
Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

author:Daesei Kokugaku Academy

Mr. Xiong Boqi is an alternative in today's art world.

It was originally a forest with a few tigers and small beasts living in it. In the past, the forest has become a grassland, the small beast may not have changed much, it is still out of tune, but the tiger has also become a group of lions. Suddenly one day a tiger came out of nowhere, and the lions said, "Are you in the wrong place?" There can only be lions here!

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

Many book lovers know that Dacheng is very particular about the names of contemporary calligraphers and painters (or perhaps not necessarily at all, but it is following the old principle that the name is not correct. Artistically and in terms of meaning, the word "Sir" will be added to the name, such as in ancient times when the elders bowed first. And Xiong Boqi should add the word "teacher" after that.

Teacher Xiong Boqi debuted early, but also in accordance with the tradition of the older generation of art figures to practice the child gong, but also the calligraphy and painting printing together, the way to practice separately, but not crooked without the jianghu qi of the practice, in Rong Baozhai there is a long time contact with the old man and the modern famous masters of calligraphy and painting printing opportunities, but also with the help of the name of Rong Baozhai early fame.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

His artistic views have been very different from those of the contemporary art world!

He said, "Chinese culture and art have a history of at least four thousand years, and if you use decades of your life to fight against thousands of years, you are actually hitting a stone with a pebble." So as long as there is something in the tradition, it is a big success. Art is like a big river, we are like fish in a river. Fish in order to show to jump out of the water, so that all directions can see, of course, the higher the jump, the better, but the jump is not good to jump to the shore, do you still have life? With this point of view, we should not be able to sit in a high position and seek great profits in the contemporary book world, but since we uphold the style and bones of the older generation of literati, we do not care about these things.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

Tasting many of Mr. Xiong Boqi's views, Dacheng has a lot of feelings and recognition. For thousands of years, this bamboo forest has been the old bamboo that has died and turned into nutrients, and the new bamboo shoots have absorbed these nutrients and grown into new bamboo. The new shoots that can possess the aura of the rain and dew of heaven and earth will grow into the tallest bamboo in the future and lead their peers to continue to move forward. After entering the contemporary era, the rules have changed, the small bamboo shoots are not based on the blood of the old bamboo bones, to the pursuit of genetic mutations, bamboo shoots grow into other plant-like appearances to become famous, it is best to be able to uproot themselves to make a grimace to scare people, in order to attract attention and seek great profits.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

Mr. Xiong Boqi is not a heavenly and generous calligrapher, and the seal carving that has become famous is actually far from looking at the back of Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, Zhao Shitang, Wang Zhen and other great masters, even if it is quite inferior to Mr. Qiao Dazhuang and Lai Chusheng.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

However, the most rare thing is precisely that he is impartial and does not follow the usual flow, perhaps leaving some blood in the Chinese art world, and when the future cultural literacy and artistic appreciation of the Chinese are improved, there are traces to follow when looking for the essence of the ancients, so as not to have the risk of breaking the generation.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

Since he is a seal engraver, it is of course the most important thing to talk about seal books. However, The calligraphy left by Teacher Xiong is quite scattered, and there are also merits. For example, his skinny gold body. In his early years, he learned to paint non-min painting, and also followed the study of thin gold body for inscription painting, and the thin gold body was naturally quite sophisticated for decades. However, the world learns to thin gold body, Zhao Yao's king qi spills, the weather jumps to nothing, and the disadvantages of being delicate and delicate and evenly arranged are not much, just like Jin Xuanzong. Compared with Non-Min, Teacher Xiong's thin gold body is even more so.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

Teacher Xiong's grass is also more common, as the calligraphy of the seal carver, the habit of natural knife method into the book has always been consistent, unlike Han Tianheng's punching knife into the book, Shi Kai's cutting knife into the book, Xiong Boqi's spinning knife into the book is particularly obvious. Unlike Wu Changshuo, who swallows the seal book into the paper but the grass is laid straight in, Teacher Xiong's grass is also like a seal book, hiding the head and tail, and cherishing the front like gold. In a word, the strike is the breath, and the center is the blood. More blood veins and less breath are like a round fat, three tall short man, a word becomes a collection of N more round fat and three tall short fat people and people are impatient.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

Due to the use of seals into the book, and too much hidden edges, the flow of breath is originally stagnant, but also to add that each word is not considered as a whole (seal engravers encounter a large number of words, often have the disadvantage of insufficient control of the chapter), and become a single word, evenly pieced together the whole picture. As a result, Teacher Xiong's grass can basically be included in the ranks of the theory of inadequacy.

