was wasting grain and humiliating Cai hesen, he said this:

When I was young, my family was very poor, I couldn't afford to eat anything good, once in the New Year, my mother borrowed half a bag of corn, ground into noodles and steamed a pot of nests, I was very hungry, took a piece and ate it, and as a result, my mouth was burned, and the nest head fell to the ground, and my mother picked up half of the nest and ate the dirty half by herself. The clean half, left to me.

Students, the students of the First Teacher's Training, a porridge and a meal, it is not easy to come by. How frugal your parents were at home, how much they spared food and goods. Do you remember that your old father in the field braved the three-volt sun to cut rice all day in the field all day long. Do you remember that your mother often put half of the rice in the bowl into your bowl? He also said that he had eaten half of it, and he was already very full.

Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

Classmate Liu Junqing, please come out of the list. There is a teacher that I would like to introduce to you again, and also to all of our students, that is, Teacher Xu Teli, whom you call Xu Dahua. I know that not only you are alone, but also many classmates behind his back call him this way, Xu yelled flowers. Yes, we, Teacher Xu, really look like Hanako. He wears coarse cloth clothes and grass shoes under his feet. Can't afford to sit in a palanquin and eat in the student canteen. Even an oil-paper umbrella is reluctant to buy, and when it rains, I wear a coat, which is shabby.

Among the teachers in Changsha City, there was no way to find the second one so shabby. However, this Xu shouted flowers, in the provincial council, the post of deputy speaker alone has a monthly salary of two hundred oceans. Not to mention that he also served as the principal of Changsha Normal School and also took the curriculum of three schools. There is no one in Changsha City who is comparable to the teachers, so where does his money go? If you have time, you may wish to go to Teacher Xu's hometown, Wumei Township, Changsha County, and you will see a primary school. A primary school for the children of poor peasant families is free, and students there do not need money to study, not a penny. And our teacher Xu, Xu yelled flowers. He left all his family in the countryside to work as a farmer, because the cost of living in Changsha City was too high, because he felt that as long as he could save a dollar, he could let a poor child read for an extra month.

Classmates, students of the First Teachers. What is poverty and what is wealth? Wearing straw shoes, patching rough tea and light rice is poverty? Wear leather shoes, sit in a palanquin, and the taste of the mountains and the sea is rich?

When you don't care about personal gains and losses, and do your best to make more people happy, you are so rich and happy spiritually.

Even if you have a million fortunes, at night, you will find that you are not happy, because you are mentally a penniless poor egg.

Today, I have left this half of the nest head, and I also hope that this half of the nest head will remain in the hearts of every student from now on, so that we can firmly remember that frugality is the foundation of self-cultivation.

Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

The cause of the incident was that Liu Junqing hated that the food in the canteen was not good, and threw away the nest head that had been called. Such a waste of grain made Cai Hesen very heartbroken, and he advised Liu Junqing. Liu Junqing not only did not listen, but held a grudge. Inadvertently, when Cai and Sen ate the nest he threw away, Liu Junqing began to take the opportunity to humiliate cai and Sen in front of everyone in the canteen. This incident caused an uproar in the school, in the face of Liu Junqing's behavior. Kong Zhaoshou did not privately find Liu Junqing to criticize him fiercely, but gave a lesson to all the teachers and students of the school. A lesson on thrift and thrift, and cherishing food.

He spoke emotionally, touchingly, reasonably, and brilliantly. What is poverty and what is wealth? Wearing straw shoes, patching rough tea and light rice is poverty? Wear leather shoes, sit in a palanquin, and the taste of the mountains and the sea is rich? Thinking about our current values, and then thinking about President Kong's theory of poverty and wealth, it is really shameful.

Kong Zhaoshou's third speech was in the school auditorium, facing the shame of the Five Seven Kingdoms, as a man with blood and conscience, Kong Zhaoshou was angry and generously made a statement (excerpt):

Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

There's a word that I'm sure everyone has heard of, China. This is What Japan calls China, and in the mouths of the Japanese, China is China.

Today's Japan, with its deliberate intentions and longing for the tiger, regards china as its bag, and has the great desire to destroy me and eat food, which is far from a day. As for Yuan Shikai's government, it bent its knees, betrayed the country and sought glory, and he directly wanted to give up our great rivers and mountains to the Japanese Kou, and such traitorous acts were like our people still muddy and nightmarish, still allowing them to do so, and the demise of China was imminent.

What is the matter with the widespread establishment of schools in the country? Why do we young people come to school? It is precisely because the hope of a country lies in the youth, and the future of a country must be borne by the youth. At this time of national difficulties, my young students have the responsibility to return to the country, and they are shouldering the heavy responsibility of storing strength for the country.

What is death? Feeling the difficulty of the country, vowing nine deaths to unswerving, although the sword sawed the wok, what is the word! Man is inherently dead, and if he dies where he deserves it, he is not happy!

Kong Zhaoshou's impassioned speech inspired the students and infected me, the bystander in front of the TV. Feeling the difficulty of the country, vowing nine deaths to unswerving, although the sword sawed the wok, what is the word! Not afraid of power, not afraid of death, the rise and fall of the country, the piaf has the responsibility. Such a responsible and courageous principal can not teach such a tiger-like student as Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, Luo Xuezan, and He Shuheng? As the song of the Hunan First Division school wrote, "People can be cast, gold can be melted, and Li Zeshao is high wind." Multi-material self-expansive bear seal. The boy works hard and becomes a man. ”

Kong Zhaoshou of "Qia Classmate Boy": There is no such enlightened principal, how can he be a student like a tiger

This is a talented principal, a responsible principal, a principal who understands education. Straighten yourself out and discipline others with yourself. Enlightening the people's wisdom, promoting the style of learning, cultivating talents, and preaching morality are the qualified preachers and teachers of china.

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