Teacher Xiong's works are diverse in style, simply put, they are all kinds of different appearances written with various posts as imitation objects, and even the brushwork characteristics and knot characteristics are separated. It can be seen that its cultivation of calligraphy does not target the process of a post from "entering the post" to "posting" to "blending", and this type of work is no different from "playing tickets".

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

We can finally talk about teacher Xiong Boqi's seal book. Teacher Xiong's seal book works, like other works, have a heavy imitation of the style of their predecessors, including Wu Dayi, Deng Shiru, Yu Zhen seal, as well as a large Tang seal, Xiuquan Yuan Seal, which may be related to the need for seal engravers to change the seal style according to the different seals, and indeed have never seen a seal engraver who has carved a life.

However, although it is changeable, there is a type of seal writing style Xiong Teacher wrote the most, with crooked teeth, like the meaning of birds and insects, but the distribution is natural, the penmanship is spontaneous, far different from the modern style of the family, which is refreshing. Its source is the inkblot of the late Western Han Dynasty "Zhangye Du Wei Wei Letter". "Zhangye Du Wei Tang Xin" is a silk fabric inkblot, due to the age of the silk broken a lot, after restoration still can not fully restore the original appearance, so the line twists and turns, a reverse of the normal seal book, providing an unexpected beauty. Just like the ancient stone carvings of the ancient form of the ancient stone, which are natural and artificial works together, Mr. Wu Changshuo's seal works, fortunately, the pen intention is not flat and straight, but simulates this simple residue, with the beauty of time flowing out of the pen. This kind of penmanship was broken by Mr. Chen Yijing, the mentor of Dacheng at that time, many times to crack the evil drawbacks of Tang Kai's slippery and slippery water.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

The biggest achievement in Xiong Boqi's seal book is this new reference to people's tips. However, this style has been followed for a long time, and it looks new at first, but it becomes monotonous over time. After all, the number of words in the "Zhangye Du Wei Tang Xin" is quite small, and the creativity of the writers at that time was not fully displayed, if you want to use this as a basis for style, you need to mix the writing method of the Seal Stele in the Three Kingdoms period to enrich it, in order to become a system, and eventually form your own independent wind bone and penmanship symbols. Unfortunately, Teacher Xiong did not go any further.

At the same time, compared with Mr. Han Tianheng's seal book works, Mr. Xiong's seal book appears to be single with a single pen and a single knot, coupled with the way of conceiving the seal engraving surface, the whole work will naturally have the disadvantages of simple rules and insufficient conception. This is also a typical example of poor writing.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

Seal book, because of its relatively soothing breath, the nine-curved ileum can be, the wind and rain are vulgar, the world said that the grass seal is actually "the outer way". In this regard, Han Tianheng, Shi Kai, and even Yu Zengxiang, Wo Xinghua, and He Yinghui have already done a lot of exploration, and the key to success or failure lies in whether to take the method of "ancient dependence" or Hu Rectification. Mr. Xiong Boqi can incorporate into calligraphy the merging pens, fragmentations and some naturally formed or accidentally broken ancient lines in seal engraving. The way of art is nothing more than "boldness", "thick work", "heart to balance", "learning to be sufficient", although the spirit of the predecessors of the calligraphers is worthy of worship, the courage of the integration of contemporary art may as well be a little more. Although the knots of the seal book are rich, because the changes in its rhythm may be small, the breakthrough road must be to create online quality, and to break the new line has both solid and rich inheritance information, and can also integrate their own intentions in the process of knife into pen, which is the only way for the creators of the seal book to rise to a higher level and cannot avoid it.

Xiong Boqi, an alternative calligrapher written on the edge of ancient tradition and modernity - 30 Cool Reviews of the Book World

Teacher Xiong Boqi is generous, simple and simple, if he can suddenly enlighten the heavens in his old age, be new and deliberately integrate, his achievements must not be comparable to the pigs on the current book market!

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